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Are we obsessed with ourselves?

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It's a bit weird, there must be a fault because there are several threads with the same posts appearing a number of times.


:hihi: It happened when the forum went down for maintenance, if you see any more like that please report them.

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Well, I'm going to disagree! I dont think there's anything wrong with taking care if yourself and making an effort. But, as with all things in life, there's a find balance and when you place the emphasis of any one aspect of life, things get screwed up.


If only people spent more time focussing on their mental health - we'd all be a lot happier (or at least be on the way)!

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I've recently been watching reality tv shows where men and women are obsessed with the way they look.


Men are under pressure to perfect that six pack along with shaving natural body hair :/


We've become obsessed with weight loss and wrinkles, ect.


we should accpet ourselves as well as everyone else for who they are and stop trying to change what is naturally given to us.


I would say we are obsessed with ourselves.

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Very interesting........it would seem that all the "wannabe celebrity" bubbling away in our culture is the culmination of 'escapism' After all, the celebs don't have to worry re 'jobseekers allowances', they are looked at with awe due to their fabulous face/figure/suntan/handbag, and they seem to have money to burn...so we wanna be them!


And everytime we buy a glossy magazine, with pictures of these 'useless' people, we push that culture one step further.


Its a shame we have forgotten, or never discovered, the pleasures of living our own lives.


What exactly is it about their veneer which is so enthralling?


And its now so bad that even our children think it is important to be 'designer'. Do they not realise that most items have been designed in the first place, or they wouldn't exist!


Sorry, rant over...nearly.....

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yes generally "we" are

guys at work are into body building, and steroids and all that crap.

wimmin i know at work going for tanning sessions and even some for the pretend tan stuff


personally im not into all that crap, im me people take me as they find me

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