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How to get rid of wasps' nest?

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I earn my living as a grounds maintenance gardener working on big (often quite grotty and run down) Social Housing estates. We come across wasps' nests in shrubs under residents' windows quite often and the best advice I can give you is to get the professionals in to get rid of your own wasps' nest. Those powders and sprays you can buy over the counter kill the wasps in the actual nest, but if they've got into the brickwork or the ducts around piping, you'll never get rid of the damn things! I know that £42 is a bit steep if you are on a tight budget, but I honestly think that getting the Council in to do it would be your best option.

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We have used Nippon ant powder (from B&Q) successfully for many years; probably about 8 nests in total. When it all goes quiet in the evening apart from the occasional wasp who is late home, puff a small amount of powder into the entrance (you may want to run for cover). The very next wasp into the nest takes the poison deep into the nest and kills the entire nest. Only once have we had to apply a second puff when the nest was about 12 inches in diameter and the entrance a little bit inaccessible. We even killed a nest in the house eves this way when the wasps had invaded the house via the airing cupboard. It really isn't worth the expense of getting the professionals in - unless you are allergic to stings.

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I reckon my neighbor has a nest under her eaves, she doesn't know and i am no expert but i think they might be honey bees. If she realizes they are there she will want them removed/ exterminated so i am not going to say anything and they might be able to go through the summer unmolested.


If i can capture one and perhaps get a photo to positively identify and they are honey bees can the swarm be moved without harm? i can't see how anyone could get safe access to the nest if its right in the thin part of the eaves.

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Killed a wasp nest couple of years ago using the powder. Currently have a bumble bee hive under the front guttering, plenty coming and going but will be leaving them alone as they are doing no harm and seeing that bees are in decline.

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captured one of my neighbors, gave it a thorough interrogation but it wouldn't talk.

Looking on the web it looks like a white tailed bumble bee, we will have to see if they keep there heads down and get away without being spotted otherwise it will be curtains for them.

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