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Children born out of Wedlock


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Children born out of wedlock suffer financially, according to an official study released yesterday, with married parents less likely to claim income support and more likely to own a property.


The study of 18,500 babies shows that married parents are less likely to claim income support.


They are also more likely to own a property and live on an income of at least £20,000 a year.


Only 7.8 per cent of married couples were classed as "poor" compared to 76.4 per cent of parents who did not live together, and 25 per cent of co-habiting parents.



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I wonder what the age correlation is on this. Teenage single parents evidently will fall into the lower bracket as they have not had time or opportunity to build their nest, but a woman in her thirties who has already built her career and paid off her mortgage who chooses to start a family and has made provision for motherhood, could financially be quite secure and the child could be well provided for.

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I love official sources.


I read one a couple of years ago stating that 40% of people living within the UK were living below the poverty line.


I agree that a balance of male/female parentship increases your chances of a balanced upbringing.


But it does not mean that two bad parents are better than 1 good.


And of course it`s not just about the money!

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Wow, I never realised that the act of getting married instantly transformed you from a poverty stricken unbalanced loser into a happy white middle class Victorian family gentleman. Must give it a try sometime.


On a less sarcastic note, I can see why a lot of people get married, as a symbollic act of union and stability. But I think government facts and figures can be misleading in this argument. You don't need good, loving married parents in order to get the best start in life; you just need good, loving parents. Ok, a lot of "unfit" parents (by that I mean parents who neglect their children, or those who raise them with antisocial, "hooligan" values) aren't married, but this is due to a variety of social and economic reasons. There's no reason to make all unmarried couples or their kids feel like an underclass just because the figures have put them in a certain bracket. I'm sure there are figures out there that show us Sheffielders to be poorer than southerners, uglier than Americans, tighter than Scots and lazier than the Chinese (and don't ask me to quote sources, I'm just pointing out that it's pointless to lump people under a certain category, it only leads to bitterness and resentment).


Stuff the statistics. Each to their own. :thumbsup:

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