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American contribution to the world

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But they make such good villians, Harley! The best! And I do remember that actor. Yup, he was nasty in the film.


And I did see Mel Gibson in person once. About 15 years ago. A friend of mine who's a bartender at a local japanese restaurant called me up about 10 pm one Saturday and said "OMG GET DOWN HERE NOW! MEL GIBSON JUST WALKED IN!!" So I said, "Mel Gibson, the actor?" And she said, "YES! HURRY!"


So I went. And darn if she wasn't telling the truth. I was disappointed to see he's not that tall, but those eyes. And his voice sounds just like it does in the movies. It was late, he was tired, and he'd had a bit too much to drink. He was in town for a few days buying cattle at nearby Mapes Ranch for his ranch in Australia. Naturally, he was surrounded by a crowd but he seemed pretty good natured about it. I did get to say hello to him but was too shy to ask for an autograph. He has a dazzling smile. You can see he can turn on the charm when he wants to. God knows what sort of shenanigans his wife has tolerated over the years.


And I believe he is American by birth. The aussies claim him as their own, though. His father took the entire family to Australia in the sixties to keep his older sons out of Vietnam.


They're welcome to him far as I'm concerned. I dont like the guy.


Once we had actors like Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce and others who portrayed Englishmen in a better light. Today they're either all villains or Ponces.

On the other hand I've seen Americans shown in European movies as being stupendously naive or some kind of John Wayne xerox copy.

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Ilk is simply a different way of saying sort. The British love to be of one 'sort' or another, especially the snobs, of which there are too many. It is not an insult to be of some ilk or another, maybe even a compliment, but I don't dish those out very often. I am not sure of Iuchi Zein's origins, so can not argue with his statements about America. I have stated to you my knowledge of Britain's past, which is far from perfect. I dare say Zein's national past could bear some scrutiny too. Our history of racial discrimination is well documented, but little mention is made of the steps taken to change things. Interracial married couples are quite common today, and draw little or no comment even in the Carolinas. The witch hunts are long gone. Joe McCarthy was totally discredited by all sane people and died a drunk. I do not seek to excuse the Mai Lai massacre in any way. I'm sure I can find plenty of European cases. All I can say is what use is there of constantly bringing up the past to expatriates and visiting Americans who had nothing to do with any of these things. It is at the least discourteous, and probably trolling.


You were doing great Buck. Till the last sentence! Thats a pity.


Of course we are ALL responcible for the state of the planet. Which is why I say that America had the perfect opportunity to take the reigns (in a very democratic way) after the second world war. G.B was virtually skint - America was the only nation with the wherewithal to lead and with the imput of all nations, guide mankind into a more peaceful and sustainable future.


The use of bringing up the past Buck is clear. It is hopefully a way to ensure that past mistakes are not repeated. Thats the theory anyway.

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You're a bass player oh I get it - yeah I see. Are you famous?


You aren't Def Leppard's man are you? A friend of Rick Allen? He who I offered to flatten when he wouldn't cough up the cash for a pair of electronic drums that I let him have on approval from my music shop?


Tight git - the band had just got their first advance after being signed but he still wanted freebies!


And I'm still not happy with the state those guitars came back in - a Strat and an S.G. Special, if memory serves!! Leppards studded jackets and belts had scratched the backs of them.


Tell em I'll catch up with em one day - I'll make those metal monkeys pay!


Don't know what you're on about but with that post you come accross someone needing help.:suspect:

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Originally Posted by SUPERTYKE

I might be a chap and I might be prickly on the other hand I might be a woman and I STILL might be prickly - especially when people say they were 'just joking' about a nasty post then retract it when they're sussed and challenged.



sussed? You do say some silly things. It is hardly like I wrote an amazingly witty post that worked on many levels that require sussing. Good god man, if you are going to be rude don't pussy foot around and get on with it. I stood by my going round and round claims. I did think you were just stubborn at first but I think you have a potato field on your shoulder. If you think my post was nasty you must be incredibly sensitive or maybe just argumentative and enjoying provoking people into arguments.


I apologise if my "nasty" post offended you.


Fishcake, just ignore the nerd, it's obvious that it is out to cause arguments look what the plonker wrote about Def leppard


Originally Posted by SUPERTYKE You're a bass player oh I get it - yeah I see. Are you famous?


You aren't Def Leppard's man are you? A friend of Rick Allen? He who I offered to flatten when he wouldn't cough up the cash for a pair of electronic drums that I let him have on approval from my music shop?


Tight git - the band had just got their first advance after being signed but he still wanted freebies!


And I'm still not happy with the state those guitars came back in - a Strat and an S.G. Special, if memory serves!! Leppards studded jackets and belts had scratched the backs of them.


Tell em I'll catch up with em one day - I'll make those metal monkeys pay!


Last person I met like this poster he was on something, mind you someone they once have dealings with regarding gear was into that kind of thing.

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I despise English actors who play parts of villainous Englsihmen in American films.


I think a lot of good American directors see good acting as a result of theatre repertoire. British actors seem to be able to play the villainy part well by acting alone rather than being tooled up. In comparison American actors seem to go from stacking shelves, discovered then put before a camera. Like most things if you want quality it usually comes with years of training. That's not to say there isn't natural talent out there.


As an example the Die Hard film were terrible imo but they had one saving grace - Alan Rickman and Jeremy Irons. Hopkins as Lecter is another example. I think also Brit actors tend to see or know a good script rather than a blockbuster. Saying that some of my fav's are American, Kevin Spacey, Dennis Hooper, Kathy Bates, Annette Benning, Jack Nicholson etc.


I agree with Sierra..they play villains because they're convincing.

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Jeeeeeze! you guys are <removed> scared of people discussing the dark side of America. While we brits don't hesitate to highlight wrongs around the world or in the U.K. or to riot if the ruling 5% go too far.


We (the British government) have apologised to the world for many of our historical crimes - as have Japan, France, Germany et al.


I'll be highlighting some of Americas past and present attrocities shortly - you know I will Harl.


Just for the record Harl I'm not muslim, or a damn --- black person, nor am I gay and ''m a socialist, not a communist. See you soon. XXX

Wow bully for you.

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You were doing great Buck. Till the last sentence! Thats a pity.


Of course we are ALL responcible for the state of the planet. Which is why I say that America had the perfect opportunity to take the reigns (in a very democratic way) after the second world war. G.B was virtually skint - America was the only nation with the wherewithal to lead and with the imput of all nations, guide mankind into a more peaceful and sustainable future.


The use of bringing up the past Buck is clear. It is hopefully a way to ensure that past mistakes are not repeated. Thats the theory anyway.


After the second world the Marshall Plan financed with American money rebuilt much of war shattered Europe and American money also funded the rebuilding of Japan.

US president Truman also offered money to aid Russia's recovery but Stalin for his own demented and paranoid reasons flatly refused it.

Why are these facts consistently never mentioned, forgotten or overlooked ?


Whatever American plans were to guide the rest of the world to a better future with peace and prosperity for all were overshadowed by events over which America had no control


Stalin's expansion into eastern Europe, his paranoia and increasing isolation from the rest of Europe compelled Winston Churchill to declare "An iron curtain has descended stretching from Stettin to the Baltic sea"


Churchill was absolutely nobody's fool. He knew what Stalin was up to a year before the war ended but failed to convince Roosevelt who displayed a naivety towards Stalin that was stunning.


That's when the Cold War started and the fall of China and North Korea soon followed with north Korea launching an invasion of the south and the first proxy war between the US and Russia/China taking place.


This is history known to all but the reason I'm bringing it up is to point out that although we can plan for the good things for the world other circumstances and events often derail it. The world always was and still is a mess in many ways and mankind as a whole will never be able to act in concert to improve it.

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But they don't have real English accents ... Like Dork Van Dick.:hihi::hihi::hihi:


He should have been presented the Dumbo award. I used to laugh my head off at his accent in Mary Poppins when the kids were little.


My wife said "what's wrong with it? He sounds like a Limey to me"

That made me laugh even louder :hihi:

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