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American contribution to the world

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The best thing the yanks did for this world is yet to come. When they liberate every muslim arab state and run their nutty leaders and Imams into the sand.


It's called, work in progress :hihi:

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I was pointing out that it's senseless to get upset about someone acting the way they do on a media show. We're lucky that we have the likes of O'Reilly around whether you like them or not.
No we aren't, that doesn't make any sense. We're lucky that Bill Oreilly has the opportunity to do what he does, but not that he actually does it.


The media should never feel that it has to be controlled or conform to set standards of politeness or decorum. If it's largely a circus at times all well and good and that's democracy at it's best.
Bill O'reilly is not an example of democracy at its best. That's madness, he spreads misinformation and ignorance, the fox network is pretty much pure propaganda, and some of the other networks aren't much better. Ridiculously partisan media does not a democracy make. Free media, yes, but that does not mean partisan and dishonest.


Your rants against O'Reilly suggest intolerance. I loathe Rush Limbaugh but I wouldn't waste my breath knocking him. He has a perfect right to his views and his obnoxious rantings
Did you even read my last post? I agree he is perfectly entitled to his rants, I don't want him banned, so can you stop insinuating that I do please, I hold freedom of speech as being pretty important. How is saying that the man is a hypocritical moron being intolerant? Tide goes in, tide goes out, can you explain that?
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Very funny you mentioned about Dean Martin's shows being unrehearsed.

On one show he started to sing and jumped nimbly onto the front of a grand piano except that he missed it and took a pratfall instead. He always managed to recover very quickly though, never lost his tempo. That drunk act he always put on was a fake I was told.


Ha! When I was a kid, I really believed he was drunk. Poor Dean Martin and my Uncle Donal shared the same affliction. :help:


What has America given the world? How about

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America could have led the way to a better world but instead they are the biggest (or fattest) consumers by far. Their bulls**t films full of propaganda and self indulgence continue to dumb down the shmucks who watch them whilst dimwits like Steven Segall and Van Damme elevate themselves to the status of adored role models to which the children of the world may aspire.


What really p**ses me off is their ongoing re-writing of history to suit their collective ego. America is as extreme, in its own way, as any Middle Eastern country and FAR more dangerous.


Oh! But I’m forgetting – they’ve elected a black president – they MUST be good eggs after all..

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America could have led the way to a better world but instead they are the biggest (or fattest) consumers by far. Their bulls**t films full of propaganda and self indulgence continue to dumb down the shmucks who watch them whilst dimwits like Steven Segall and Van Damme elevate themselves to the status of adored role models to which the children of the world may aspire...


Darn those pesky Belgians.



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