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Debt collectors

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Sorry to tell you Jeffrey Shaw but your wrong on all your suggested options. The six years start from the date you made your very last payment.


Someone else says the Company must not be able to have been able to have made contact with you during these six years. This is not true. It is not they that must have been able to contact you, it is you that must have had to contact them for a new six year period to begin, again.


Also, it doesn't matter how many times a new Agency takes over the debt or how much extra Money is added to the original debt, the debt remains the original unless, in writing, you acknowledge the alteration.


Someone else displayed here the letter that the Law Society suggests you write. Unfortunately, the person that displayed this letter failed to mention the words "without prejudice". This is an important inclusion since it limits your liability if anything in the letter you mention turns out to be untrue.

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It is actually illegal to pass it over to a debt collector, as you signed the contract with 3 mobile and not the debt collectors.If they do come knocking this is what i did.




That article refers to US law. I think the OP is in the UK. Now see others have pointed this fact out and that it is a very old thread anyway.

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Any limitation period for debt begins when the debtor first breaches his/her contractual obligations, i.e. when 'the cause of action arises': not from the date you made your very last payment, for instance! Or don't you understand the Act? Here it is again:


5. Time limit for actions founded on simple contract.


An action founded on simple contract shall not be brought after the expiration of six years from the date on which the cause of action accrued.

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So if I signed a contract in 2004, paid it normally until 2008 and then stopped.

6 years later in 2014 the debt will be null??? (if I've not been taken to court or something)


It has nothing to do with contacting parties, letters back and forth and so on??

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