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Personal advice needed

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Thank you very much for all the responses!! I'm totally touched!!


I have learnt 1 thing from this diacussion and the 3days break so far: the fear of losing him is from the fact that I've been weak and vulnerable for a while, god knows how long...


In this break, my first task should be learn to stand up, be strong and sure what I want .... Maybe should also find out who I really am compare to the names that I have been called by him...I know I m not a whore, not a porstitue not a mother ****er....


Thanks again all of you!! Wish you all te best!!! Xxxx:)

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In this break, my first task should be learn to stand up, be strong and sure what I want ....


Yup! Do that. Almost everyone on here will have suffered the break up of a relationship, you really are not alone in your suffering, but time moves on. You'll be stronger and have more confidence once you realise that you made the decision. Go, girl! And don't get back with him, you know that he's not good for you.

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I will bet that he is shacked up with another woman right now, bet you ironed his shirts when he wanted one. Get rid. if you need help with the rent / mortgage get a lodger say for 6 month (do a room up as a bed sit) dont go looking for another man, if you meet someone just keep it friendly for a while, that way you wont seem desparate and you wont scare the bloke. should the next one move in put down rules that he pays towards the rent & utilities (not mortgage or he may want a share of your house). & pulls his weight, you are resenting him now - get rid, ask a family member to change the locks, be strong & good luck

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--- I guess I have shown him that I'm weak and helpless sometimes. Lately I feel on and off depressed and he knows and sees it...I wished to have a hug from him and heard that everything will be fine, but instead he would get annoyed with my by been depressed, and the reason he gave me was he can't see why I would feel depressed as comparing to alot of other people I'm the one have so Many things that other ppl don't have...


I show that I'm helpless particular when he says he want to finish it with me...yes, I admit that I have been quite terrible to him sometimes as I would scream my head out at him I threw accusation at him and saying horrible things ... But I can't stop myself from

Doing this as he keeps telling me that he will find another woman tonight during arguments...


And I do blame myself -hard- everytime after scramming and accusing him...It makes me feel like I have done some

Unforgivable crimes to him...I felt very upset when when he asked for a break, I asked myself why did I push him too far...


I do love him and have been missing him since he has gone for the last

Few days...when I lay things out I can see the pros and corns but it seems like I can always convince myself that I should had treated him better...


I have been through 2 bad relationships in a row. The last one my ex was just a lier, lied to me about everything and he also lied to his friends an himself. and this one, I really treasure that he is quite a honest person therefore I has been determine to make things right with him...but it turns out as a mess ..,


Don't be scared to be without a man, think of it as an experience which will make you stronger, a man shouldn't be a crutch - you need a fresh mindset,

if there is one thing I find depressing it is an atmosphere in the home, I would rather live on my own then have that - do think ahead and visualise how many upsets you may have with this man - don't get sucked into the mind and power games.


Cressida xxx

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We had a discusstion/argument on Fri and he asked for

A break. So now we are on a break...I asked him how long the break will be he says he doesn't know...how ever long it takes ...


You have said before that he has a roaming eye even when he is in your presence. This 'break' as he calls it is the perfect way for him to go around doing whatever he wants. I am sorry to say it but i feel he will spend a few weeks sleeping around, having a good time and then come crawling back to you in 6 to 8 weeks.


Please don't fall for his excuses. You deserve better.


Thank you very much for all the responses!! I'm totally touched!!


I have learnt 1 thing from this diacussion and the 3days break so far: the fear of losing him is from the fact that I've been weak and vulnerable for a while, god knows how long...


In this break, my first task should be learn to stand up, be strong and sure what I want .... Maybe should also find out who I really am compare to the names that I have been called by him...I know I m not a whore, not a porstitue not a mother ****er....


Thanks again all of you!! Wish you all te best!!! Xxxx:)



Indeed you are not any of those and i am happy the realization is setting in that you are not all the things he says you are and that you can stand up and be proud again.


It isn't going to be easy MZzz but this thread is showing you are not alone.

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You have said before that he has a roaming eye even when he is in your presence. This 'break' as he calls it is the perfect way for him to go around doing whatever he wants. I am sorry to say it but i feel he will spend a few weeks sleeping around, having a good time and then come crawling back to you in 6 to 8 weeks.


Please don't fall for his excuses. You deserve better.


I completely agree with the above. Be strong, turn him away and move on with your life. Things will get better.

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Just a thought when he decided to take his break did he leave you his keys for your house if not consider having your lock changed. You have made a decision to be strong and you don't want him just turning up and letting himself back in when he fancy s a change. He obviously has found someone else to put him up now but for how long.

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