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Giving kids freedom to develop own sexuality

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Um, the thread title is misleading here.


They aren't disclosing the child's sex, which is the biological fact/s that determine whether it is male or female (or indeed intersex). This is to allow the child to develop its own gender identity, which determines whether other people regard it as male or female.


It's nothing to do with letting the child develop its own sexual identity (or sexuality), i.e. whether its gay or straight.


ETA: Although I'm fairly sure that with parents like that, the child will certainly be able to develop its own sexuality at the appropriate time :)

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Which is nothing more than modern, touchy feely, new age crap that causes faaaaaaaaaaar more problems than it soves.


the old kids-seen-not-heard, boy-are-hard, girls-are-giggly etc approach has been proven to not be up to the task anymore. other ways have to be tried out.

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Do what you want.

The way i worded it does not change the fact it happens to be true.

You can either accept it, challenge it or throw out your rattle. Its up to y,,,,,

Oh, sorry. I see you went for the 3rd option.:roll:


Wait, I misread your post. Hasty edit...


I don't think that attempts to overcome gender stereotyping create more problems than they solve. Why do you think so?

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With the support of people like Karis?

People who think its a great idea but whom it doesnt actualy effect in any way.


same as you, T (and me to a point. and everyone here). we all have opinions on it, but, in the end, it doesn't affect us at all.

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I find this really sad. It is like this couple are experimenting with their children. Gender is a natural thing and maybe by stopping what is a normal part of development, the interaction with others based on their gender, this couple are creating problems for their child in the future. I think it is almost a form of abuse. They may not like the stereotypes but sadly they are there and always will be. Making their child different isn't going to help in the long run in my opinion.

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I find this really sad. It is like this couple are experimenting with their children. Gender is a natural thing and maybe by stopping what is a normal part of development, the interaction with others based on their gender, this couple are creating problems for their child in the future. I think it is almost a form of abuse. They may not like the stereotypes but sadly they are there and always will be. Making their child different isn't going to help in the long run in my opinion.


not sure this is a helpful way of seeing things. but i agree with the rest. 'making' their child different is wrong. but if the child had been born 'different'...

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I think this is quite sad, while i can see their point and the hopes they have for 'Storm' there are better ways to make sure your child does not succumb to gender stereotyping.


Giving a child choices, educating them, letting them know that they can be whoever they want to be, acheive anything, and not limiting them to 'Girl stuff' and 'Boy stuff' is the logical way of doing things. The sex of the child is vital to his/her healthy development, and keeping it a secret will no doubt have a detrimental effect.

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I think sexuality is the wrong word, isn't more that they're hoping that their child will be free to develop his/her own character. I can see their reasoning in doing this, but not sure how it's going to work out, long term. It's been proven that people react differently to boys and girls and this all leads to the reinforcing of the gender stereotypes we have in our particular Society. Dress a baby in pink and people will coo "Oh she's so sweet, gorgeous". Dress it in blue and they'll say "He's a real boy, isn't he, what a bruiser!"


Being a 'tomboy' or a 'cissie' was almost a sin at one time, luckily these days, we're more forgiving of girls and boys who aren't quite the 'desired norm'.


I see it all the time in the shop. Gender preferences are often forced on little children, more often boys than girls. "You can't have that, it's a girl's toy/colour", etc. I sometimes wonder if this is why men often end up with such rigid boundaries as to what they're supposed to do, wear and enjoy.


I imagine this is the approach that the parents are hoping to avoid?

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I imagine this is the approach that the parents are hoping to avoid?


Yes, nail on head.


And in real terms, the child is going to start asking questions by about the age of 3 or 4 at the latest, which means it's going to be impossible to sustain beyond that.


I see no harm whatsoever in not telling people the sex of your child before that age - if it wasn't for gender-specific clues I would have no clue whether most most very young children are girls or boys.

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