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American contribution to the world

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Like I said it seems that you need some help reading the posts of others - or is it that you are just so enamoured with your own drivel that you don't bother reading them anyway? I was being ironic. When are you dopey yanks going to get the hang of irony?


You really are a cheating coward Harleyman because you know full well that I termed the two actors as 'third rate' in my first mention of them. Your insistance that I consider Seagull and Van Dim to be good actors is tantamount to lying - in fact it IS lying - but then, lying seems to come easy to you.


You are just as fake as Seagull and Van Dim though you're clearly a much better actor.

So if you have a problem with my response to a S.F. member's post, be it negative or otherwise - TOUGH SH*T.


Regarding my knowledge of the film industry, I'm a professional photographer and I might know more than you think. My studio walls are adorned with early black and white stills mainly from the days when Holywood turned out some of the best lighting technicians and cinematographers in the world (though most of the film scripts/actors were still caka).


You say that I hate America but there you go lying again. For you know quite well, from one of our previous meetings that it's not the case at all. So I'll repeat, just for the record that I've nothing whatsoever against the American people.


Many of them might have this inflated sense of self that leads them to believe that they really are better than any other nation -they may well be partial to enormous quantities of processed meat - and generally take no heed of the rate at which they are devouring the resourses of the planet - but they are just people like any people anywhere. Some great, some not so great, - then there's you.


The 'American Dream' as even you may have found by now, is just that - a dream. It always was just a lie - as is the 'Bill of Rights'. As is America - as are most democracies throughout the world.


But as long as decent intelligent Americans subscribe to that lie, and indeed, reinforce the lie (as you and your friends seem to enjoy doing) then the world has no chance at all.


I've no doubt that you despise these good intelligent Americans that I'm talking of - Michael Moore and Bob dylan are two obvious ones. Do they upset your interpretation of the America that you've been brought up to believe in? Do they detract from the notion that America is the father figure of the planet rather than an odious rampaging teenager hell bent on on tearing up the road in an over-powered muscle car?


You are a pitiable bunch for sure - unable to construct a reasoned reply to my post you just bunch together like a pack of ravening dogs trying to defend the decaying bones of an America that existed only in Hollywood.



I've just noticed Harleyman, in your list of 'Hollywood Greats' you fail to mention arguably the best director that Hollywood ever had - Alfred Hitchcock - wonder why?




You just go on posting complete crap. Making statements about someone you've never met except on the SF.

Anyway some your assumptions need correcting.

First off I have seen all of Michael Moores works and although he tends to simplify the issues with over dramatisation occasionally in general what he says contains a fair amount of truth I'll give him that.


Secondly I've been a Bob Dylan fan for decades I also liked Janis Joplin, the Doors and even The Carpenters. I dont limit my likes and dislikes to any music genre.


Thirdly I made a very good life for myself here. I've been retired for about 2-1/2 years now, have enough to live a very comfortable life, own a very nice home, a cabin up in the mountains, in processi of buying a second home in Arizona, own a couple of nice cars, a camper and a couple of ATVs.

I dont use the latter two as at my age I've slowed down somewhat but the kids make good use of them. I generally play golF once a day for a couple of hours, fishing on weekends and mountain bike with the missus now and again when I dont feel too achy. So I haven't done too badly from the "dream" as you put it. No way could I have lived like this had I stayed on In England.


I wont make any comment on your opinion of America as you just revert to the usual rants. "Odious teenager hell bent on tearing up the road in a muscle car" What a load of bile and crap.


Oh I forgot to add that I do occasionally tear up the road in a muscle car that my sons and I restored 8 years ago,,, a 1969 Dodge Charger, same model as the one shown in Bullitt but dark green instead of black. Even an old guy like me can make that baby haul ass across one of our quiet desert roads.


So eat your heart out and be happy with your cheap Fiat or Renault or whatever cracker box piece of crap you tool around in.


Finally I didn't mention Alfred Hitchcock, great director that he was because he was a Brit but Hollywood has benefited tremendously from the influx of great British talent over 80 years. Too bad that all those great Brit actors and actresses could never get anywhere in the British film industry and also had to flee from the unfair high taxation thet the government levied upon them but it was all Hollywood's gain in the end anyway.

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Stop creeping around the Americans you creep - you know what they think of Canadians.


What do Americans think of Canadians?

I know for a fact living in the west that there's a very close relationship commercially and socially between Americans and Canadians in the western American border states and Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Alberta.


British Columbia and Alberta do more commercial business with their American neighbours than they do with the rest of Canada

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Stop creeping around the Americans you creep - you know what they think of Canadians.


For goodness sake what on earth is wrong with you, grow up and Harleyman it seems that you have made a great life for yourself and your family in America, proving that the American dream is still available but please, unless you enjoy sparing with this ingrate, just ignore him.

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Perhaps your husband doesn't like chick flicks, who can blame him:hihi:


No he doesn't like chick flicks, much prefers moronic Seagal and dare I say Van Dam although in his defense he does spend most of the time laughing at them.

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