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American contribution to the world

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Actually women in places like Iran and Iraq are highly educated but America has destroyed Iraq and determined to do the same with Iran so that no Muslim nation can stand up to the most oppressive state in the Middle East (Israel).


Gang violence equals drugs purposely being flooded into deprived black and hispanic neighbourhoods in America. This gang culture that started in the United Staes has spread throughout the world through American music and movies.


Do you not understand that suicide bombing is largely caused by American lead or supported aerial bombardment and military occupations.


Asian fast food is also part of the fast food culture which started in the USA and has spread throughout the world causing obesity and many other illness's/


Comparing Mosques to military bases just shows how bigoted you really are. There are churches all over the Arab world something which bigots do not realise.


being fat is not an illness being obese is an illness caused largely by the fast food culture. The highest rates of obesity are in the developed world where fast food is easiest to come by.


rightful people in what way? Surely the rightful people are the ones who have been living there for centuries and not Europeans? By your logic no nation belongs to its rightful people it belongs to people who owned it thousands of years earlier. Or are you a religious extremist who believes the land has been promised to you by God so therefore you have superior authority to take it by force from the gentiles?


My bold


You really are a jackass but I'm enjoying myself responding to your posts.

First off traditional Asian food is NOT fattening and secondly if people are stupid enough to eat the other types of fast food high in fats and cholesterol that's their own fault, not that of the US or do you have the dictatorial mindset that governments should control what people eat and not eat ?

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Hmmm . . Knowing alot about Walt Disneys checkered past, I'd not be proclaiming him to be the best thing to come from America, but I'll leave your under-educated and over-enthusiastic opinion alone on this occasion.


I'm not usually a fan of stereotyping, however I honestly believe that the majority of Americas contributions to the world involve taking something that exists, altering it ever so slightly, then claiming it as their all their own work.


This rule of thumb can generally be applied right across the board, from the motor industry - taking an existing industry, making it bigger but less efficient, to pizza - taking it from the italians and knocking it out as their own invention because they're serving it while still hot.



What was the motor car industry like before Henry Ford pioneered mass production of cars and making them cheaper and available to the average citizen?

Before that it was only the toffs and the privileged who could afford a car built individually by a handful of employees in a small factory turning out three cars a day and far too expensive for most people.

The old Model T was one of the best, most reliable mass produced cars of it's day. Even my old grandad living in a small rural village in Ireland bought one

The British came out with the first jet powered passenger plane, the de Havilland Comet which eventually turned into a death trap. The American Boeing 707 jet passenger plane on the other hand served for many years as the work horse of the world's airlines and some are still flying to this day


As for your genuine Italian pizzas :hihi: :hihi: I've eaten one. Overpriced and a rip off. Not a decent topping on any of them


And as for Disneyland? Well visit the Orlando Disneyworld sometime and say hello to hundreds of fellow Brits who seem love it

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[QUOTE=Bounce;7706133]who made the Middle East a feudal system with oppressive regimes and lack of justice? Research history and you will find it was Western coloniolism.


Wrong again genius.

Islam was an advanced society until Ghengis Khan came along and ransacked the cities putting thousands to the sword and destroying centers of learning and scholars with it who he regarded as a threat to his continued rule. The Islamic world never really recovered from it.

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So one account of religious discrimination proves what exactly?


Do you know that the UK government generally lets in people who are political opponents of regimes it opposes exactly so they can bad mouth the country to the general public and support the UK government line on said country. I'm not saying this is the case with your friend but can't rule out the possibility.


I also know an Iranian Bahai family who claim to have faced discrimination in Iran but that hasn't made them put rose tinted spectacles on and lap up every word coming out of the mouth of Obama.


There is bound to be some level of religious discrimination in many countries, some pretty bad cases have occured in this county.


What is your point exactly?


My point is that life for the average christian in Iran is pretty darn bad, and that far from being the exception, the people I mentioned are probably the rule. At least in the US, no one can fire you or kick your children out of their school because one parent is a religion they don't like. Hell, if they even try? You can sue the socks off 'em. And you'll probably win. I would love to see that happen in Iran.


Sure there's discrimination (religious and otherwise) in the US and UK, but AFAIK, in the US or UK, you are free to leave if you don't like it. Therein lies the rub. There are plenty of people in the both countries who complain incessantly (and loudly) about how bad it is, yet they wouldn't dream of leaving. What's that saying about voting with your feet?


And anyone who believes every word that comes out of ANY politician's mouth deserves whatever they get. :hihi:

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My point is that life for the average christian in Iran is pretty darn bad, and that far from being the exception, the people I mentioned are probably the rule. At least in the US, no one can fire you or kick your children out of their school because one parent is a religion they don't like. Hell, if they even try? You can sue the socks off 'em. And you'll probably win. I would love to see that happen in Iran.


Sure there's discrimination (religious and otherwise) in the US and UK, but AFAIK, in the US or UK, you are free to leave if you don't like it. Therein lies the rub. There are plenty of people in the both countries who complain incessantly (and loudly) about how bad it is, yet they wouldn't dream of leaving. What's that saying about voting with your feet?


And anyone who believes every word that comes out of ANY politician's mouth deserves whatever they get. :hihi:



What's the betting Bounce wont come back parroting his usual standard responses and strangely just like truthlogic's contributions ......... hhhmmmmmm :suspect:

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My point is that life for the average christian in Iran is pretty darn bad, and that far from being the exception, the people I mentioned are probably the rule. At least in the US, no one can fire you or kick your children out of their school because one parent is a religion they don't like. Hell, if they even try? You can sue the socks off 'em. And you'll probably win. I would love to see that happen in Iran.


Sure there's discrimination (religious and otherwise) in the US and UK, but AFAIK, in the US or UK, you are free to leave if you don't like it. Therein lies the rub. There are plenty of people in the both countries who complain incessantly (and loudly) about how bad it is, yet they wouldn't dream of leaving. What's that saying about voting with your feet?


And anyone who believes every word that comes out of ANY politician's mouth deserves whatever they get. :hihi:


Weird you being the only American on here and you haven't lost your cool. Don't know why that is but I doff my hat lady.

Seems a bit silly really putting contributions down to a nation....personally I hate all this nationalistic crap regardless of which side of the pond. People as individuals contribute and not necessarily for altruistic reasons or for nation.

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[QUOTE=Alien;7706921]Weird you being the only American on here and you haven't lost your cool. Don't know why that is but I doff my hat lady.

Seems a bit silly really putting contributions down to a nation....personally I hate all this nationalistic crap regardless of which side of the pond. People as individuals contribute and not necessarily for altruistic reasons or for nation.


She's a lady with class and I too doff my hat.


I on the other hand make no pretense of playing the fox in the hen house when the daft amongst us decide to run down a country that has been very good to me.

I actually enjoy all this give and take back and forth stuff. Educating the unwashed and unlearned is always part of my agenda :D

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I on the other hand make no pretense of playing the fox in the hen house when the daft amongst us decide to run down a country that has been very good to me.

I actually enjoy all this give and take back and forth stuff. Educating the unwashed and unlearned is always part of my agenda :D



I've not done to bad from both countries but a lot of what I've received has been mostly about what I've put in. I'm not sure if any of the arguments are about what you or I have been granted, I think the picture is much wider. Personally I can't ignore the failings of any nation because of the gains I've acquired, that would somehow be failing myself. Although the US has many failings I believe they at least have a framework where people can make change, that cannot be said for many countries. Some may say that's the fault of the US or at one time the UK, if that's true then you and I are to blame for allowing it because you and I do have the power, unlike other individuals who don't. Keep probing, keep thinking is my motto as there is always room for improvement.:hihi:

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Jews and Muslims have always lived as fellow citizens in the Middle East. Muslims are in Europe as citizens. However, if Muslims took half of England for themselves as a Muslim state and occupied the other half with brutality I'm sure the vast majority of English people would be a little peed of to say the least.


They probably would be, but that isn't stopping muslims from trying to take over England or, indeed, the rest of world

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