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Israel destroying two-state solution

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Precisely, if the Syria and Egypt had won the war back in the 60s, started to evict Israelis and began building houses on the land, he wouldn't be moaning.


If the Arabs had won the war, the Israelis would have been shark food decades ago. :o

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Really ? - so what do you call this.


I've got news for you pal. White Phosphorus is not a chemical weapon. It's an incendiary munition.


chemical weaponry is stuff like sarin, which Saddam used against Kurds, or mustard gas, which Nasser used against Yemenis.


So by reading this (from Amnesty http://www.amnesty.org/en/news-and-updates/news/israeli-armys-use-white-phosphorus-gaza-cleaBTW ) :


The Israeli army used white phosphorus, a weapon with a highly incendiary effect, in densely populated civilian residential areas of Gaza City, according to indisputable evidence found an Amnesty International fact-finding team which reached the area last Saturday.


When white phosphorus lands on skin it burns deeply through muscle and into the bone, continuing to burn until deprived of oxygen.


The bit in bold is not really that important because white phosphorous isn't a chemical weapon... :cool:


Forget about the effects it has on the human body (particularly on children) :(

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So by reading this (from Amnesty http://www.amnesty.org/en/news-and-updates/news/israeli-armys-use-white-phosphorus-gaza-cleaBTW ) :




The bit in bold is not really that important because white phosphorous isn't a chemical weapon... :cool:


Forget about the effects it has on the human body (particularly on children) :(


Palestinians fire chemical weapons into Israel because for an explosion to occur a chemical reaction must take place. If I was blown to bits that last thing on my mind would be what kind of weapon killed me.

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like all the other anti-Israel numbskulls on the internet, CXC300 tries to claim that White Phosphorus is a chemical weapon when it isn't, and then when they get pulled up for it, say that it 'doesn't matter' what kind of weapon it is - just so long as the Israelis are using it of course.


it never concerns them about the Russians using White Phosphorous in Chechnya of course, even though it was used against Muslims. They only try to claim it's really bad when they can blame the Jews for it. When it's anybody else, they couldn't care less.

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like all the other anti-Israel numbskulls on the internet, CXC300 tries to claim that White Phosphorus is a chemical weapon when it isn't, and then when they get pulled up for it, say that it 'doesn't matter' what kind of weapon it is - just so long as the Israelis are using it of course.


it never concerns them about the Russians using White Phosphorous in Chechnya of course, even though it was used against Muslims. They only try to claim it's really bad when they can blame the Jews for it. When it's anybody else, they couldn't care less.


The Russian army is to be condemned when it used white phosphorous against civilians in Chechnya.


The Israeli army is to be condemned when it used white phosphorous against civilians in Gaza (and Lebanon).


callipo, do you condemn the IDF for using a weapon that tortures innocents ? - like to the children of Gaza ?

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All this debate won't come to a lot and won't help Israel a lot.

Israel is coughing up blood as we speak. It has bugger all chance without US support and the US wants 12 million barrels of oil per day more than it wants a mate like Israel.

That choice is coming soon and Obama knows it. Hence his talk of '67 borders.

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The Russian army is to be condemned when it used white phosphorous against civilians in Chechnya.


you don't do any of the condemning though do you? Since when have you ever dreamt of starting a topic about the Russians in Chechnya? Why don't you ask yourself exactly why you and others like so continually single out Israel rather than anyone else and SPAM about 10 topics a week?


That choice is coming soon and Obama knows it. Hence his talk of '67 borders.


this is what Obama actually said when he realised that the dumbass press - yes that same 'Zionist controlled' press the racist antisemites keep banging on about - had gotten the wrong end of the stick when he said We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps.


now that seems pretty clear to me. It's exactly the same position as Bush had, and Clinton had. It's been the international consensus for the past 17 years since the Oslo Accords.


but the press made a meal of it when there wasn't one, and the story snowballed into something quite different, forcing Obama to clarify his position :


it was my reference to the 1967 lines -- with mutually agreed swaps -- that received the lion’s share of the attention, including just now. And since my position has been misrepresented several times, let me reaffirm what “1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps” means.


By definition, it means that the parties themselves -– Israelis and Palestinians -– will negotiate a border that is different than the one that existed on June 4, 1967.


got it now?

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Still playing the same record and I see. And what's wrong with israel wanting it for itself? And let's face it Saeb Erekat would say that wouldn't he, since he probably wants the whole of israel for himself.


only a fool would believe the regime in Israel would want peace,,,


they continue to occupy and expand with out any shame


and yet the worlds hands remains tied unable to do or even say anything ( yes i am aware that Israel has the highest amount of UN condemnations )

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you don't do any of the condemning though do you? Since when have you ever dreamt of starting a topic about the Russians in Chechnya?


Er, hasn't the war been over for more than a decade now ? - do keep up :cool:


Why don't you ask yourself exactly why you and others like so continually single out Israel rather than anyone else and SPAM about 10 topics a week?


Because Israel is a democracy (or at least we think it is); it's held to a higher standard than the rest of the countries (aka dictatorships) in the Middle East and elsewhere.


Hopefully you'll appreciate why people are critical of Israel's brutality against a civilian population.

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