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Israel destroying two-state solution

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What do those who can't see anything wrong in what Israel does, think of the UN's condemnation of Tel Aviv and it's illegal settlements ?


For those of you who missed it, here it is again :


UN leader warns Israel over settlement 'provocations'


UN leader Ban Ki-moon accused Israel of provoking the international community by approving new settlements in Palestinian territories while efforts were being made to jumpstart peace talks.


Ban on Friday added that no new settlement would get international recognition as he highlighted growing frustration.


The UN statement was released by Ban's spokesman hours after the Peace Now group said Israel had formally submitted plans for a new settlement neighborhood in annexed east Jerusalem -- the sector's first new district in 14 years.


"The secretary general is deeply concerned at continued efforts to advance planning for new Israeli settlements in occupied East Jerusalem," said UN spokesman Martin Nesirky.


"Recent developments in this regard have been unacceptable, particularly as efforts are ongoing to resume negotiations, and run contrary to the Quartet?s call on the parties to refrain from provocations."


Callippo ? - Jeffrey ? - Jericho (aka 'Ian Dome') ?


Or are you one and the same ? :cool:

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