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American contribution to the world

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For goodness sake what on earth is wrong with you, grow up and Harleyman it seems that you have made a great life for yourself and your family in America, proving that the American dream is still available but please, unless you enjoy sparing with this ingrate, just ignore him.


I had him on my ignore list once but somebody must have left the window open cos he's back.

"Hey will someone please bring the swat" :hihi:

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Originally Posted by rainbow2411

I am going to take that as a compliment and pretend that I wasn't around in the 60's



Oh I was alright. It was like a rollercoaster gone mad. Was I glad when the 70s arrived


I played all through the 60s it was incredible, September, October, November 1963 = 91nights we gigged 62 of them, it was a privilege to have been there, and then along came the Eagles and Crosby Stills & Nash.

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What about a Muslim woman's rights? Sorry.... my mistake.... they never had any in the first place.

Muslim women, particularly those in the middle east are the worst treated women in the world. Sadly it will be they alone who will have to fight a long hard and often deadly battle to gain anything near equality with their countrerparts in the western world and also Israel. The problem is that the poor creatures have been so brainwashed that they've accepted the fact that they cannot vote, cannot go out alone, cannot own a car, cannot marry who they like, have to wear burkhas in 120 degrees of heat while their asshole men folk walk aroubd in light colored loose fitting clothing and their young daughters forced to marry old men who in any civilized country would be arrested as child molesters


So cease your mindless prattle and look to your own culture and origins before flapping your jaws off.


This is exactly the kind of nonsense propoganda rubbish zionists reply with when their crimes against humanity are exposed.


What has the west contributed to womens rights in the Middle East? Rape of Iraqi women by western occupation forces and the Iraqi puppet army and police. Blowing women and children to peaces with aerial bombardment tank shells machine gun rounds. Causing lawless conditions in which violence against women, suicide bombing flourashis.


Women in Islam were given voting and property rights 1400 years ago unlike women in the west which achieved these rights in the last century.


The Quran talks about the Hijab for the man before the Hijab for the women in the Quran. It's not only women that must behave and dress in a modest way in Islam all Muslims who follow the religion should.


As far as oppressive regimes in the Middle East who oppress men as well as women I might add. These regimes are not Muslim in any sense of the word they are a bunch of puppets who have been planted by coloniolists. Saudi Arabia for example was a brain child of the British. The Islamic system of government is the Khilafah system which was abolished by the British in 1924.

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Freedom of speech or freedom to pratice religion was not invented by America.


I'm not talking about materialistic contribution I'm focusing on Obama's speech in which he portrayed America as the beacon of human rights freedom and justice to the entire world.[/QUOTE]


Well millions of people think it still is judging by the overwhelming number of visa applications so I think you're going off half cocked ..... as usual


How many are lining up to live in Iran. On a trip to China I was told that a few thousand Iranians have moved to China to live and work. Now that shows desperation !!!


America has made itself a successful nation by stealing the resources of the rest of the world and killing millions.

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America has made itself a successful nation by stealing the resources of the rest of the world and killing millions.


Pretty much every successful nation ever has made itself successful by similar means, The Islamic Empire was no different.

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My bold.

Half cocked again on your historical facts I see. But to enlighten you, yes Japan was in reality defeated but unlike the Germans the Japanese leadership refused to acknowledge it and instructed their blindly obedient military to fight to the very last man.

It was estimated by the Allied leaders that taking the whole of Japan by a land war would cost in the region of 500,000 allied casualties not to mention untold numbers of Japanese civilians who would have been caught up in it.


Blame the Emperor and his fanatical Bushido warrior minded government for bringing that upon themselves.


The A-bombs in fact saved more lives that they actually took


complete nonsense Japan was defeated and was ready to surrender before the nucs were dropped. America wanted a country to tst the nucs out and jumped at the opportunity of being able to commit genocide.

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Pretty much every successful nation ever has made itself successful by similar means, The Islamic Empire was no different.


The Islamic empire was different in many ways it even gave refuge to the Jews when the Christians were massacaring them. When the Middle East was under the Islamic Khilafah it was peaceful since it's been under Israel we can see the result.


Look at China it's developing itself without resorting to genocide. Iran is developing itself as best it can with such crippeling sanctions imposed on it by a hostile United States which wants to dominate the world and can't bear the thought of an independent developed Muslim nation capable of standing up to Israel and the USA.

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