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Are we obsessed with ourselves?

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I've recently been watching reality tv shows where men and women are obsessed with the way they look.


Men are under pressure to perfect that six pack along with shaving natural body hair :/


We've become obsessed with weight loss and wrinkles, ect.


we should accpet ourselves as well as everyone else for who they are and stop trying to change what is naturally given to us.

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I'm confused as to who men are being put under pressure for.

Straight guys tend not to care what other guys look like, most gay guys don't either for that matter, unlike women who do seem a bit obsessed with what other women look like.

I can only assume that this pressure on men is so they conform to what women expect/want, all the adverts seem to link looking good with getting the ladies (not a new concept but still)

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We are a shallow, selfish and extremely neurotic society, led sheepishly by equally moronic TV shows like X-Factor, Big Brother (past) and Talentless Idol, as well as z-listers like Katie this, Paris that, Kerry dumbness and Cheryl useless?


From this woeful celeb tripe, stupid teen girls and other people will copy them.

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We are a shallow, selfish and extremely neurotic society, led sheepishly by equally moronic TV shows like X-Factor, Big Brother (past) and Talentless Idol, as well as z-listers like Katie this, Paris that, Kerry dumbness and Cheryl useless?


From this woeful celeb tripe, stupid teen girls and other people will copy them.


Unfair. I am no longer a teen but I still suffer from an eating disorder as a direct result of years of bullying about the way I look. I'm actually quite intelligent. Insecurity can hit anyone!


I'm not proud of feeling like I do, and I can apply the motto "beauty is only skin deep" to everyone except myself. I know it doesn't really matter-in my mind I KNOW that-but you try telling that to my eating habits.


I agree the world is way too shallow, but people who succumb to pressure are not automatically stupid.

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And in reply to the OP-I really wish people would accept people as they are. What the hell does it matter if someone is a stone over their "optimum" weight? Or has a spot? It doesn't matter. And yet I still keep telling myself I need to be thinner for a wedding later in the month which my OH's ex will be attending. It is the most frustrating thing in the whole wide world. I don't care what other people look like-it doesn't matter a jot to me. So why the hell can't I apply this philosophy to myself?


I truly believe women are other women's worst enemy. And do not get me started on women's magazines.....

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short answer is yes. and things seem to be getting a lot worse before they get better. my daughter (8 years old) says she can't get out of the house without 'my fashion shades' and will only wear 'labels'. i only buy shoes in 'proper' shops coz i can't find my size in charity shops. she's not getting it from me!


she falls out with me all the time over 'daddy you're embarrassing me' coz i don't wear 'labels'. i do watch her when she's around girls her age. sad to say she's actually one of the tame ones.

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Dang, I thought something went funny, Mods please tidy double posts


It's a bit weird, there must be a fault because there are several threads with the same posts appearing a number of times.

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