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How to get rid of wasps' nest?

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We once had on in the front garden under the privet.


My dad got a large brick and lobbed it at the nest and we ran inside. It destroyed the nest and the wasps went.


Dads were so brave, wernt they, lol! I dont think I would do that, as wasps are pack animals, and if they clock you, thats it. I know wasps arent animal, they are of course insecty type things, but they are bonkers when you disturb them. They are a useless thing that serves no purpose in life. A little bit like the effects Activia yoghurt has on making you slim. Get an expert in, they are nasty little gits.:huh:

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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Well I thought we had a wasp nest just outside the back door on some climbing ivy. Went to hang the washing out this morning and there were hundreds of the little blighters. The noise was horrible and as it was right next to the door I wanted rid ASAP.


I got http://www.bees-n-wasps.com/ off of this thread and contacting John he said they may just be using the ivy to forage for their nest elsewhere. He advised he was happy to come take a look and if it was a wasps nest he'd charge £35 to remove it (a fair bit less than the council) Anyway, he came out and had a look and I almost fainted when he shook the ivy (there were hardly any wasps there at this point) and confirmed after rummaging about that there is def not a nest.


He gave some excellent advice and after a look about told me there are a fair few honey bees about and talked to me about the different types of wasps. Really knowledgeable guy and he didn't charge me anything because he didn't need to do anything. I at least expected a call out charge.


I would 100% recommend him (before anyone starts there is no affiliation with this guy, I've never met him before today and have not been paid in anyway to say this)

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Well I thought we had a wasp nest just outside the back door on some climbing ivy. Went to hang the washing out this morning and there were hundreds of the little blighters. The noise was horrible and as it was right next to the door I wanted rid ASAP.


I got http://www.bees-n-wasps.com/ off of this thread and contacting John he said they may just be using the ivy to forage for their nest elsewhere. He advised he was happy to come take a look and if it was a wasps nest he'd charge £35 to remove it (a fair bit less than the council) Anyway, he came out and had a look and I almost fainted when he shook the ivy (there were hardly any wasps there at this point) and confirmed after rummaging about that there is def not a nest.


He gave some excellent advice and after a look about told me there are a fair few honey bees about and talked to me about the different types of wasps. Really knowledgeable guy and he didn't charge me anything because he didn't need to do anything. I at least expected a call out charge.


I would 100% recommend him (before anyone starts there is no affiliation with this guy, I've never met him before today and have not been! paid in anyway to say this)


I absolutely detest wasps have a real phobia of them they spoil the months of August /September for me! Thankfully this year havent seen many probably because of the terrible weather (only good thing to come out of the bad summer!). Someone said that was the reason theres been loads of ants as wasps usually eat them and with all rain not many wasps! Dont know how true this is but dont care as long as not many of the stripey devils!:gag:

The first sign of a nest which had other year and im straight on phone to pest control people dont care how much it costs cant settle till they are destroyed!

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  • 10 months later...

Those pesky wasps have made a nest in the loft again this year. Only this time, because I had the soffits repaired in the spring, they're going in and out through a gap in the tiles.


Except all the dozy ones going through the wrong gap and ending up flying around the loft instead of inside the nest.


Great :mad:


Luckily the man from the council has a free slot on Saturday so fingers crossed he'll sort them out.

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