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American contribution to the world

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I'm not talking about technological contribution to the world

But you are because your thread title & op are totally comprehensive.


"American contribution to the world"


"Obama’s recent speech in the UK got me thinking about what America has actually contributed to the world. Helping Europe defeat Hitler seems to be about the only positive contribution of the United States that I can think of."


No where there do you excluded scientific contributions which have revolutionised the way we live.


Of course now you are trying to exclude technology because you belated realise just how much the US has contributed to the world in the fundamentally important area.


But just to indulge you lets set aside all the scientific developments which have so improved the lives of billions that the US has been intrinsically bound up in. Here in just one narrow field of human endeavour are a few more things that the USA has "contributed to the world"

  1. Jazz
  2. the blues
  3. Rock and Roll
  4. Hip-Hop

but since we're on the subject youtube was co founded by a Muslim, Microsoft has many non American employees which have helped to establish it to become wht it is today inlcuding many Muslims.

:hihi: That's the best you can do? You truly are scraping the barrel when in reply to the Personal Computer, the internet... all you can come up with is that one of the co-founders of one of the many video sharing websites is a Muslim, of course ignoring the inconvenient fact that he's also American.


Also a lot of Scientific advancement would have been impossible had it not been for Islamic civilisation.

If that's the case then why is the best counter example a you could manage a Muslim who grew up in Germany & the USA?


Why if as you claim "Islamic civilisation" is so essential couldn't you come up with an example of a fundamental Information Technology produced by Islamic civilisation as opposed to someone from an Islamic immigrant background who grew up in Western civilisation?

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Keep your hair on harleyman remember your blood pressure. (All those burgers are starting to make you crabby).


Actors figure quite prominently in your political system don't they? Good old Ronald Reagan and his wizzened wifey both third rate actors - and who could forget our Arny? Wow! His rapier-like intellect is legendary. I've no doubt you could list a few more drooling moronic actors conected to your government.


The all American Harleyman eh? You really are a fine example of the American mindset. Bungling into fights only when fully supported by others and with typical American aggression.

Oh but you're SOOO manly.

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In the spirit of other users on this forum I ask the question not what America has done for the world but what have the all the Islamic Arab nations done in the last 200 years, for our wourld. I would like a balanced none anti Jew response please if that is possible.

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In the spirit of other users on this forum I ask the question not what America has done for the world but what have the all the Islamic Arab nations done in the last 200 years, for our wourld. I would like a balanced none anti Jew response please if that is possible.


Wouldn't this be off topic? Wouldn't this be a seperate thread?

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In the spirit of other users on this forum I ask the question not what America has done for the world but what have the all the Islamic Arab nations done in the last 200 years, for our wourld. I would like a balanced none anti Jew response please if that is possible.


I have not noticed anti Jewish sentiment here, more America and Muslim hating than anything else

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Oh please can't we have just a few current political(ish) threads that aren't hijacked by the islamist/zionist never ending hatefilled diatribes, or the left/right wing zealots. We should be able to have a grown up conversation about all the different cultures and governments of this world, they should be discussed, laughed at, ridiculed and admired without anyone being insulted for expressing their opinions.

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Some silly people on here, Brits & Americans are so much allike, all speak the same language, live the same lifestyle , live by the same standards, so why so much hatred & jealousy towards Americans, doesn't happen the other way around, maybe it's just boredom with the Brits, small country, not much to do unless you go abroad to get away from it all.


It's true Americans don't travel as much out of their country, it's because they don't have to but why should that bother other people ? I wouldn't waste time fretting about what other people have, how they live, what movies they make :hihi: Good thing is that it;s only a few Brits that feel this way, the rest just get on with life :)

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While I like the French in many ways I was put off making further visits to that country by the bloody rudeness and arrogance displayed to non French speaking tourists


I've found that if you al least try to speak French they are much more likely to be nice to you, it is their country and their language, it's only fair they expect you to have a go at it rather than demand they speak your langauge. The attitude of people in Paris (as with most big/capital cities) is not the same as the whole of France, it's like saying everyone in the USA is grumpy and rude after only visiting New York.

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the Republican agenda to privatize Medicare and later on Social Security, eliminate collective union bargaining rights ( a right giiven to unions by Roosevelt as far back as 1935) chop civil service and public worker pensions while at the same time giving billions to the fat cats of the big oil companies and letting the wealthy off the hook when it comes to paying their fair share of taxes.


This is very reminiscent of our Thatcher years which resulted in far fewer strikes, however the people who wanted and were prepared to work did quite well. When the Tories took their brand of trickle down politics too far, we got rid of the abysmal John Major, and voted in Labour and for a time things felt better, but their tenure resulted in a war that we couldn't afford, an open door immigration policy which has changed the face of our country forever without any reference to the people of this country's wishes. I see a lot of scare stories in the American media about seniors not having health care if Obama's health plan is not implemented, I understand that he looks to our health system as something of a role model, I would really urge Americans to take a good look at the health and end of life care that our senior citizens are enduring and this has worsened under a Labour government.

You say that Republicans are the cause of "rising fuel prices accompanied by inflation (which always happens) the depressed housing market, slow job growth much of it caused by employers now so used to doubling up work loads on employees that they fell no need to employ further help and all that coupled with stingy pay raises by employers over the last two years. It's no wonder the middle class increasingly seem to be an endangered species of late".

We have the same problems here after 17 years of Labour. It appears to me that whatever political party is voted into office they seem either unwilling or incapable of fixing or even slowing down the worsening state of our countries.

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Keep your hair on harleyman remember your blood pressure. (All those burgers are starting to make you crabby).


Actors figure quite prominently in your political system don't they? Good old Ronald Reagan and his wizzened wifey both third rate actors - and who could forget our Arny? Wow! His rapier-like intellect is legendary. I've no doubt you could list a few more drooling moronic actors conected to your government.


The all American Harleyman eh? You really are a fine example of the American mindset. Bungling into fights only when fully supported by others and with typical American aggression.

Oh but you're SOOO manly.


You deserved my response SUPERTYKE, mentioning movie actors, second rate ones at that as having any relevence to what America has conritbuted to the world . Your negativity and childish rant only set you up for my sarcasm. You and the OP Bounce are as like as two peas in a pod.


DO try to display a little more depth in your future postings :hihi: :hihi:

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