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Israel destroying two-state solution

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you don't do any of the condemning though do you? Since when have you ever dreamt of starting a topic about the Russians in Chechnya? Why don't you ask yourself exactly why you and others like so continually single out Israel rather than anyone else and SPAM about 10 topics a week?




this is what Obama actually said when he realised that the dumbass press - yes that same 'Zionist controlled' press the racist antisemites keep banging on about - had gotten the wrong end of the stick when he said We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps.


now that seems pretty clear to me. It's exactly the same position as Bush had, and Clinton had. It's been the international consensus for the past 17 years since the Oslo Accords.


but the press made a meal of it when there wasn't one, and the story snowballed into something quite different, forcing Obama to clarify his position :


it was my reference to the 1967 lines -- with mutually agreed swaps -- that received the lion’s share of the attention, including just now. And since my position has been misrepresented several times, let me reaffirm what “1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps” means.


By definition, it means that the parties themselves -– Israelis and Palestinians -– will negotiate a border that is different than the one that existed on June 4, 1967.


got it now?


Not really mutually agreed that israel should take jerusalem but nice try making it sound simple.

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Near Jerusalem's Damascus Gate, five Jewish men were arrested after uttering nationalistic calls at nearby Israeli Arabs and reportedly attempted to strike them.


In the city's Hanevi'im Street, two marchers were arrested after hurling objects at Israeli Arabs passing nearby.


Israelis terrorising it's Arab population; would that make them Israeli terrorists ?


care to explain why the Israeli police arrested the Jewish guys that insulted and threw stuff at the Arabs? Because there is rule of law in Israel maybe, and that just because someone is Jewish doesn't give them carte blanche to commit crimes?

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Near Jerusalem's Damascus Gate, five Jewish men were arrested after uttering nationalistic calls at nearby Israeli Arabs and reportedly attempted to strike them.


In the city's Hanevi'im Street, two marchers were arrested after hurling objects at Israeli Arabs passing nearby.




care to explain why the Israeli police arrested the Jewish guys that insulted and threw stuff at the Arabs? Because there is rule of law in Israel maybe, and that just because someone is Jewish doesn't give them carte blanche to commit crimes?


The post was specific to certain acts by ultra-Zionist Israelis. They terrorised the (Israeli) Arab population, hence them being Israeli terrorists.


Nothing too difficult to understand.

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seems to me like the Jewish guys behaved badly enough for the Israeli police to arrest them, even though nobody appears to have gotten hurt according to the Haaretz report. Not too much evidence of any 'terrorism'.

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seems to me like the Jewish guys behaved badly enough for the Israeli police to arrest them, even though nobody appears to have gotten hurt according to the Haaretz report. Not too much evidence of any 'terrorism'.


Do you think terrorism only involves bombs and bullets? - not what was done by certain Israeli extremists/racists ?

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where is the 'terrorism'. The neighborhood where the demo took place, Sheikh Jarrah, while yes it does have an Arab flavour, has always had Jewish residents. In the 1905 Ottoman census, 167 Arab families were recorded there, and 97 Jewish ones. What is wrong with Jews holding a march there exactly?

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  • 4 months later...

Israel's version of 'peace with the Palestinians' and it's sincerity towards a 2-state solution :


UN leader warns Israel over settlement 'provocations'


UN leader Ban Ki-moon accused Israel of provoking the international community by approving new settlements in Palestinian territories while efforts were being made to jumpstart peace talks.


Ban on Friday added that no new settlement would get international recognition as he highlighted growing frustration.


The UN statement was released by Ban's spokesman hours after the Peace Now group said Israel had formally submitted plans for a new settlement neighborhood in annexed east Jerusalem -- the sector's first new district in 14 years.


"The secretary general is deeply concerned at continued efforts to advance planning for new Israeli settlements in occupied East Jerusalem," said UN spokesman Martin Nesirky.


"Recent developments in this regard have been unacceptable, particularly as efforts are ongoing to resume negotiations, and run contrary to the Quartet?s call on the parties to refrain from provocations."



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Saeb Erekat has little to no credibility.

Erekat is one of the more prominent Palestinian spokespeople in the Western media. During the Second Intifada he loudly criticized Israeli actions and together with other sources characterized the IDF's 2002 assault in the Palestinian town of Jenin as a "massacre" and a "war crime", alleging that Israel has killed more than 500 Palestinians in the Jenin camp. After the incident was over and the Palestinian death toll was recorded at between 13 and 26 casualties Erekat faced widespread criticism


the Wiki article is wrong. Erekhat said 5000 not 500. There was also more Palestinians killed than that. It was more like 60 Arabs died at Jenin. 13 to 26 is probably about the right number of noncombatants - the rest were armed men.


22 Israeli soldiers were also killed in the battle. When Ariel Sharon visited Israeli troops afterwards, one of them asked him: “Why didn’t we bomb the terrorists from the air? That operation cost the lives of more than 20 of our comrades!” Sharon replied: “That is the painful and inevitable price that those who refuse to abandon their humanity have to pay.'

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The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism.


For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa. While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.


PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, March 31, 1977, interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw.

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