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Sweden? What about compulsory sterilisation of 'inferior' people? (A policy abandoned in 1975!)


The Danes and the Norwegians had their moments, too. The Norsemen (and not just those who came to England via their colonies in Normandy) did a bit of burning, raping and pillaging in their time.


I doubt that there is any country which is blame-free.

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Sweden? What about compulsory sterilisation of 'inferior' people? (A policy abandoned in 1975!)


The Danes and the Norwegians had their moments, too. The Norsemen (and not just those who came to England via their colonies in Normandy) did a bit of burning, raping and pillaging in their time.


I doubt that there is any country which is blame-free.


Yes but the Scandinavians (Normans excepted) quite their shenanigans once they became Christians back around 700 AD whereas for the most part the rest of Christian Europe fought like a pack of rabid wolves for land and spoils in the New World, Africa and just about anywhere else for that matter.


Sterilizing mentally retarded people isn't a bad idea at all. They may be child like in mind but the instinct to procreate is still there. Of course if you dont mind having to bear the cost of supportingm yet another mentally challenged new born then you could claim this was barbaric

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Maybe a bit like the Zulus were depicted in the film of the same name starring Stanley Baker, Michael Caine and Jack Hawkins. Ever saw that one? Based on an actual occurence at a place called Rourke's Drift in South Africa around 1878


Stout lads mowing down hundreds of Zulus armed only with chucka spears. Several troopers were awarded the VC after that engagement.


There are no hands free of blood when it comes to the Anglo-Saxon expansion beyond the British Isles either of the American born variety or the British born variety. It all came from the common blood lines shared by both nations and the inherited instinct for acquiring as much land and riches as possible and bu**er the indigenous people who got in their way.


That's true Harl as I intimated earlier in the thread - what bothered me as I grew and learned the truth, (that Native Americans were a sophistic and ancient culture) was that I had trusted the Hollywood versions and accepted them as the truth.


What STILL bothers me is that similar untruths regarding other nations are still being propagated by the rich and powerful who control/own the media

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Sterilizing mentally retarded people isn't a bad idea at all. They may be child like in mind but the instinct to procreate is still there. Of course if you dont mind having to bear the cost of supportingm yet another mentally challenged new born then you could claim this was barbaric



It's a fact that the human gene pool is in a state of decline in that more intelligent people are having fewer kids while less intelligent people are having more.


That could be ok if natural forces were equalising the situation but they're not.


I believe that life is only life when it is CONSCIOUS of being alive and that abortion is justified if the foetus is proved to be significantly mentally/physically deformed.


We'd best get ready for some serious flak Harl!!

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Originally Posted by Harleyman

There are no hands free of blood when it comes to the Anglo-Saxon expansion beyond the British Isles either of the American born variety or the British born variety. It all came from the common blood lines shared by both nations and the inherited instinct for acquiring as much land and riches as possible and bu**er the indigenous people who got in their way.


You seem to forget one little item and that is that the UK wasn't the only colonial power/country the whole of Euorpe was on an expansionist flight, if we hadn't joined in we'd have become a backwater at the risk of being taken over by our old enemies the Dutch or the French who like England were empire building at the time.

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You seem to forget one little item and that is that the UK wasn't the only colonial power/country the whole of Euorpe was on an expansionist flight, if we hadn't joined in we'd have become a backwater at the risk of being taken over by our old enemies the Dutch or the French who like England were empire building at the time.


If you look at post number 1001 you'll see I mentioned other European countries.


To Britain's credit it's record in colonial history is probably that overall it was the most humane and just in it's dealings with it's subject peoples.

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It's a fact that the human gene pool is in a state of decline in that more intelligent people are having fewer kids while less intelligent people are having more.


That could be ok if natural forces were equalising the situation but they're not.


I believe that life is only life when it is CONSCIOUS of being alive and that abortion is justified if the foetus is proved to be significantly mentally/physically deformed.


We'd best get ready for some serious flak Harl!!




Let the flak fly SUPERTYKE. My earlier stated opinion that all mentally retarded peopel shoould be sterilized is IMO in no way cruel or inhuman. They can still enjoy sexual relations with each other if the opportunity arises. They are being deprived of nothing except the ability to procreate.


I think most people would agree with you that in the case of a foetus that is in some way abnormal or in the case of resuting from rape that abortion should be a universal right for everybody


You cant count on the government anymore to even provide part of the care and assistance that physically and mentally challenged people require. They're too busy these days cutting that kind of social service to the bone in order to reduce the deficit.

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That's true Harl as I intimated earlier in the thread - what bothered me as I grew and learned the truth, (that Native Americans were a sophistic and ancient culture) was that I had trusted the Hollywood versions and accepted them as the truth.


What STILL bothers me is that similar untruths regarding other nations are still being propagated by the rich and powerful who control/own the media


To give Hollywood credit the days of the bloodthirsty scalping Injuns are now gone. They were, as any people woud do, defending their territoty against encroachment which threatened their existence and way of life


The revision in thinking started with the movie "Bury my heart at Wounded Knee" which came out in the 1970s and other movies which have followed such as 'Dances with Wolves" and "Geronimo an American Legend"


The myth that only Indians scalped their victims is probably the biggest untruth of all.

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