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American contribution to the world

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So your summation of America is based on Hollywood and two grade B movie stars. You used a lot of words and three paragraphs to write this piece of tripe

He had to have a ghost writer to write it. The only books he uses are picture books:hihi::hihi:
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If you can't care less, why bother trolling?


You have to feel sorry for em buck. The flag is a piece of cloth but it's what it represents that counts but I guess they're too thick or too far gone to see that

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I'm happy to say I've never watched him. The only stuff I watch on any Fox channels are Cops, AMW, and the soccer and rugby games on what used to be Setanta. The thing is owned by that creep Rupert Murdoch.


They do have some good looking female newscasters though :hihi:


I always watch The Doctor on Sunday mornings as Jamie Colby fills that slot with doctor Rosenfeld.


My wife always says

'Why do you always watch that show?. There's nothing wrong with you" :hihi:

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oh please you have read about the american boycott if french goods and that there was indeed a proposed clause in obamacare threatening fines or prison, there is non so blind as those who don't want to see and I am afraid you are one of those unfortunate people.
Funny that I can still buy Brie, Camembert, bicycles, even wine, though California wine is just as good and a lot cheaper. No cars though, no Renaults, or Citroens, maybe cos they're junk.:)
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Funny that I can still buy Brie, Camembert, bicycles, even wine, though California wine is just as good and a lot cheaper. No cars though, no Renaults, or Citroens, maybe cos they're junk.:)



The bakery department at our local Supermarket does French baguettes though :hihi:

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Some silly people on here, Brits & Americans are so much allike, all speak the same language, live the same lifestyle , live by the same standards, so why so much hatred & jealousy towards Americans, doesn't happen the other way around, maybe it's just boredom with the Brits, small country, not much to do unless you go abroad to get away from it all.


It's true Americans don't travel as much out of their country, it's because they don't have to but why should that bother other people ? I wouldn't waste time fretting about what other people have, how they live, what movies they make :hihi: Good thing is that it;s only a few Brits that feel this way, the rest just get on with life :)

Hear Hear Poppins! I try hard to understand what its all about. I have never had a problem with Americans putting down UK even from Irish Americans, among whom I spend a lot of time as my wife is Irish. I sometimes, good naturedly get into arguments about the American Revolution since I live in New England where much of the war happened. As i say it was Briton against Briton. If the guy or gal comes from Italian or Polish stock, or anybody else, I say " what did your great great great grandpappy do in it?":) Usually shuts them up
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There you go Sierra. Your very typical of many Americans. The friendliness and willingness to help always there.


When I first came to the States I had a broad Sheffield accent. My future wife to be loved it. Said I sounded just like Albert Finney.

Funny though how so many Americans have asked me if I'm Australian.

Wot? Sheffield and Australian? :hihi:

I worked at a paper mill in Ticonderoga NY for a while, and everybody in my local pub thought I was Australian and wouldn't be convinced otherwise. So I developed a digger accent just to please them.:)
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...When I first came to the States I had a broad Sheffield accent. My future wife to be loved it. Said I sounded just like Albert Finney.

Funny though how so many Americans have asked me if I'm Australian.

Wot? Sheffield and Australian? :hihi:


But you didn't speak like Dork van Dick, so you can't be English :hihi::hihi:


I too have been asked whether I'm an Australian ... though one lady thought I was a Norwegian(???).


My accent was a real asset in Mississippi ... Being a foreigner in MS is quite acceptable ... Just as long as you're not a 'Damned Yankee' :hihi:

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I worked at a paper mill in Ticonderoga NY for a while, and everybody in my local pub thought I was Australian and wouldn't be convinced otherwise. So I developed a digger accent just to please them.:)


I can add some other nationalities I've been mistaken for.


Dutch, German, South African, Irish and Scots although at least the latter two were much nearer home :hihi:

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