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Weeping in the Darkness - A Poem

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I had a moment of enlightenment

A moment when everything was clear

A moment when I knew all the answers

A moment when I saw the end was near

And my eyes were weeping in the darkness

And my heart was bleeding for mankind

I saw the grey spectre of our karma

I saw harbingers of doom in my mind

And I saw that the Devil was laughing

And I saw the angels start to weep

A lone figure crying in the moonlight

Human skeletons lying in a heap


I had a vision of enlightenment

A vision full of fantasies and fears

A vision of destruction and despair

A vision through a veil of streaming tears

And my eyes were weeping in the darkness

And my heart was bleeding in dismay

I saw the burnt out theatres of war

I saw tragic desolation and decay

And I saw a bleak deserted wasteland

And I saw poison from the Devil’s breath

A lone figure crying in the moonlight

A lonely blue planet soaked in death


I had a message of enlightenment

A message as I knelt amongst the throng

A message that answered many questions

A message telling where it all went wrong

And my eyes were weeping in the darkness

And my heart was bleeding for our plight

I was told the apocalypse was dawning

I was told of the never ending night

I was told that all hope was lost forever

And what was waiting on the other side

A lone figure crying in the moonlight

I knew then who it was and why he cried

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Hello again,


Once again another enjoyable read, the poems that you write tell a story of their own without giving too much away. This one seems quite dark and full of emotion. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and would like to read more of the same works. Poetry seems to be one of those areas of the arts that seems in my opinion to be dying off.


Pip Morgan

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Hello Mr Blue Owl,


You're very blue aren't you?- with all that crying and weeping- and now I am too! The best pieces of writing evoke deep emotions and you've certainly managed that with this poem. Lovely strong visionary and I liked the rythm of the lines too.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Hello Mr Blue Owl,


You're very blue aren't you?- with all that crying and weeping- and now I am too! The best pieces of writing evoke deep emotions and you've certainly managed that with this poem. Lovely strong visionary and I liked the rythm of the lines too.




Thanks Geza glad you enjoyed it

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Hello again,


Once again another enjoyable read, the poems that you write tell a story of their own without giving too much away. This one seems quite dark and full of emotion. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and would like to read more of the same works. Poetry seems to be one of those areas of the arts that seems in my opinion to be dying off.


Pip Morgan


Thanks once again

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