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We had a discusstion/argument on Fri and he asked for

A break. So now we are on a break...I asked him how long the break will be he says he doesn't know...how ever long it takes ...


Sounds like that's the best thing that could have happened to you. Now move on.

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I don't know about him wanting a break, you need to get rid - completely!


Based on what you've said, this guy is a complete joke! And take note, not ONE person seems to disagree.


Get rid, give yourself time to heal and then seek to find someone who appreciates you and everything that you are. :)


A good relationship should compliment your life, not complicate it.

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Have you given him the impression that you are a weak and helpless woman by any chance?


fgs the man isn't even polite to you, and that is in your own house!! I think your main objective is to get him out, with or without the help of your family - court order or whatever means you can if you don't then he will treat you as a doormat imo



--- I guess I have shown him that I'm weak and helpless sometimes. Lately I feel on and off depressed and he knows and sees it...I wished to have a hug from him and heard that everything will be fine, but instead he would get annoyed with my by been depressed, and the reason he gave me was he can't see why I would feel depressed as comparing to alot of other people I'm the one have so Many things that other ppl don't have...


I show that I'm helpless particular when he says he want to finish it with me...yes, I admit that I have been quite terrible to him sometimes as I would scream my head out at him I threw accusation at him and saying horrible things ... But I can't stop myself from

Doing this as he keeps telling me that he will find another woman tonight during arguments...


And I do blame myself -hard- everytime after scramming and accusing him...It makes me feel like I have done some

Unforgivable crimes to him...I felt very upset when when he asked for a break, I asked myself why did I push him too far...


I do love him and have been missing him since he has gone for the last

Few days...when I lay things out I can see the pros and corns but it seems like I can always convince myself that I should had treated him better...


I have been through 2 bad relationships in a row. The last one my ex was just a lier, lied to me about everything and he also lied to his friends an himself. and this one, I really treasure that he is quite a honest person therefore I has been determine to make things right with him...but it turns out as a mess ..,

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Tbh MZzz, as most people have said, you're better off without. I'm a bloke, and I know that's not how a guy should behave. I'm far from perfect, just ask my fiance lol, but what your partner is expecting, what he is putting you through is just completely unacceptable. I know you've said you love him, which will make it really hard for you to break up with him and move on, regardless of how he acts.


It's easy for us lot to say "ditch him, move on" because we just see this person who's taking you for a ride and using you. Obviously you love the guy, otherwise you'd have got shut a long time ago, but my advice would be, deal with the heartache of a break up, come to terms with the fact that you'll feel pretty down, and emotional etc, but understand that in the long run, you're doing the right thing. If you drag this out, not only are you going to remain miserable, but things are likely to get worse and worse. If you break up, then you can immediately start to repair the damage done, and rebuild your life without him.


This is of course merely my opinion, I don't know the whole situation, I dont know you, and I don't know your partner. I just hope that the forum has helped you and you can start to be happy again in the not too distant future :)

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...somehow, he has managed to made me believe that I am the bad person in this relationship...sometimes I feel scared of losing him and start to blame myself when things go wrong...


YOU ARE NOT A BAD PERSON, you must believe that and keep telling yourself that. He is a control freak and not a very nice person, he is not going to change, get rid of him.


My friend got involved with a similar type of man and she had 2 young children, he was vicious to them and made their life hell, all three had to go for councelling when they broke up.


You deserve better and that person is out there somewhere but it is not him.


Good Luck.

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