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Tired of this awful life?

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Is there anything/much that's redeemable about this life/society in any deep way?


It all seems to have changed during the last decade or so. Everything either seems ultra-shallow, viciously nasty or plain depressing. That is in actual life or online.


I'm a young guy but already knew two people (young, employed, intelligent and into fitness, not lazy or indolent) who ended it and I am one of the few that doesn't blame them at all, I envy their guts and resolve. And where they aren't!


What a <REMOVED> this society/life is.

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There are loads of awesome things about life and loads of terrible things...


The key is to look for the positive, to make your own future. Life really is a mirror of your attitude. Treat it optimistically and it'll treat you kindly. Sure, bad things happen but it's how you deal with them that reveals your character.



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There are loads of awesome things about life and loads of terrible things...


The key is to look for the positive, to make your own future. Life really is a mirror of your attitude. Treat it optimistically and it'll treat you kindly. Sure, bad things happen but it's how you deal with them that reveals your character.





what he said :)

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Thanks, but no matter how closely this advice is followed, how other <REMOVED> treat you doesn't change?


No, but you choose how to react to them!


It sounds like you're making life difficult for yourself!


Edit (pressed send too early). The only thing in life you can control is yourself. You choose how you react to others!

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Everyone gets like this from time to time but you just grit your teeth and get on with it. Topping your self is a wimp's way out and is also very selfish to your family and friends.


No one is going to live your life for you and no one is going to hold your hand when time's get hard, you just get on with it. If people treat you bad treat them the same, if people treat you good give it back to them ten fold.


If you don't like people in general do things on your own, i always found fishing a good way to escape people when i feel like i don't want to be around anyone.

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Funnily enough, I've also had two friends kill themselves since last summer. They weren't sporty and employed, though, mine were unemployed musicians from Norfolk like me. I also, like you, can understand why they did it.


I also can see how the 'helpful' advice of people here is, though well-meaning, likely to make you more nauseated and ****** off.


My advice is to read some Kurt Vonnegut; there was a man who was dreadfully depressed but knew how to see the funny side of it all.


Or to just keep going because things do eventually get better, although sometimes that takes a while.


I have a friend who seems convinced that reading turn of the century adventure stories is all I need, and that makes me laugh. If (when) things get really bad again, I might just do that.


Failing all that, sometimes other people's advice does have some value, if not the way they say it: take up a new hobby; hitch hike across the country to see an old friend; if things really really bad, then you have nothing to lose by getting medical help, which helps some people tremendously, either the meds or the talking therapies, or both, whichever you want to try first. You, assuming from what you said that you're not happy at the mo, have nothing to lose by trying any of these things.

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If you're finding helpful comments on here nauseating then you probably have underlying issues which need attention. It's true not everyone is optimistic, but I'm living proof you can survive a truly hideous childhood and shirk off the fetters that tie you down and be a happier person at peace!


It took me years of effort to change my attitude, and anyone can do it. It just takes the first step and the genuine desire to see the world in a better way.


Nauseated or not, other than medical issues, you choose how you react to the world and positive change takes great effort.

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I have felt like you are feeling now.In 2009 I lost my kids for 2 years, my home, my car, my dog and my dignaty. I was dragged through the court so I could see my kids and when I finally got to see my kids I was dragged through hell clearing up debt that I had been lumbered with. So in 2010 I lost my home and my car once again to be able to pay those debts and travel to see my kids.


I thought I was at rock bottom and really couldn't see an end to it all. I am now working in a job that I love. Although I live with my grandparents I am happy and secure. I am still paying out a mint each month and it seems I am working to pay off legal fees and debts becasuse I stopped loving someone.


All the way through this, I had a person who made me go that extra step. I dont really have a social life but I am seeing my kids every 2 weeks and wake up next to the person I love. In 2014 I should be debt free and can look for a place of my own with my partner.


Things are not always as bad as they seem. If I can work through it anyone can.


I had to loose everything and I mean everything but by doing this I gained everything.


Keep your chin up and push on through.

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