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American contribution to the world

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You need to spend more time getting acqainted with the media.

Only this morning on the news the Iraqi government put in a request to Obama to keep the 43,000 US troops remainng in Iraq to stay on beyond their scheduled withdrawal date.


This would be the Iraqi government elected according to the rules made by the US would it? In what way is this any different from the request made by the 'elected' government of Hungary in 1956? or the requests made by the Afghan government in 1979?


The Iraq invasion anyway was the worst balls up by one of the worst presidents the US had in 100 years.


We agree on something, the world is about to end! No we're safe I would argue the worst, not one of the worst, unless you can come up with a more incompetent President?

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:rant:How can it possibly be off topic. You are spouting off about America's treatment of other people, but pointedly ignoring any body else. I'm tired of your garbage:rant:


So explain to me how the dispicable treatment of people by other countries is relevent to the US's behaviour? Are you doing the child's arguemnet "but he did it as well" to mitigate that behaviour? So if North Korea holds its citizen indefinately without trial or access to a defence then its OK for the US to do the same? I am pointedly ignoring the the DELIBERATE attempts of people to change the topic. I'm sure as a US citizen you would be much happier discussing the behaviour of China, or North Korea, or Russias government then the similar actions being performed IN YOUR NAME by a government you elected. I'm sure you'd much rather start criticizing the government of Iran then look to the behaviour of your own elected officials. Feel free to rant all you want, feel free to insult me all you want, but I'm not going away and I'm not going to let you hide US behaviour in a smokescreen of non democratic countries behaviour.

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What does disturb me is the amount of bad guys who are English in American films. Why is that?


It's the accent. ;)


Really, it is. It makes them sound uber intelligent, and it's much scarier to have a smart bad guy threatening you than a dumb thug.

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This would be the Iraqi government elected according to the rules made by the US would it? In what way is this any different from the request made by the 'elected' government of Hungary in 1956? or the requests made by the Afghan government in 1979?



Nothing i would personally like more than for us to get out of Iraq and Afganistan also. I would vote for Republican presidential candidiate Ron Paul tomorrow for his views on US foreign policy. "Let's get out of everywhere and leave the rest of them to get on with it.. sink or swim... and keep American money at home" Unfortunately his domestic policies are a bit too radical for my taste. Pity, otherwise my kind of President.



You dont need to assume I'm defending America's presence overseas. You're preaching to the choir. I'm all for an isolationist policy in military matters.


Friendliness to all who see us as friends but attack us and we'll defend ourselves with the biggest and meanest axe in the armoury

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Come on Sierra – use my powers for ‘good not evil’!!! Bit strong init? You really do assume an awful lot. I sincerely apologise though, for allowing Harl to drag me down to his level but I think it’s pretty clear that my response was intended to antagonise you for your unkind post aimed at me.


But come on Sierra - ‘evil’?? Bit strong init? I’m just another ‘concerned citizen of the world’ who is deeply disturbed by Americas determination to own the planet..


As an American you should have a clear understanding of what real evil is – such as, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, the proliferation of malevolent weaponry, the invasion of countries with no justification or international sanction. ‘Evil’ are those who would starve molest and generally exploit children;


Evil is the vast inequality that exists between peoples. Evil is where squalor is enforced in the shadow of unimaginable wealth. Evil is the wanton destruction of habitat in order to extend that wealth. Etc etc etc. But I’m sure you are aware of this and of course I’m not laying ALL of the blame at the door of America.


It’s just that I find it very tragic that America, being the most politically powerful country in the world (arguably), could have taken the lead and led the world, by example to a brighter future.

But your good friend Harl, the all American boy who really does think that he’s Americas finest representative, can only ask me how I dare come back onto S.F. (after a long and very busy period working abroad) and how I dare make NEGATIVE comments about your good land.


Here’s my first post in this American thread..

[“America could have led the way to a better world but instead they are the biggest (or fattest) consumers by far. Their bulls**t films full of propaganda and self indulgence continue to dumb down the shmucks who watch them whilst dimwits like Steven Segall and Van Damme elevate themselves to the status of adored role models to which the children of the world may aspire.


What really p**ses me off is their ongoing re-writing of history to suit their collective ego. America is as extreme, in its own way, as any Middle Eastern country and FAR more dangerous.


Oh! But I’m forgetting – they’ve elected a black president – they MUST be good eggs after all..” ]


Have a look if you will at how your man responded to that –



Harleyman - "So your summation of America is based on Hollywood and two grade B movie stars. You used a lot of words and three paragraphs to write this piece of tripe"


Sorry gota go, I’ll have to finish this later.


And it certainly did antagonize me. ;)


SUPERTYKE, all I meant is that since you seem to have a razor sharp wit, and a better than average ability (perhaps too well) to express yourself, perhaps it might be nicer to show a little mercy and be a bit kinder to people. Only use it when you absolutely need to. Noblesse oblige, right? Is that expression still used in England?


And of course I've seen evil, unfortunately. I wasn't suggesting you were evil, it was just an expression. I feel evil can be compared to the old ditty about pornography and art, you know pornography when you see it, you know evil when you see it.

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It's the accent. ;)


Really, it is. It makes them sound uber intelligent, and it's much scarier to have a smart bad guy threatening you than a dumb thug.


One guy I'd really like to run into in a bar after a few drinks is Mel Gibson

I know he's some kind of Aussie or born there of an American father but he seems to have a love of killing Englishmen in his movies. I reckon I'd have a brief moment of satisfaction in taking a swing at him.


I despise English actors who play parts of villainous Englsihmen in American films. Remember the English actor who played Colonel Tovington in the Mel Gibson movie "The Patriot. The one who herded men, women and children into a church and had them burned alive?

Despicable fictitious Hollywood crap. I think though Tovington's character was based on a British Colonel named Banistre Tarelton who fought against the American revolutionaries and who in actual fact did massacre some American soldiers after taking them prisoner,,, but women and children never.

The fact though is that during the years of the war between England and America each side treated their prisoners pretty humanely overall and the protocosl of war as they existed at that time were largely respected by both sides.


I also think Hollywood needs to lay off this "English villain" thing. I know what it is though..... PC forbids them to cast other groups in these roles. It's a wonder they ever got round to making the "Godfather" The Italians and Irish also seem to have been walloped pretty hard when it comes to evil Gangsta type characters

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Hi Sierra, I could'nt agree more about none of us truly knowing anyone else on here. On-line personas often mislead...and I should know. I've been organising a monthly meet for over three years and have met many fellow members...often being astonished by the difference on and off line. In a nice way...of course. :cool:


I have nothing personal against Harleyman and Buck and like you I applaud them both for what they have achieved through hard graft.


It's just that...sometimes...just once...that's all...just once...I wish I could get a straight answer to a question instead of being painted as "anti-septic."


And on a wee bit of a West Coast note...lots of love to you and your family from a humble Swami. :)


Swami, you and I are going to own the forum. The rest of you better watch out, Swami and I are takin' ovah! :hihi:

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One guy I'd really like to run into in a bar after a few drinks is Mel Gibson

I know he's some kind of Aussie or born there of an American father but he seems to have a love of killing Englishmen in his movies. I reckon I'd have a brief moment of satisfaction in taking a swing at him.


I despise English actors who play parts of villainous Englsihmen in American films. Remember the English actor who played Colonel Tovington in the Mel Gibson movie "The Patriot. The one who herded men, women and children into a church and had them burned alive?

Despicable fictitious Hollywood crap. I think though Tovington's character was based on a British Colonel named Banistre Tarelton who fought against the American revolutionaries and who in actual fact did massacre some American soldiers after taking them prisoner,,, but women and children never.

The fact though is that during the years of the war between England and America each side treated their prisoners pretty humanely overall and the protocosl of war as they existed at that time were respected by both sides.


But they make such good villians, Harley! The best! And I do remember that actor. Yup, he was nasty in the film.


And I did see Mel Gibson in person once. About 15 years ago. A friend of mine who's a bartender at a local japanese restaurant called me up about 10 pm one Saturday and said "OMG GET DOWN HERE NOW! MEL GIBSON JUST WALKED IN!!" So I said, "Mel Gibson, the actor?" And she said, "YES! HURRY!"


So I went. And darn if she wasn't telling the truth. I was disappointed to see he's not that tall, but those eyes. And his voice sounds just like it does in the movies. It was late, he was tired, and he'd had a bit too much to drink. He was in town for a few days buying cattle at nearby Mapes Ranch for his ranch in Australia. Naturally, he was surrounded by a crowd but he seemed pretty good natured about it. I did get to say hello to him but was too shy to ask for an autograph. He has a dazzling smile. You can see he can turn on the charm when he wants to. God knows what sort of shenanigans his wife has tolerated over the years.


And I believe he is American by birth. The aussies claim him as their own, though. His father took the entire family to Australia in the sixties to keep his older sons out of Vietnam.

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