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American contribution to the world

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The Islamic empire was different in many ways it even gave refuge to the Jews when the Christians were massacaring them. When the Middle East was under the Islamic Khilafah it was peaceful since it's been under Israel we can see the result.
And how did they treat people who did not practice the Abrahamic religions?


Look at China it's developing itself without resorting to genocide.
Well I suppose you don't count the millions of people who died and were forced out of their during China's industrialisation, its still going on too. They might not have needed to do it in other countries but they still became succesfull by taking land and resources away from people and off the back of lots of suffering.


Iran is developing itself as best it can with such crippeling sanctions imposed on it by a hostile United States which wants to dominate the world and can't bear the thought of an independent developed Muslim nation capable of standing up to Israel and the USA.
?!? Iran is no major world power, economically, militarily, or culturally.
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My bold


You really are a jackass but I'm enjoying myself responding to your posts.

First off traditional Asian food is NOT fattening and secondly if people are stupid enough to eat the other types of fast food high in fats and cholesterol that's their own fault, not that of the US or do you have the dictatorial mindset that governments should control what people eat and not eat ?


why do governments control illegal drugs? Should be people free to turn into crystal meth addicts as they are doing across the USA? Capitalism is all about profit the food industry is all about profit so is the pharmacutical industry neither could give a toss about the health of the public. Pharmacutical industry want people to remain ill and gives them chemicals to surpress the symptoms of illness's they have aquired from eating the high fat, sugar and cholesterol diets. They become dependent on these drugs and dependent on the food that has made them ill in the first place.

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My point is that life for the average christian in Iran is pretty darn bad, and that far from being the exception, the people I mentioned are probably the rule. At least in the US, no one can fire you or kick your children out of their school because one parent is a religion they don't like. Hell, if they even try? You can sue the socks off 'em. And you'll probably win. I would love to see that happen in Iran.


Sure there's discrimination (religious and otherwise) in the US and UK, but AFAIK, in the US or UK, you are free to leave if you don't like it. Therein lies the rub. There are plenty of people in the both countries who complain incessantly (and loudly) about how bad it is, yet they wouldn't dream of leaving. What's that saying about voting with your feet?


And anyone who believes every word that comes out of ANY politician's mouth deserves whatever they get. :hihi:


blinkers are firmly on aren't they? How do you know what life is like for the average Christian in Iran when you've never been to the country. On the other hand I'm from the UK have been to the United States have family in the United States and also have good friends who are Iranian both Muslim and Non Muslim. There is discrimination in Iran against minorities but it is blown out of all proportion by the west in order to help justify hostile stance towards Iran.


In the US there have been many cases of discrimination against Muslims especially sicne 9/11. America is pretty much a police state if you're Muslim these days and that useto be the case for African Americans not so long ago.


Are those people complaining about the country? Are they complaining that they hate living in London or Sheffield or Bradford or is it that they hate the foreign policy of the British government? They hate racists like the EDL? They hate anti Muslim discrimination?

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Muslims do not have the moral high ground, they never have and never will. The hatred of Jews is growing again sponsored by Arab Muslims and in part Muslims around the world. You would be correct in saying that the state of Islam is growing not through it teachings but by its shear birth rate. US support of Israel is one of its greatest contributions to world.

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This is exactly the kind of nonsense propoganda rubbish zionists reply with when their crimes against humanity are exposed.


What has the west contributed to womens rights in the Middle East? Rape of Iraqi women by western occupation forces and the Iraqi puppet army and police. Blowing women and children to peaces with aerial bombardment tank shells machine gun rounds. Causing lawless conditions in which violence against women, suicide bombing flourashis.


Women in Islam were given voting and property rights 1400 years ago unlike women in the west which achieved these rights in the last century.


The Quran talks about the Hijab for the man before the Hijab for the women in the Quran. It's not only women that must behave and dress in a modest way in Islam all Muslims who follow the religion should.


As far as oppressive regimes in the Middle East who oppress men as well as women I might add. These regimes are not Muslim in any sense of the word they are a bunch of puppets who have been planted by coloniolists. Saudi Arabia for example was a brain child of the British. The Islamic system of government is the Khilafah system which was abolished by the British in 1924.



I see the thread you started has morphed from America's contribution to the world to yet another lengthy discourse on the middle east situation.


You'd better be careful otherwise the Mods might shut it down for being off topic. Bu**ered up your own thread in other words L.O.L

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just a silly Pakistani with a chip on his shoulder, even though you can bet your ass he'd rather be living in a liberal democracy like the United States, or the UK, or France, Norway, or Italy, than trying to hack it in the horrible hellhole of the type his forebears came from.

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complete nonsense Japan was defeated and was ready to surrender before the nucs were dropped. America wanted a country to tst the nucs out and jumped at the opportunity of being able to commit genocide.


And you back this up with facts from where exactly?

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blinkers are firmly on aren't they? How do you know what life is like for the average Christian in Iran when you've never been to the country. On the other hand I'm from the UK have been to the United States have family in the United States and also have good friends who are Iranian both Muslim and Non Muslim. There is discrimination in Iran against minorities but it is blown out of all proportion by the west in order to help justify hostile stance towards Iran.


In the US there have been many cases of discrimination against Muslims especially sicne 9/11. America is pretty much a police state if you're Muslim these days and that useto be the case for African Americans not so long ago.


Are those people complaining about the country? Are they complaining that they hate living in London or Sheffield or Bradford or is it that they hate the foreign policy of the British government? They hate racists like the EDL? They hate anti Muslim discrimination?


I know what life is like for any Iranian who dares to demonstrate against the regime. The country is an Islamic dictatorship of the most repressive kind.

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