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Israel destroying two-state solution

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that must explain why Israel is only 40% of the size it was when they woke up on the morning of June 11, 1967. They gave the other 60% back, just in case you didn't know.


I Find it odd how some people can ATTEMPT to defend the regimes actions.


Israel continues to expand , ignore all laws by


1. Building settlements

2. Destruction of palis homes

3. Denial of palis building permits

4. Destruction of palis farm land , including olive trees.

And running over people with bull dozers and burying any one alive who tries and stand up too them.


People used defend the actions of the Nazis and even the apartied system in South Africa

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Not a chance in hell,the US congress is pretty much run by the jews and thats not going to change ever.


Up to this spring I would have agreed with that but not now.

The Yanks are saying bugger all about Gaza and supporting rebels when ever they get the chance. They supported Mubarak for many years but dropped him the moment they knew he was buggered.


It's true about the Jewish influence in the US government but politics are politics and business is business. They are just as aware as anyone else with a brain, no oil means the US is naffed and the US is importing 12 million barrels per day, mostly from Arabic countries.


Cash tends to clean the stains principles leave behind.

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Up to this spring I would have agreed with that but not now.

The Yanks are saying bugger all about Gaza and supporting rebels when ever they get the chance. They supported Mubarak for many years but dropped him the moment they knew he was buggered.


It's true about the Jewish influence in the US government but politics are politics and business is business. They are just as aware as anyone else with a brain, no oil means the US is naffed and the US is importing 12 million barrels per day, mostly from Arabic countries.


Cash tends to clean the stains principles leave behind.


Time will tell wont it,it will be very interesting to see the outcome.

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the US is importing 12 million barrels per day, mostly from Arabic countries.


upinwaths posts are just rubbish. It's obvious that the US position on the '67 lines is the same today with Obama as it was with Bush and Clinton before him. Obama never said anything else, except a significant portion of the press failed to understand what he initially said and for reasons best known to themselves, went away and wrote something else - prompting Obama to clarify what he'd originally said - namely, that any new border is going to be substantially different from the 1967 lines. Nothing has changed.


also, unfortunately for him, as of May, 2011, the US imports not a great deal of oil from the Arabs. Of the top 15 oil importers to the US, only 4 - Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, and Algeria are Arab Muslim countries and together they export 1938 thousand barrels of oil a day to the US between them. The other 11 countries together export 6540 thousand barrels of oil a day between them - that's a staggering 77%. So less than 1 out of every 4 barrels of oil the US imports comes from the Middle East.


here's the breakdown of US oil imports http://www.eia.gov/pub/oil_gas/petroleum/data_publications/company_level_imports/current/import.html

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[/b]Not a chance in hell,the US congress is pretty much run by the jews


13% of Congress are Jewish senators. Considerably more than the proportion of Jews in the US as a whole, but still not a lot. In the House, 30 of the 435 members are Jewish - that's less than 7%.


US Congress and the House of Representatives is not 'run by the Jews'. It's run by Americans, some of whom are Jewish, most of whom are not but who tend to broadly support Israel.

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Had Israel lost the six day war and lets face it they well might have if Egypt had pulled its finger out when the Israely pilots were takin a swim, then Israel would have been driven into the sea and we wouldn't be talkin about a two state system just the state of tha Arab states. What a state. Arabs get what they give, the left overs. Carry on spreading you hate and mantra you only make yourselves look like the 8th century Imam's who call the shots and still can't agree on which Sharia laws you should live buy.

What a job that is, still trying to make sense and understanting of a 14 century religion, what a work in progress that is. When you have worked out how to live then come knockin.

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What hate?

I think you'll find, assuming you're not stupid, my posts state fact and conclusions.

You'll find I mention the killer Israeli government and murdering armed forces, not Israelis and/or Jews in general when it comes to talk of Israeli's many crimes.


Of course some posters have their own hate agenda but try to hide that by falsely accusing others of the very thing they do themselves.


I know some posters on this forum are as thick as a Gurkha's fore skin but most are not.

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What hate?

I think you'll find, assuming you're not stupid, my posts state fact and conclusions.


sorry to burst your bubble but your posts don't state fact at all. They're a lot of ill-informed dribble. The US imports not 'most' but in actual fact less than a quarter of the oil it imports from overseas from the Middle East, and not only that, this low figure will go down even more in the coming years as the US fulfils even more their consistently stated aim of not relying on oil imports from the Middle East so much in the future.

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another jew hate thread.


Where in that post is there anti jewish hate?

All it is is a news report highlighting an act by the state which may be classed as dodgy

Just cos you keep saying it doesnt make it true

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