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RE teacher Gary Smith's Muslim attackers jailed

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No 5 years is not enough. Stoning might be enough.


What's five years for their actions compared to the beating of the young man who did......nothing.


we dont stone people if you havent noticed, weve risen above such things, is the general sentence for abh / gbh / assault 2,3,4,5 or more years? ive no idea


or do you just want a longer sentence cos theyre muslims?

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we dont stone people if you havent noticed, weve risen above such things, is the general sentence for abh / gbh / assault 2,3,4,5 or more years? ive no idea


or do you just want a longer sentence cos theyre muslims?

The law does.


This was clearly a racially-motivated attack - they didn't like a white non-Muslim teaching religion, so they brutally attacked him and left him for dead.


If a white man attacks a brown Muslim for reasons that are racially motivated, he gets a very much longer sentence than if he'd attacked another white man.


Do you not think that principle should be applied when white people are the victims?

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The law does.


This was clearly a racially-motivated attack - they didn't like a white non-Muslim teaching religion, so they brutally attacked him and left him for dead.


If a white man attacks a brown Muslim for reasons that are racially motivated, he gets a very much longer sentence than if he'd attacked another white man.


Do you not think that principle should be applied when white people are the victims?

it wasnt racially motivated it was religious, it wasnt cos he was a WHITE non muslim teaching, it was cos he was a none muslim teaching

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but certain people on here CONSISTANTLY denounce the religion as evil, when all along ive said its PEOPLE that bastadise it for their own ends

some people interperate it moderately, some people go over the top, its the extreme end ones that need targetting NOT the rest, when you target the whole religion as one due to the extremists you do nothing but alienate the more moderate people and the dangerous part is they may get angry and start moving more towards the extreme end in retaliation as they feel threatened and hated

I think DOGMA is be evil, whatever flavour it comes in.


Religion can be okay, and I would defend anybody's freedom to enjoy it just as with any other hobby that causes no harm to others. But the idea that there is some celestial dictator who can read our thoughts while we are asleep, and convict us of thought crime and pursue us after we after are dead, is evil. The idea that this celestial dictator has given us instructions that cannot be questioned, are not subject to rational criticism, is the most evil thing that man has invented.


As flamingjimmy (your PM box is full) said earlier, the difference between these criminals and 'normal' criminals is that they actually thought that what they did was right.


It's easy to say that religion was just an excuse, but that would be wrong. It's easy to say that this is not 'true religion', but that is simply denial.


The problem is that these dangerous religious extremists are deluded by absolute CERTAINTY. For religion to be a harmless or positive pastime then there needs to be DOUBT. Whilst doubt has has crept into Christianity in Europe since the enlightenment, been welcomed even, it is sadly lacking in Islam, Orthodox Judaism, and certain Christian faiths in the US. The idea that actions can be immune from question, merely because they are religious, is the meme that needs to be eradicated.


We have many religious extremists that are on the face of it harmless, and get to be called moderates. However, I think that people that refuse to shave, refuse to eat certain foods, refuse to flick a light switch on a Saturday, refuse to shake hands with women, wear a religious uniform, whatever, because they think their god instructs them to, are religious extremists. I think they are just as extreme in their religious actions as the man who murders his daughter because she has rejected her religion. Sure, the latter type of actions have far more consequences for society, and we want to eradicate them, but they are no less valid.


It's the fanaticism and certainty of the many peaceable religious folk, that provides the framework for the few with more dangerous interpretations of god's instructions. These guys knew that they must attack the teacher with as much certainty as they knew they must grow a beard ... because god says so.

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we dont stone people if you havent noticed, weve risen above such things, is the general sentence for abh / gbh / assault 2,3,4,5 or more years? ive no idea


or do you just want a longer sentence cos theyre muslims?


Attacking someone ,4 on to 1,with metal rods and bricks,constitutes savagery and I dont care whether they are muslims,christians or any other type of animal they are dangerous and I doubt very much they will change inside..... again religion rears its ugly head ,,Im still waiting evidence of a moderate section of Islam ...they must be a hell of a underground group ..nobody seems to be able to find them

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Attacking someone ,4 on to 1,with metal rods and bricks,constitutes savagery and I dont care whether they are muslims,christians or any other type of animal they are dangerous and I doubt very much they will change inside..... again religion rears its ugly head ,,Im still waiting evidence of a moderate section of Islam ...they must be a hell of a underground group ..nobody seems to be able to find them


It's everywhere - nine out of ten or more of the muslims you see on the streets are moderate - you're just too much of a bigot to see it.

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