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But the idea that you could go to jail didn't get started with Fox News. The idea spread because under some versions of the health care bill you could have gone to jail. On September 25, Politico reported:


Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) received a handwritten note Thursday from Joint Committee on Taxation Chief of Staff Tom Barthold confirming the penalty for failing to pay the up to $1,900 fee for not buying health insurance.


Violators could be charged with a misdemeanor and could face up to a year in jail or a $25,000 penalty


ABC News reported on the letter as well. As Allahpundit notes, "It’s not like the possibility of prison was some far-out conspiracy theory: Obama and Pelosi were both asked about it months ago, when the bill was still taking shape, and both conspicuously declined to say 'no way.'"


The media coverage forced the Senate to include a specific provision in the bill unveiled October 19 that stipulated no one would go to jail for not buying insurance. So you could argue that after October 19, reporters should have acknowledged you probably wouldn't go to jail. But we really didn't know what the enforcement mechanism for the individual mandate would be until the final text of the bill was released in March



So does that change the fact that Bill O'Reilly lied when he said "We researched to find out if anybody on Fox News had ever said you're going to jail if you don't buy health insurance. Nobody's ever said it."?


Also, from the way you've dropped the other example now I take it you concede that it was an example of O'reilly spreading misinformation?

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oh please you have read about the american boycott if french goods and that there was indeed a proposed clause in obamacare threatening fines or prison, there is non so blind as those who don't want to see and I am afraid you are one of those unfortunate people.

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oh please you have read about the american boycott if french goods and that there was indeed a proposed clause in obamacare threatening fines or prison, there is non so blind as those who don't want to see and I am afraid you are one of those unfortunate people.


Rainbow, where do you live ? :|

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Why are you coming to get me? I am Sheffield born and bred and still live here


Me too, well born & bred in Sheffield but no longer there, no I'm not comming to get you :hihi:, well not just yet anyway.

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Far more "scary" than O'Reilly's daily diatribes is the Republican agenda to privatize Medicare and later on Social Security, eliminate collective union bargaining rights ( a right giiven to unions by Roosevelt as far back as 1935) chop civil service and public worker pensions while at the same time giving billions to the fat cats of the big oil companies and letting the wealthy off the hook when it comes to paying their fair share of taxes. The Republicans have been taken over by far right Tea Party politicians who are no friends of the American middle class.


Right now the slow economic recovery is being blamed on Obama by those people ignoring the facts that rising fuel prices accompanied by inflation (which always happens)

the depressed housing market, slow job growth much of it caused by employers now so used to doubling up work loads on employees that they fell no need to employ further help and all that coupled with stingy pay raises by employers over the last two years.

It's no wonder the middle class increasingly seem to be an endangered species of late.


The republican solution of course is "trickle down" meaning that the more money big business have the more people they will employ. This bu**sh*t didn't work under Bush and it wont work now since big business prefer to ship jobs overseas and further increase the bottom line instead.


They've done a wonderful job in blaming Obama after only two and a half years of being responsible for the huge mess George Bush left us all in.

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oh please you have read about the american boycott if french goods and that there was indeed a proposed clause in obamacare threatening fines or prison, there is non so blind as those who don't want to see and I am afraid you are one of those unfortunate people.

That's not the point, no-ones denying that some americans boycotted french goods. The point is he used a made up figure, that his 'research' team had got from an article which was an april fools joke, and he broadcast it on the air. That is spreading misinformation.


And the other example was of him lying about what had been broadcast on the fox network.

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