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American contribution to the world

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Why the presumption or view that this one particular country on the planet should have or continue to contibute to the world? Why not Papua New Guinea? Why not Mali or Mongolia?


because Papua New Guinea Mali and Mongolia are not all over the world claiming to be the upholders of freedom justice and human rights while selectively bombing and invading some countries while supporting and arming others.

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Walt Disney and all the like. Fantastic entertainment !!




Hmmm . . Knowing alot about Walt Disneys checkered past, I'd not be proclaiming him to be the best thing to come from America, but I'll leave your under-educated and over-enthusiastic opinion alone on this occasion.


I'm not usually a fan of stereotyping, however I honestly believe that the majority of Americas contributions to the world involve taking something that exists, altering it ever so slightly, then claiming it as their all their own work.


This rule of thumb can generally be applied right across the board, from the motor industry - taking an existing industry, making it bigger but less efficient, to pizza - taking it from the italians and knocking it out as their own invention because they're serving it while still hot.

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Ok then suck this up Arab muslims don't belong in Europe, or the US and others. Your ref. was to european Jews from Germany, Poland, Russia. Yes I think I'm right. One rule for one another for Arab Muslims Hey? Ive got your drift




Jews and Muslims have always lived as fellow citizens in the Middle East. Muslims are in Europe as citizens. However, if Muslims took half of England for themselves as a Muslim state and occupied the other half with brutality I'm sure the vast majority of English people would be a little peed of to say the least.

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Americans didn't wipe out natives to create America. The natives were not wiped out, and Americans could not have created America, since before they created it, it didn't exist as a nation so there were no 'Americans' (that doesn't mean nobody was already there). America was created by Europeans.


The country wasn't build exclusively by slaves. It was built though by immigrants from many nations across the globe, as well as slaves making a contribution. Many countries had a hand in the slave trade, and it's still going on today in some African and Middle Eastern countries.


Hiroshima and Negasaki was part of your afore mentioned credit to America for defeating tyranny in WWII.


Lots of countries have military bases all over the world including us.


America didn't create the Taliban.


Fast food obesity? People are responsible for what they put in their own mouths.


Gang violence? Not an American export, happens the world over.


Pornography? Each to their own.


America didn't create Israel.


The rest could be debated 'till the cows come home.


I said created the USA you clearly cannot read properly. The Europeans did wipe out most of the Natives in America only a small minority are left.


America was built by slaves immigrants came to find work but most of the infrastructure was built by slave labour.


Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a genocide and the Japanese were already defeated before the bombs were dropped.


Lots of countries do not, America has military presence in more countries than any other country on earth by miles.


America did create what later became the Taliban.


Gang culture started in America then spread all over the world.


America supports funds and arms Israel allowing it to ignore UN resolutions and get away with regular massacres and human rights abuses.

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The Internet. Freedom of speech & freedom to practice whatever religion you want.


The car. The aeroplane. The light bulb. Lightening rods. Mail order catalogues. Flexible catheters. The swivel chair. Refrigeration. Dental floss. The electric doorbell. Morse code. Sewing machines. Combine harvesters. Circuit breakers. Vulcanised rubber. Anaesthesia. Sticky tape. Safety pin. Gas mask. Safety brakes for elevators. Condensed milk. Toilet paper. Escalators. Vacuum cleaners. Roller skates. The urinal. Paper clips. Stock tickers. Rotary tin openers. Jeans. Ear muffs. Fire sprinklers. Qwerty. Cash registers. Metal detectors. Christmas lights. Electric fans. Machine guns. Thermostats. Sky scrapers. One armed bandits. Alternating current. Electric motors & generators. Drinking straws. Revolving doors.


I've barely even touched this century, or the last century's contributions there. I could keep going & produce a huge list.


Freedom of speech or freedom to pratice religion was not invented by America.


I'm not talking about materialistic contribution I'm focusing on Obama's speech in which he portrayed America as the beacon of human rights freedom and justice to the entire world.

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Okay, America's not perfect. However, no other country is either. If I could only pick one country to be close allies with, it would be them.


They also provide millions in aid every year, a lot of the time to countries that are generally hostile towards them. God bless the USA...:D


They provide aid to leaders in return for those leaders doing what America tells them to do which in most cases is a slap in the face to the public in their own countries. Most of the aid gets pocketed by these corrupt leaders. These countries wouldn't need aid if they had genuine leaders who worked in the interests of their people and the country.

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Actually women in places like Iran and Iraq are highly educated but America has destroyed Iraq and determined to do the same with Iran so that no Muslim nation can stand up to the most oppressive state in the Middle East (Israel).


Gang violence equals drugs purposely being flooded into deprived black and hispanic neighbourhoods in America. This gang culture that started in the United Staes has spread throughout the world through American music and movies.


Do you not understand that suicide bombing is largely caused by American lead or supported aerial bombardment and military occupations.


Asian fast food is also part of the fast food culture which started in the USA and has spread throughout the world causing obesity and many other illness's/


Comparing Mosques to military bases just shows how bigoted you really are. There are churches all over the Arab world something which bigots do not realise.


being fat is not an illness being obese is an illness caused largely by the fast food culture. The highest rates of obesity are in the developed world where fast food is easiest to come by.


rightful people in what way? Surely the rightful people are the ones who have been living there for centuries and not Europeans? By your logic no nation belongs to its rightful people it belongs to people who owned it thousands of years earlier. Or are you a religious extremist who believes the land has been promised to you by God so therefore you have superior authority to take it by force from the gentiles?


I have something to say about Christians in the middle east, specifically Iran. We have Iranian neighbors, we've lived in the same neighborhood with them about 15 years. The husband is muslim, but his wife is a christian, they have three children, all being raised as muslims. This is what the wife told me:


When they were living in Tehran, discrimination against christians was so bad, her husband nearly lost his job and her kids were kicked out of their schools. She was pressured very heavily to convert to Islam. A sister in law urged her to do it only because it would make her life easier. They made plans to leave the country for a variety of reasons. Her husband is some sort of an engineer, he was educated in California.


Just before they were due to leave, her father became very ill with the cancer that would eventually kill him. Her mother had died some years earlier, and she was hesitant to leave her father and sister, her only blood family left. Her father told her, "no, you must go. You may not get another chance, and there is nothing in Iran anymore for you and your family. You are all in danger because of your religion. Go". With a heavy heart, they left Iran, knowing they would probably never be able to safely return.


Every year at Christmas, she sinks into a depression so bad I've urged her to seek professional help. Her sister is trapped in Iran, unable to leave and she's afraid that if she travels there, she will not be allowed to return to the US. Her sister cannot find employment because she's a christian, (anyone who gives her a job risks having their business harrassed and even closed by the government) her husband has pulled every string he can and spent what has to be thousands trying to get his wife's sister out of Iran, to no avail. I personally feel the situation is hopeless, but I would never tell them that.


I cannot speak for other middle eastern countries, but this is a first hand account from someone I actually know. Why would they lie?

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Typical post from a muslim with a chip on his shoulder. Give it up.

Whatever America is or is not it will always and forever be a better part of the world than that sh*t hole in the middle east with it's oppressive feudal system of laws and lack of justice


who made the Middle East a feudal system with oppressive regimes and lack of justice? Research history and you will find it was Western coloniolism.

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the mind truly boggles at just how clueless you must be to use your PC, most likely running Windows or Mac OS, to start a thread on a forum on the Internet which you are viewing through internet explorer, firefox, chrome or safari. In order to try and argue that the US has had minimal 'positive impact on the world'.


I'm not talking about technological contribution to the world but since we're on the subject youtube was co founded by a Muslim, Microsoft has many non American employees which have helped to establish it to become wht it is today inlcuding many Muslims.


Also a lot of Scientific advancement would have been impossible had it not been for Islamic civilisation.

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Bill of rights? Shame those rights didn't extend as far as Native Americans, *****'s and Chinese or as far as GITMO. Don't worry those rose tinted glasses will block out all the uncomfortable stuff. Just make sure you never take them off.


excellent post, I find this with Obama's speeches totally rose tinted. On the one hand talking about America standing for freedom, the rule of law and justice for all around the world while in reality bombing and invading countries killing civilians causing conditions in which violence and suicide bombing flourishes. Supporting Israel in ignoring UN resolutions while using the UN to justify attacks on other nations. Holding thousands captive in medeival jails such as GTMO without charge or trial.

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