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Field of War - A Poem

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Stood here in this field of mud

Covered in a comrade’s blood

I wear a soldier’s uniform

But I was not a soldier born

We fight our chosen foe all day

We leave our dead to rot away

We launch attack and then retreat

Blood oozes out beneath our feet

Our backs are up against a wall

I watch another comrade fall

I can not stand this any more

This awful bloody field of war

Bullets fly right past my head

I wish that I was home in bed

Instead of in this foreign field

Knowing neither side will yield

Generals up at high command

Tell us to make another stand

Safe inside their war games room

But we are here in stinking gloom

Alas the entire front rank died

Just one more form of suicide

I can not stand this any more

This awful bloody field of war

Tomorrow it will be the same

A dying voice calls out my name

I see a shattered, severed limb

But nothing can I do for him

Except to end his fearful pain

I shoot a bullet in his brain

I pray that soon it will all end

I just murdered my best friend

I can not stand this any more

This awful bloody field of war

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Hello Mr Blue Owl,


I like this from start to finish, the rhythm runs well and I think you have captured the war images perfectly. There are many poetry competitions on the internet and I can't remember which one it is at the moment, but there is one that is asking especially for war poetry. If I remember which it one it is, I will surely let you know and you could always enter this poem. Keep up the writing and I am sure people will enjoy reading them.


Pip Morgan

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hello Mr Blue Owl,


I like this from start to finish, the rhythm runs well and I think you have captured the war images perfectly. There are many poetry competitions on the internet and I can't remember which one it is at the moment, but there is one that is asking especially for war poetry. If I remember which it one it is, I will surely let you know and you could always enter this poem. Keep up the writing and I am sure people will enjoy reading them.


Pip Morgan


Thanks very much Pip

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