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American contribution to the world

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We could learn a lot from the americans, over there you can call a spade a spade, say whats on your mind and not have your pants pulled down for it unlike our disgracefully ran country which i am utterly ashamed of.

It always makes me laugh, every time I'm there, their newscasters openly taking a pop at us for various reasons and i agree with em every time - god bless america !

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I just did something crazy. Along with my wife, drove 1500 miles to Florida in near summer, when most intelligent Northern Americans are heading back home, leaving Florida to the Brits. It was nice to see the Grandkids faces when we arrived, because we hadn't told them we were coming. It's a shame that so many people come to Florida, and don't know how beautiful most of the neighboring States are. The Carolinas and Virginia are unparalleled for scenery. Florida is one giant billboard with no hills and no beauty except its beaches. We'll stay till July, then head back to enjoy NYC.


Thats too bad Buck your kids live in Florida, my son lived there for 2 years, couldn't wait for him to leave, he's now in Georgia, almost as bad, they can't afford to move back to Connecticut now, they hated to move away but jobs called, i'm off to Georgia on Saturday but just a week is plenty for me.

How anyone can like Florida iis beyond me :huh:

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Thats too bad Buck your kids live in Florida, my son lived there for 2 years, couldn't wait for him to leave, he's now in Georgia, almost as bad, they can't afford to move back to Connecticut now, they hated to move away but jobs called, i'm off to Georgia on Saturday but just a week is plenty for me.

How anyone can like Florida iis beyond me :huh:


There's a lot of nice beaches and towns like Boca Grande. They have these sand flies on their beaches though that just bit the hell out of my legs and also things threy call 'red tides" some kind of seaweed that appears on shore at certain times of the year and when combined with a wind made me cough like an old bloke who smoked all his life.


Not my choice of states. I have to have lots of mountains around. California has it all and beaches that are as good as anywhere in the world

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Sammy Davis, for all his talents as a dancer and entertainer, simply wasn't an American composer and musician. Miles Davis on the other hand, definetely was.


Which emphasises my point to a degree. Watching SDj doing party tricks alongside I love Lucy on prime-time TV every Saturday.


sorry, but you just can't fault the United States, in the field of the arts.


I don't think anyone is, it's their history. Without that history and struggle we wouldn't have the Blues. Musically it seems to have come full circle with Black and White kids both screaming at the establishment on an equal footing with rap and angst. Dylan really does have a lot to answer for, or Guthrie through Dylan maybe.

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Which emphasises my point to a degree. Watching SDj doing party tricks alongside I love Lucy on prime-time TV every Saturday.




I don't think anyone is, it's their history. Without that history and struggle we wouldn't have the Blues. Musically it seems to have come full circle with Black and White kids both screaming at the establishment on an equal footing with rap and angst. Dylan really does have a lot to answer for, or Guthrie through Dylan maybe.


Yikes! I love Lucy? You can have my share. Never could stand it

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I've said it before in this thread and I'm going to say it again. The world has contributed more to America than America has contributed to the world. More than any other country I can think of, America is a mish-mash of outside influences.

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I just did something crazy. Along with my wife, drove 1500 miles to Florida in near summer, when most intelligent Northern Americans are heading back home, leaving Florida to the Brits. It was nice to see the Grandkids faces when we arrived, because we hadn't told them we were coming. It's a shame that so many people come to Florida, and don't know how beautiful most of the neighboring States are. The Carolinas and Virginia are unparalleled for scenery. Florida is one giant billboard with no hills and no beauty except its beaches. We'll stay till July, then head back to enjoy NYC.


I don't know about 'a giant billboard' - If you took away the weather, the 'tourist attractions', the beaches, the everglades and the keys all you'd be left with is a swamp with a building site on it. :hihi:


...How anyone can like Florida iis beyond me :huh:


If you ask that question again in about 6 or 7 months time you might be given a few clues.:hihi:

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