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American contribution to the world

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Soap operas, Oprah Winsome, Jargon-speak, Rap Music, Chewing gum, brilliant white teeth, hygene-obsession, child-centred education and rearing, American teenagers, ' tick-a-box ' politeness, OTT patriotic films, gormless, brainless advertising and the Health & Safety Culture Unlimited.


And the UK just lapped it up, to the point where the above is UK culture now.


Of course the US didn't force this on the UK, the UK wanted it.

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The claim is that The Bill of Rights is one of the greatest American contributions to the world. If the country who WROTE the bill of rights is blatently ignoring it what was the point in writing it and how can it be such a great contribution to the world? Whether the US is successful or not is irrelevent. I don't hate the Us and I'm certainly not jealous of them. We in the UK are FAR better off than US citizens. We have a FREE healthcare system just for starters. What I find hugely annoying are middle class American citizens who know sod all about the 'outside world' claiming that the US is the centre of the Universe and anybody who disagrees with them is obviously anti-American, and/or muslim and/or a communist. Name me a country in the G8 which can say that (according to UN statistics)

that of those one in eight And All men are created equal Hot air and cow manure!



You seem to know sod all about the beginnings of the US. You keep banging on about the bill of rights and how not everyone enjoyed the status of equality.

We all know why the war for independence came about but there were far more complications than just declaring independence and telling King George to bu**er off.

The colonies were composed of two distinct societies. The northern colonies were industrialized to an extent and composed of a mixture of merchants, businessmen and rural agricultural farmers

The southern colonies on the other hand comprised of plantation owners producing cotton and tobacco. They were very similar to English landed gentry in their lifestyle and outlook.

There were deep divisons over the issue of slavery. The northern colonies were against it while the southerners relied on slave labour to produce it's cotton and tobacco much of which was exported to Britain the government and consumers of which incidentally were not in the least troubled by the fact that their pipes were filled and their backs were clothed by the sweat of slave labour.

To form a confederacy there had to be compromises made between the northern and southern colonies otherwise the war for independence could never have been won without southern help. If the northern colonies had had to fight for independence alone then George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would not have been part of it as they were both from Virginia (a southern colony) and of course the bill of rights and declaration of independence never come into being.

Expanding westwards was another challenge considering that hundreds of thousands of the tired and oppressed from Europe were flooding into the country in search of land and a better life. The European settlers and their sons were mainly resposible for wiping out the native Americans over the next 100 years.


Hope this brief little history lesson wont be wasted on you but somehow I doubt it. It's always people like you who dont have much of a clue about what they're taling about that go off half cocked on subjects like this

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American contributions to the world ? Soap operas, Oprah Winsome, Jargon-speak, Rap Music, Chewing gum, brilliant white teeth, hygene-obsession, child-centred education and rearing, American teenagers, ' tick-a-box ' politeness, OTT patriotic films, gormless, brainless advertising and the Health & Safety Culture Unlimited.


No wonder everybody hates 'em.


Where did you get that list from, who hates all Americans,? just you Fareast. plenty of brits have move here and are still trying to get in...so who's this everybody ? do tell

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There you go name calling again! What's up can't think of a good argument can you? Better yet RACIST name calling! Grow up!


Grow up yourself and stop posting rubbish about a country and it's history you know nothing of.

You only make yourself look dumb

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Hope this brief little history lesson wont be wasted on you but somehow I doubt it. It's always people like you who dont have much of a clue about what they're taling about that go off half cocked on subjects like this


You assume an awful lot. I'm well aware of the early history of the US, which if you'd read my previous posts you would have been aware of. Or is this another attempt to rubbish my arguements by implying that I'm stupid? So you admit that the US never had any intention of actually applying the bill of rights, because of the southern states, what about after the conquest of the south? What happened to the Bill of rights then, simply they were ignored, exactly the same as before the civil war. You make my case for me the Bill of rights were written, your own words, by a group of people who KNEW they would not be implimented. Whilst this is a typically American attitude is this the best the US can claim as a contribution? A declaration made by a group of people which was not and has not ever been enforced? If you think that is the BEST the US can do then you have a very low achievement threshold!

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Originally Posted by Harleyman

If those are the only goofy reasons you can come up with then I suggest you go back to your pagoda and cook up a dish of rice and fish heads.


All we get from China is cheap crap that lasts, if lucky, for no more than five years


Grow up yourself and stop posting rubbish about a country and it's history you know nothing of.

You only make yourself look dumb


Which puts me way higher up the food chain than a racist biggoted bully.

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Poppins----the last line of my post was meant to be a bit of a joke. I don 't REALLY believe that everyone in the world hates the Americans ! However, every country or culture has negative aspects and I just thought I 'd mention a few that I thought were negative.


Actually, I think America, in general, has done a great job, especially in the military sphere, over the years. As someone has pointed out-----if the Americans hadn 't been involved in Europe [ 41-45 ], we might well have fallen under Russian control, that is, if the Nazis could ever have been defeated without American help. I think we ought to be eternally grateful to the Americans. They are largely a warm-hearted, generous, friendly people.


However, to me, it seems childish to either slavishly worship a country or condemn it outright---well, especially a country as vast and complex as America. But......some of their ' minor ' contributions have been definitely ' yucky ', to say the least. Another poster was right to point out that a lot of Brits lap up the rubbish and crazy ideas that sometimes pop up from across the water. [ We have a special name for them---idiots ].


So, 8 or 9 out of 10 for the U.S.A. ! I 'm sure even watching American chat shows is better than chopping down trees in Siberia.


[ I 've had to return from China, unfortunately and am now back in Nannyland. China---another massive country with much potential and many problems ! ]

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You assume an awful lot. I'm well aware of the early history of the US, which if you'd read my previous posts you would have been aware of. Or is this another attempt to rubbish my arguements by implying that I'm stupid? So you admit that the US never had any intention of actually applying the bill of rights, because of the southern states, what about after the conquest of the south? What happened to the Bill of rights then, simply they were ignored, exactly the same as before the civil war. You make my case for me the Bill of rights were written, your own words, by a group of people who KNEW they would not be implimented. Whilst this is a typically American attitude is this the best the US can claim as a contribution? A declaration made by a group of people which was not and has not ever been enforced? If you think that is the BEST the US can do then you have a very low achievement threshold!


You're still showing your ignorance. You cant see the whole picture of the birth agonies of a nation that rapidly expanded thousands of miles westward over the next 100 years and populated by 70 millions people of all cultures from all over the world. There were bound to be abuses and periods of chaos along the way and a civil war with it. I'm not going on to discussing "what was" other than to say there was very little equality or justice anywhere else at that time in history, least of all in Britain with it's vast Empire. Most of the British population lived in slums in the big industrial cities gaining nothing from the Empire whatsoever. The only Brits who profited from the Empire were the privileged few who treated the colonials and their own lower class fellow Brits as something akin to medieval serfs and robbed the colonies of their natural resources.


As for today America is no long a country ruled soley by white men. Take a look at Congress, the Senate, the Supreme Court and the Administartion. This tells everything about where the country is now and what has happened

in the last 100 years.

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Poppins----the last line of my post was meant to be a bit of a joke. I don 't REALLY believe that everyone in the world hates the Americans ! However, every country or culture has negative aspects and I just thought I 'd mention a few that I thought were negative.


Actually, I think America, in general, has done a great job, especially in the military sphere, over the years. As someone has pointed out-----if the Americans hadn 't been involved in Europe [ 41-45 ], we might well have fallen under Russian control, that is, if the Nazis could ever have been defeated without American help. I think we ought to be eternally grateful to the Americans. They are largely a warm-hearted, generous, friendly people.


However, to me, it seems childish to either slavishly worship a country or condemn it outright---well, especially a country as vast and complex as America. But......some of their ' minor ' contributions have been definitely ' yucky ', to say the least. Another poster was right to point out that a lot of Brits lap up the rubbish and crazy ideas that sometimes pop up from across the water. [ We have a special name for them---idiots ].


So, 8 or 9 out of 10 for the U.S.A. ! I 'm sure even watching American chat shows is better than chopping down trees in Siberia.


[ I 've had to return from China, unfortunately and am now back in Nannyland. China---another massive country with much potential and many problems ! ]



Workers making 3 dollars an hour and dissidents being thrown into prison.

Two that come to mind for starters

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Workers making 3 dollars an hour and dissidents being thrown into prison.

Two that come to mind for starters


To be fair, they are only making $3 because the stuff we want has to be so cheap they can't pay them any more.

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