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American contribution to the world

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I'm not talking about technological contribution to the world but since we're on the subject youtube was co founded by a Muslim, Microsoft has many non American employees which have helped to establish it to become wht it is today inlcuding many Muslims.


Also a lot of Scientific advancement would have been impossible had it not been for Islamic civilisation.


Bounce, why don't you just fly away again on your little prayer mat :roll:

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Wo pick the bones out of that fish. Well he's not livin in a oppessive Muslin state that because women are nowt but baby makers and sex objects they need to be covered up so other men don't lust. Gang violance = tribal fighting. Drone bombers = men, women and child Suicide bombers, Fast food = fast run to bog with trotts caused buy special creamy Kurma. American military bases across the world=arab mosque all over shop, plotting a takeover.


I see plenty of fat people from all walks and religions, so that one is hard to swallow.


Israel was given back to its rightful people because of the worst war crimes of the second world war. And no wonder they defend it.



Is it just me or does this post have absolutely nothing to do with the OP's question, even remotely?

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I have something to say about Christians in the middle east, specifically Iran. We have Iranian neighbors, we've lived in the same neighborhood with them about 15 years. The husband is muslim, but his wife is a christian, they have three children, all being raised as muslims. This is what the wife told me:


When they were living in Tehran, discrimination against christians was so bad, her husband nearly lost his job and her kids were kicked out of their schools. She was pressured very heavily to convert to Islam. A sister in law urged her to do it only because it would make her life easier. They made plans to leave the country for a variety of reasons. Her husband is some sort of an engineer, he was educated in California.


Just before they were due to leave, her father became very ill with the cancer that would eventually kill him. Her mother had died some years earlier, and she was hesitant to leave her father and sister, her only blood family left. Her father told her, "no, you must go. You may not get another chance, and there is nothing in Iran anymore for you and your family. You are all in danger because of your religion. Go". With a heavy heart, they left Iran, knowing they would probably never be able to safely return.


Every year at Christmas, she sinks into a depression so bad I've urged her to seek professional help. Her sister is trapped in Iran, unable to leave and she's afraid that if she travels there, she will not be allowed to return to the US. Her sister cannot find employment because she's a christian, (anyone who gives her a job risks having their business harrassed and even closed by the government) her husband has pulled every string he can and spent what has to be thousands trying to get his wife's sister out of Iran, to no avail. I personally feel the situation is hopeless, but I would never tell them that.


I cannot speak for other middle eastern countries, but this is a first hand account from someone I actually know. Why would they lie?


So one account of religious discrimination proves what exactly?


Do you know that the UK government generally lets in people who are political opponents of regimes it opposes exactly so they can bad mouth the country to the general public and support the UK government line on said country. I'm not saying this is the case with your friend but can't rule out the possibility.


I also know an Iranian Bahai family who claim to have faced discrimination in Iran but that hasn't made them put rose tinted spectacles on and lap up every word coming out of the mouth of Obama.


There is bound to be some level of religious discrimination in many countries, some pretty bad cases have occured in this county.


What is your point exactly?

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Bounce, why don't you just fly away again on your little prayer mat :roll:


or this post lol


why don't you fly away on your brum stick.


I think that's what Mary Poopins useto fly on if I remeber rightly :loopy:

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Is it just me or does this post have absolutely nothing to do with the OP's question, even remotely?

he spat the dummy out earlier and not one topic in any thread was on topic, just the usual muslim bashing

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excellent post, I find this with Obama's speeches totally rose tinted. On the one hand talking about America standing for freedom, the rule of law and justice for all around the world while in reality bombing and invading countries killing civilians causing conditions in which violence and suicide bombing flourishes. Supporting Israel in ignoring UN resolutions while using the UN to justify attacks on other nations. Holding thousands captive in medeival jails such as GTMO without charge or trial.


What about a Muslim woman's rights? Sorry.... my mistake.... they never had any in the first place.

Muslim women, particularly those in the middle east are the worst treated women in the world. Sadly it will be they alone who will have to fight a long hard and often deadly battle to gain anything near equality with their countrerparts in the western world and also Israel. The problem is that the poor creatures have been so brainwashed that they've accepted the fact that they cannot vote, cannot go out alone, cannot own a car, cannot marry who they like, have to wear burkhas in 120 degrees of heat while their asshole men folk walk aroubd in light colored loose fitting clothing and their young daughters forced to marry old men who in any civilized country would be arrested as child molesters


So cease your mindless prattle and look to your own culture and origins before flapping your jaws off.

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What about a Muslim woman's rights? Sorry.... my mistake.... they never had any in the first place.

Muslim women, particularly those in the middle east are the worst treated women in the world. Sadly it will be they alone who will have to fight a long hard and often deadly battle to gain anything near equality with their countrerparts in the western world and also Israel. The problem is that the poor creatures have been so brainwashed that they've accepted the fact that they cannot vote, cannot go out alone, cannot own a car, cannot marry who they like, have to wear burkhas in 120 degrees of heat while their asshole men folk walk aroubd in light colored loose fitting clothing and their young daughters forced to marry old men who in any civilized country would be arrested as child molesters


So cease your mindless prattle and look to your own culture and origins before flapping your jaws off.


contray to belief plenty of muslim DONT wear burkas

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Freedom of speech or freedom to pratice religion was not invented by America.


I'm not talking about materialistic contribution I'm focusing on Obama's speech in which he portrayed America as the beacon of human rights freedom and justice to the entire world.[/QUOTE]


Well millions of people think it still is judging by the overwhelming number of visa applications so I think you're going off half cocked ..... as usual


How many are lining up to live in Iran. On a trip to China I was told that a few thousand Iranians have moved to China to live and work. Now that shows desperation !!!

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I said created the USA you clearly cannot read properly. The Europeans did wipe out most of the Natives in America only a small minority are left.


America was built by slaves immigrants came to find work but most of the infrastructure was built by slave labour.


Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a genocide and the Japanese were already defeated before the bombs were dropped.Lots of countries do not, America has military presence in more countries than any other country on earth by miles.


America did create what later became the Taliban.


Gang culture started in America then spread all over the world.


America supports funds and arms Israel allowing it to ignore UN resolutions and get away with regular massacres and human rights abuses.


My bold.

Half cocked again on your historical facts I see. But to enlighten you, yes Japan was in reality defeated but unlike the Germans the Japanese leadership refused to acknowledge it and instructed their blindly obedient military to fight to the very last man.

It was estimated by the Allied leaders that taking the whole of Japan by a land war would cost in the region of 500,000 allied casualties not to mention untold numbers of Japanese civilians who would have been caught up in it.


Blame the Emperor and his fanatical Bushido warrior minded government for bringing that upon themselves.


The A-bombs in fact saved more lives that they actually took

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