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Israel destroying two-state solution

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Saeb Erekat condemns inauguration of new East Jerusalem settlement by Israeli ministers, says it presents an obstacle to negotiations.


Senior Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat strongly condemned Thursday the inauguration of a new East Jerusalem settlement, blaming the Israeli government for destroying the vision for a two-state solution.


On Wednesday, Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin, Interior Minister Eli Yishai and several other government ministers attended a dedication ceremony for the new Jewish settlement of Ma'aleh Zeitim, in East Jerusalem's Ras al-Amud neighborhood.


The move came one day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared in Congress that Jerusalem will not be divided.



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Still playing the same record and I see. And what's wrong with israel wanting it for itself? And let's face it Saeb Erekat would say that wouldn't he, since he probably wants the whole of israel for himself.

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And what's wrong with israel wanting it for itself?


You don't see any problem with Israel building it's illegal settlements on Occupied Territory ?


Territory which the entire world regards as just that ? - Occupied ?

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sometimes they try to claim that the Israelis have used chemical warfare in the Middle East.


they haven't.


not the Israelis, but only Saddam and Nasser have used chemical weapons to kill other Middle Easterners (in Saddam's case, only Kurds and Iranians and not Arabs, but in Nasser's case, fellow Arab Yemenis).

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Really ? - so what do you call this.


I've got news for you pal. White Phosphorus is not a chemical weapon. It's an incendiary munition.


chemical weaponry is stuff like sarin, which Saddam used against Kurds, or mustard gas, which Nasser used against Yemenis.


as usual - FAIL.

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To the victor the spoils.



Precisely, if the Syria and Egypt had won the war back in the 60s, started to evict Israelis and began building houses on the land, he wouldn't be moaning.

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