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American contribution to the world

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This is precisely what I was addressing earlier. I care little for who invented the picture show. What impresses me more is what Hollywood did with it. Sure a lot of their stuff is garbage, it always was. But a lot isn't. You could perhaps say America didn't invent the vacuum cleaner,I'm not sure, but as I recall, most British housewives called them Hoovers, unlike American women who simply call them vacuums or just vacs. I hope you won't begrudge us the typewriter, phonograph, airplane, tractor, dishwasher and Mickey Dees. We'd like to be thanked for something at least, but probably won't.:)


How about ice hockey buck? North or south of the border? Your Boston Bruins were veddy, veddy naughty boys taking the Stanley Cup from the Canadians in Vancouver

They werent at all happy about that :hihi:

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A single example; The car.

Henry Ford was able to put the car within reach of the common man almost worldwide with the Model T.

Prior to that car ownership was only something the wealthy and privileged could afford

Even my old grandad living in rural Ireland bought one. I still have a photo of him and grandma standing proudly beside it


One of my late great uncles used to tell us how his grandparents (don't know what year this was, the twenties? thirties?) would come to their house in Mexico City every Sunday in their car. After dinner, grandfather would take the grandchildren for a drive. Afterwards, he'd walk all of them around to the front of the car. "See this?" he'd say proudly pointing to the hood ornament (or whatever it was) this is a BUICK. B-U-I-C-K. "When you grow up", he'd say waving his cane around for emphasis, you buy a Buick! :hihi:

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...This sounds all right as the persuasive propaganda allows then to have taken root in the UK, where they have several bases. They impose themselves anywhere they choose, but ask yourself one question if you dare: Would the USA has not to date allowed one foreign country to have even one base within the USA, so what is good for the goose is not apparently good for the gander? Double standards maybe?


Actually, the US doesn't have any bases in the UK.


RAF Mildenhall, RAF Lakenheath, RAF Fairford (under 'care & manitenance) RAF Alconbury and RAF Croughton are Royal Air Force Installations leased to the US. Each has a Royal Air Force Commander.


US-leased installations in the UK (and in Europe) exist under the provisions of the NATO Status of Forces Agreement and should the host nation require the Americans to leave, they would do so.


I was at RAF Upper Heyford in the early 90s until it closed. Before the closure was announced, there was a semi-permanent protest camp at the Northern end of the base (ladies in leg warmers) and no shortage of 'Yank go Home!' Placards and graffiti.


When the Americans announced that they were leaving RAF Upper Heyford, the tune changed. :hihi: "Please don't go away! - It will cause severe damage to the local economy." The Americans did leave Heyford and the local economy was indeed damaged.


When General Jones was Supreme Allied Commander (Europe) (Between 2003 and 2006) he devised a plan to 'drawdown' US forces in both Europe and the Pacific. A little over 50% of US personnel and their familes were to be/are being removed from overseas bases. The drawdown appears to be going more slowly than was originally planned, but it is continuing and some countries (Notably Germany, and particularly Bavaria) have seen considerable reductions.


The largest foreign contingent at a US base is the Luftwaffe at Holloman AFB in New Mexico. They've been there for years and it appears they have no intention of leaving.

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... It later was able to invent centimetric radar with the introduction of the magnetron. From this came the microwave stove, though I'm not sure who invented that, I'm just glad somebody did.


I first encountered microwave cooking at Guernsey Airport in about 1962. The Air Traffickers had realised that if you put a meat pie in the waveguide of the area radar set for a minute or so, you can cook it.:hihi:

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One of my late great uncles used to tell us how his grandparents (don't know what year this was, the twenties? thirties?) would come to their house in Mexico City every Sunday in their car. After dinner, grandfather would take the grandchildren for a drive. Afterwards, he'd walk all of them around to the front of the car. "See this?" he'd say proudly pointing to the hood ornament (or whatever it was) this is a BUICK. B-U-I-C-K. "When you grow up", he'd say waving his cane around for emphasis, you buy a Buick! :hihi:


Mom used to talk about the times when they went out for a spin in their Tin Lizzie. They lived in a small village and grandpa used to drive through the village like royalty while people stopped and stared at the Ford :hihi:. He was the only one in that village to own a car

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Mom used to talk about the times when they went out for a spin in their Tin Lizzie. They lived in a small village and grandpa used to drive through the village like royalty while people stopped and stared at the Ford :hihi:. He was the only one in that village to own a car


Wow, he must have felt like a celebrity. :D


There's a hilarious story told by Dolly Parton. When she was still a child, she bought her family a TV with the money she'd earned singing. And this was at a time when most folks there didn't even have a telephone. It was the first television anywhere for miles. She said neighbors were literally letting themselves into the Parton home unnanounced and uninvited and staying for hours. People would even watch the test pattern until her father evicted them. :hihi:

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Why not try to develope a coherent reply to my post? Oh! I see; you have the mental age of a two year old - ok.


However I see that you can just about manage one liners, though when the opposing argument is beyond your understanding you can just about manage an insult or two.


I'm 'sad'? Certainly not - only occasionally maybe when I think of the space that tw*ts like you are wasting. And 'jealous'? -- Of whom??? Please do tell.


Does anyone else see the irony in the bolded? Why don't you just call him a poopyhead? Some people can say what they want to say in a few words. Not everyone feels the need to waste a week fine tuning an eight paragraph screed.


I realize I've just stuck a big, fat bullseye on myself, but I can't stand your uncalled for nastiness another minute. For pete's sake why?

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Wow, he must have felt like a celebrity. :D


There's a hilarious story told by Dolly Parton. When she was still a child, she bought her family a TV with the money she'd earned singing. And this was at a time when most folks there didn't even have a telephone. It was the first television anywhere for miles. She said neighbors were literally letting themselves into the Parton home unnanounced and uninvited and staying for hours. People would even watch the test pattern until her father evicted them. :hihi:


Same in our home in Parson Cross. Dad bought a 17 inch Bush black and white TV in 1953 and the neighbours kids were always. bugging me about letting them come and watch it. Mom caight me charging then a shilling each for the privilege and made me give back the money.

I remember her saying "Either you'll end up a millionaire or end up in prison" :hihi:

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Wow, he must have felt like a celebrity. :D


There's a hilarious story told by Dolly Parton. When she was still a child, she bought her family a TV with the money she'd earned singing. And this was at a time when most folks there didn't even have a telephone. It was the first television anywhere for miles. She said neighbors were literally letting themselves into the Parton home unnanounced and uninvited and staying for hours. People would even watch the test pattern until her father evicted them. :hihi:


Just ignore him. That's my policy from now on. He's just trying to screw up the thread

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