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Flashman Cameron spends £680,000 of taxpayers money on Downing Street

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Why is Cameron is refusing to give all the details? see below



Tom Watson, the Labour MP for West Bromwich East, who has been campaigning for greater openness about the financing of Downing Street, described the £30,000 grant as a "hidden bonus for the PM" to supplement a flat he lives in rent-free.


He said: "£30,000 is more than a nurse's salary. People need to know what's gone in there and how much it's cost. It's not their building, it's the nation's building.


"The PM heralded the age of transparency and said we're in a for a period of austerity. Lo and behold the taxpayers subsidised a £30,000 kitchen and he's refusing to give all the details. He's not living up to his pledges.


"He has to come clean about his own taxpayer's subsidy. He's supposed to be setting an example to rest of public sector."


The grant isn't a new thing that the PM as instituted himself, it's been available to every prime minister. The only reason this has come to light is due to transparency measure put in place by the coalition government. Can you confirm that the previous PM didn't use it?

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David Cameron has spent £680,000 of taxpayers' cash on Downing Street




All in it together eh??? Nice work if you can get it!


lord irvine, blair's lord chancellor back in 1998 spent £650,000 of tax payers money doing up his residence, most notable as he spent nearly £60,000 of that just on wallpaper. in total thats about £850,000 in todays money.


did you complain about that?

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Wildcat showed you up for what you are. You have no credibility on here!


No, Wildcat describe my father as a scab, when he wasn't and accused him of selling his companions out, when he was keeping a mine from decaying into unuse, and advocated violence towards children as a means of polticial action.


He has about as much credibility as a dead badger, and you are going the same way.


Now - are you going to answer the question or forever be seen as another prevaricator and sidestepper content only to throw mud and squeal loudly when you are caught in a cleft stick?



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You are of course refering to Tony Blair who booked the work. Typical overspending socialists. Just like his mate Lord Irvine who did exactly the same on his own ministerial dwellings.




IT WAS the first signal of the excesses of New Labour after Tony Blair came to power.

Derry Irvine provoked ridicule and outrage in the early months of his period as Lord Chancellor with his demands for a lavish makeover at his official residence. The huge operation, involving hand-printed wallpaper at £300 a roll, ultimately set the taxpayer back some £650,000.


But it can now be revealed that the empire Lord Irvine fashioned during six years as head of the English judiciary is being brutally dismantled. And, most galling of all, the notoriously expensive wallpaper is set to dignify the Westminster equivalent of a works canteen.



At the time the work started back in 2006 we weren't suffering from the effects of the credit crunch, as we are now, with a govt that is hellbent on

reducing public spending for everyone else, surely this development could have been put on ice, thus sending out a different message than do as I say, not as I do.

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lord irvine, blair's lord chancellor back in 1998 spent £650,000 of tax payers money doing up his residence, most notable as he spent nearly £60,000 of that just on wallpaper. in total thats about £850,000 in todays money.


did you complain about that?




We weren't in the financial blackhole then, that we are in now!

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David Cameron has spent £680,000 of taxpayers' cash on Downing Street




All in it together eh??? Nice work if you can get it!


More tabloid rubbish from The Guardian, why do people fall for the headline?


A spokeswoman said the money was spent on rewiring, plumbing and decorating but insisted the Camerons paid for the extras. "No public money was spent on furniture, fittings or accessories," she said.


The other £653,192.34 was spent on external and internal renovation of the offices and reception rooms in Downing Street, including cabling, plumbing and energy efficiency improvements


Downing Street is Grade 1 listed. They're government buildings, and the need maintaining and updating just like any other building.

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