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American contribution to the world

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Jeeeeeze! you guys are <removed> scared of people discussing the dark side of America. While we brits don't hesitate to highlight wrongs around the world or in the U.K. or to riot if the ruling 5% go too far.


We (the British government) have apologised to the world for many of our historical crimes - as have Japan, France, Germany et al.


I'll be highlighting some of Americas past and present attrocities shortly - you know I will Harl.

Just for the record Harl I'm not muslim, or a damn --- black person, nor am I gay and ''m a socialist, not a communist. See you soon. XXX


What am i supposed to do. Mess my shorts? :hihi: :hihi:


G'wan away with you fool

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I'm going to assume you mean that in a respectful way. :hihi::nono:


That is me and my daughter in the avatar, I am the darker haired one. My baby is beautiful and we are very proud of her. My boy is also blond but he got his dad's blue eyes. His sister is jealous of those, because she got the dark hispanic eyes.


SUPERTYKE, I don't understand why you do this. You're obviously an intelligent guy. Use your powers for good, not evil. Aren't you interested in talking to people?


I love this forum and when I joined, I had the feeling it would open my eyes as to how the US is regarded at least by our friends across the pond and I have not been disappointed.


And I suppose I don't mind that you called me dumb in a roundabout way, I try to have a thick skin. Wouldn't be the first time. Just don't anyone say anything about my children. :)


Hi Sierra, With regard to my bold...I think I may understand. Let me stress from the outset that I'm not trying to patronise or defend SUPERTYKE...if I've learnt one fact in my time here it is that he is indeed intelligent and can well look after himself.

I sense his frustration though and even his anger. This thread has been ongoing in one form or another since I joined and I have to say from my own experience that he is far from the only culprit when it comes to insult and invective. I note that SUPERTYKE is the only person you have taken to task and asked to "calm down" though.


No names, no pack drill...but the main reason I have not joined this discussion before now is mainly down to a tiny handful of ex-pats who have no apparent ability to listen to points made and then debate those points like reasonable adults instead of dismissing them with puerile jibes. I even had a PM which a 5 year old could have written...the sort of pre-school playground nonsense one would not expect from someone of allegedly mature years.


You happen to be one of the people I most respect on this forum for the way you have always conducted yourself in debate. How I wish you could impart these qualities to a few of your countrymen and women. :)

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Hi Sierra, With regard to my bold...I think I may understand. Let me stress from the outset that I'm not trying to patronise or defend SUPERTYKE...if I've learnt one fact in my time here it is that he is indeed intelligent and can well look after himself.

I sense his frustration though and even his anger. This thread has been ongoing in one form or another since I joined and I have to say from my own experience that he is far from the only culprit when it comes to insult and invective. I note that SUPERTYKE is the only person you have taken to task and asked to "calm down" though.


No names, no pack drill...but the main reason I have not joined this discussion before now is mainly down to a tiny handful of ex-pats who have no apparent ability to listen to points made and then debate those points like reasonable adults instead of dismissing them with puerile jibes. I even had a PM which a 5 year old could have written...the sort of pre-school playground nonsense one would not expect from someone of allegedly mature years.


You happen to be one of the people I most respect on this forum for the way you have always conducted yourself in debate. How I wish you could impart these qualities to a few of your countrymen and women. :)




You have no credibility with me Swami old son. I know for a fact that had you submiited a posting before it would have been completely negative. You are incapable of being fair, balanced and impartial. Your biased views on the USA are well known to me :D

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You have no credibility with me Swami old son. I know for a fact that had you submiited a posting before it would have been completely negative. You are incapable of being fair, balanced and impartial. Your biased views on the USA are well known to me :D


Re my bold.

No you do not!


Don't presume that you know anything about me "old son." :gag:

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Hi Sierra, With regard to my bold...I think I may understand. Let me stress from the outset that I'm not trying to patronise or defend SUPERTYKE...if I've learnt one fact in my time here it is that he is indeed intelligent and can well look after himself.

I sense his frustration though and even his anger. This thread has been ongoing in one form or another since I joined and I have to say from my own experience that he is far from the only culprit when it comes to insult and invective. I note that SUPERTYKE is the only person you have taken to task and asked to "calm down" though.


No names, no pack drill...but the main reason I have not joined this discussion before now is mainly down to a tiny handful of ex-pats who have no apparent ability to listen to points made and then debate those points like reasonable adults instead of dismissing them with puerile jibes. I even had a PM which a 5 year old could have written...the sort of pre-school playground nonsense one would not expect from someone of allegedly mature years.


You happen to be one of the people I most respect on this forum for the way you have always conducted yourself in debate. How I wish you could impart these qualities to a few of your countrymen and women. :)


Hey back Swami,


I respect you too, your posts are a tiny bit of the west coast right here on Sheffield forum my friend.


For the most part, I don't have a problem with what SUPERTYKE says, (it's been said before) it's how he says it. By no means is he the only one who calls names and makes assumptions about people's intelligence. I do take mild exception to the sexist remark he made about me and my daughter. Now in his defense, he probably didn't know the blonde in the avatar is my child, and it is a small picture, but good grief! He basically told me I'm too stupid for him to waste his time arguing with. :help:


God knows I'm a gal with a sense of humor. I'm not going to take it seriously because I don't know him in real life so I have no clue what sort of person he is. Same for most folks on here. Also, what can I do about it? Except angle the laptop screen so my husband can't see it. :hihi:


As for buck and Harleyman, I have the utmost respect and pride for them. They fight the online battles here so I have the luxury of appearing like a saint. I'm proud that these two extraordinary, hard-working men chose to become Americans. They picked us, we didn't pick them. Same for the Iranian neighbors I mentioned earlier, awesome people. Truly, England and Iran's loss is our gain.


Now, since it's Father's Day, I have to go. We're having a BBQ by the lake for my father in law. I'm going to eat a casper dog for each and every one of you. Mmmmmm.

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Hi Sierra, With regard to my bold...I think I may understand. Let me stress from the outset that I'm not trying to patronise or defend SUPERTYKE...if I've learnt one fact in my time here it is that he is indeed intelligent and can well look after himself.

I sense his frustration though and even his anger. This thread has been ongoing in one form or another since I joined and I have to say from my own experience that he is far from the only culprit when it comes to insult and invective. I note that SUPERTYKE is the only person you have taken to task and asked to "calm down" though.


No names, no pack drill...but the main reason I have not joined this discussion before now is mainly down to a tiny handful of ex-pats who have no apparent ability to listen to points made and then debate those points like reasonable adults instead of dismissing them with puerile jibes. I even had a PM which a 5 year old could have written...the sort of pre-school playground nonsense one would not expect from someone of allegedly mature years.


You happen to be one of the people I most respect on this forum for the way you have always conducted yourself in debate. How I wish you could impart these qualities to a few of your countrymen and women. :)

Sierra comes to this forum with no axe to grind. She should not be personally insulted when she writes, but SUPERTYKE spares nobody.

It may surprise you to find that in my earlier years I shared some of the views yourself, tyke and others of your ilk had. Though I had always admired America for its drive, its entertainment, its quality of life, I thought it consumed with its own importance, its ugly American image, its poor knowledge of Geography. My first intent was to go to Australia, but that didn't work out, so I headed to Canada for nine years. The American Company I worked for asked me to work in New England for a while, and it completely changed my mind. I live among people I like very much, who like me back. As an Englishman married to an Irish catholic I worried that I would

not make it with her Irish American family. I needn't have worried.

If we Ex Pat Sheffielders sometimes fight back, its because much of what some people back home talk is nonsense about this country. We know our city, though it has clearly changed in recent years. It was always a friendly, unassuming town, a bit rough and ready at the edges but a lot of fun. But something has happened to it since the steelworks closed, and not for the better. Please note that I have called nobody stupid, fat, fascist, or racist. Please try hard to respond in kind.

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I have a friend, who growing up, fostered these vaguely anti-American feelings while he was a young student, and going through college in the UK. He had these left wing inclinations, and the feeling was, that if you were left-wing, then you had to be necessarily anti-American, as well. It was like part of the package.


eventually he finished with his education and got himself a job. Not that long afterwards, he had to attend a conference in New York. To his own amazement, and against all his expectations, he fell in love with the place straight away.


he lives in the US now, has done for 12 years, still loves it, and it will always be his home in the future. But he's retained his left-wing opinions. Those haven't changed, except for the silly and juvenile anti-American addendum, which obviously is now redundant. America will tolerate all sorts, and he knows it.

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I never felt any cause to be anti-American. I grew up with the idea that the two most evil entities in the world were Nazism and Soviet Communism both of them despicable tyrannies that killed millions. The Americans were the good guys even in the sixties when many spoiled post war kids, indulged in by their WW2 generation parents were burning US flags and waving VC flags and trashing the campuses of colleges where their parents at great expense had sent them to study


Today that "radical generation" are just a bunch of middle aged geezers worried about their cholesterol levels and 401 K investments and wondering if Social Security, one of the "Government establishments" they so despised will have enough money to pay their old age pensions.


I know that I was fortunate enough to be able to grow up in a democratic society, never knowing things such as midnight arrests. the Gestapo and KGB was very much owed to the millions of Americans who came over to Europe and helped destroy Hitler and afterwards kept us free from Stalin's tyranny.


And that's just the way I see it.

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