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Children born out of Wedlock


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Originally posted by Sidla

How can you have a baby if you're single?


Dear Darling Sidla who is obviously naive


As long as some sperm meets an egg, anyone can have a baby with anyone


If you went back 30 years, how much do you think Dads had to do with their kids?


Change nappies now and again if you were lucky?




Not much really - cos Dad was out working all the hours.

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Rubbish in my opinion, t020 :loopy:


In the past terrible injustices have occurred in the name of Marriage and Family. Many men and women were destined to wasted years of loveless marriage. Women were forced to give up children born out of wedlock no matter how much they may have loved and wanted those children. Families have suffered terrible abuses behind closed doors in the name of upholding marriage.

What a child needs is love and support, and it can get that better from, for example, one well-adjusted parent than from two who fight and argue constantly. What about large supportive extended families? Doesn't that make a difference?

You simply cannot make such sweeping generalisations.

Or then again perhaps it is worth accepting that any society that would turn a blind eye to all the misery that can be perpetrated in the principle of upholding marriage before all things, deserves to fall.


Late night musings from Cosy. (From a split-parent family)

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Originally posted by t020

Its not all about the money though. A child needs loving parents of both genders. The gradual downfall of society has a strong correlation with the downfall of marriage.


Not all about money - ha! that's rich coming from you.


Yes a child does need loving parents, but this not mean they have to be married nor of different genders.

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