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American contribution to the world

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The problem is that you deny anybody else seeing the world in any way but yours. In this utopia you believe in the civil rights abuses in the southern states of America, during those democratic '60's remember? never happened. The massive human rights abuses and war crimes commited in Vietnam are a figment of everybody elses imagination. The state experimenting on its own citizens only happened in the 'dispicable tyrannies'. The McCarthy witchhunts, very democratic, I suspose your history lessons skipped those. The selling out of Tibet by the US to try to put a brake on the USSR forgotten that as well have we? I'm sure from your middle class rose tinted perspective the last 40 years of US history has been a beacon of Democracy, I suggest you look at that history from the point of view of those who have spent the last 40 years being oppressed by that 'democratic' country. Unless of course you believe that atrocities commited by a democracy are somehow less dispicable than those commited by a tyranny?
Amazing, from your post the US is damned if it does and damned if it doesn't.

What would Anoraks do without the nasty west to bleat about.

The west has to be squeaky clean, but for the rest, anything goes.

Talk about double standards.

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Come on you guys, this underlines the whole point of my original post - Americans must square up to reality (though I accept that many Americans do) and stop seeing your nation as this whiter than white pinnacle of humanity.


Yes Buck, G.B.s empire was the biggest empire the world has ever known (though America took a good chunk of it away from us after WW2 in lieu of repayment for the war materials that they supplied us with so that we could die protecting them and the world from Axis Forces.)


Don't knock it too much though Buck, for had we not had the resourses of our empire and were it not for the unstinting sacrifice of millions of fighting men and women of these empire colonies, Pearl Harbour would have been academic and you too would now be cursing me in the German language.


I just want you to admit that America, as portrayed by Hollywood and the media does not exist and never did. That Americans are not super-humans and that God is NOT on their side.

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Come on you guys, this underlines the whole point of my original post - Americans must square up to reality (though I accept that many Americans do) and stop seeing your nation as this whiter than white pinnacle of humanity.


Yes Buck, G.B.s empire was the biggest empire the world has ever known (though America took a good chunk of it away from us after WW2 in lieu of repayment for the war materials that they supplied us with so that we could die protecting them and the world from Axis Forces.)


Don't knock it too much though Buck, for had we not had the resourses of our empire and were it not for the unstinting sacrifice of millions of fighting men and women of these empire colonies, Pearl Harbour would have been academic and you too would now be cursing me in the German language.


I just want you to admit that America, as portrayed by Hollywood and the media does not exist and never did. That Americans are not super-humans and that God is NOT on their side.


As there is no God, he is on no ones side.


Don't all Nations like to big themselves up in film? Thats what films are about, escapism (well generally). I will give it to you that Americans in films tend to be the hero, but as Hollywood is in USA then what would you exepct? What does disturb me is the amount of bad guys who are English in American films. Why is that?


Anyway, aren't you guys just repeating yourselves now? Buck and Harley love America, Tyke and Bassman have a pathological hatred for America. Is the thread dead?


Save yourselves time and post see post number (whatever)

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"The west has to be squeaky clean, but for the rest, anything goes."


I am not sure that this is what is meant when people complain about moral duplicity from the likes of the US or the UK. I think that, related to my other thread about western values, people expect our leaders to talk the talk and walk the walk too.

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Anyway, aren't you guys just repeating yourselves now? Buck and Harley love America, Tyke and Bassman have a pathological hatred for America. Is the thread dead?


Save yourselves time and post see post number (whatever)

My bold=

Can you retract? Where have I said that I have a pathological hatred of America.

Without American music my own long musical carreer would never have got off the ground plus most of the music that I play today has US origins.

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My bold=

Can you retract? Where have I said that I have a pathological hatred of America.

Without American music my own long musical carreer would never have got off the ground plus most of the music that I play today has US origins.


I retract it Bass, I was just joking. I was making a point (albeit in a poor way) and while I don't think you guys "hate" Americans, there is so much you Buck and Harley won't agree on and it amuses me to see you all going over the same ground repeatedly.

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I retract it Bass, I was just joking. I was making a point (albeit in a poor way) and while I don't think you guys "hate" Americans, there is so much you Buck and Harley won't agree on and it amuses me to see you all going over the same ground repeatedly.



I accept your retraction - good joke - I'll continue to go over this ground for some time to come if that's o.k with you.

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I retract it Bass, I was just joking. I was making a point (albeit in a poor way) and while I don't think you guys "hate" Americans, there is so much you Buck and Harley won't agree on and it amuses me to see you all going over the same ground repeatedly.

OK nuff said:thumbsup:

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