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American contribution to the world

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Really, all the aircraft I have mentioned reached operational status. You REALLY need to do your research. The fact that none of them had a major impact upon the war says more for the success of the Allied bombing campaigns than the lack of capability. If, I say again IF you are going to talk about the German bombing strategy you really need to look up and research what you are talking about. German bombers were designed around the European theatre and were primarily intended for tactical rather than strategic bombing, A massive strategic mistake, which on its own probably would have cost Germany the war against the UK or Russia.
German bombers carried limited payloads and were for the most part twin engined, the Focke-Wulf Fw 200C (four engined) was a converted civil airliner and was so crummy that it was only used for attacking convoys, once catapult launched Hurricanes were fitted to some cargo ships most Condor trips were one way.
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Really, all the aircraft I have mentioned reached operational status. You REALLY need to do your research. The fact that none of them had a major impact upon the war says more for the success of the Allied bombing campaigns than the lack of capability. If, I say again IF you are going to talk about the German bombing strategy you really need to look up and research what you are talking about. German bombers were designed around the European theatre and were primarily intended for tactical rather than strategic bombing, A massive strategic mistake, which on its own probably would have cost Germany the war against the UK or Russia.


Many of these so called wonder planes were more dangerous to the crews who flew them than to the allies, you really don't know do you.

The germans didn't have the special metals in any form or quantity that were required to maintian continual use in their jet engines.

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German bombers were designed around the European theatre and were primarily intended for tactical rather than strategic bombing, A massive strategic mistake, which on its own probably would have cost Germany the war against the UK or Russia.


Crap, in other words.

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Many of these so called wonder planes were more dangerous to the crews who flew them than to the allies, you really don't know do you.

The germans didn't have the special metals in any form or quantity that were required to maintian continual use in their jet engines.


Especially when the US airforce introduced an order that pilots of Me-262's were, if they parachuted down, to be machine gunned in the air. The RAF considered introducing such an order but decided against it on advice from high ranking pilots who informed them that such an order would not be obeyed.


Yet strangely the Germans, in spite of not inventing the Jet engine, and their 'apparent' lack of the special metal required, were at least five years ahead of Allied jet technology. The fact that if rthe German high command had shown a little more forethought the Germans could have been flying effective Jet fighters in 1942.


All of this completely off topic of course. Feel free to start an appropriate thread on which to discuss this.

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Crap, in other words.


No, based upon the strategy being used by the Germans they were actually very efficient. I'm sure Bomber command would have been more than happy to exchange their Blenheims for Ju-88's or Fairey Battles for Ju-87's. I suggest you start comparing like for like. All of which, again, is seriously off topic.

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Of losing the war you mean?


Ok, I'll concede, they built great bombers for losing the war. And they succeeded!


So the Panther and Tiger tanks were inferior to the Sherman because the Germans lost the war? Pleeease! Typical American thinking! Obviously, using the same thinking, the US equipment used in Vietnam was obviously inferior to the Vietnamese equipment since the US lost

that war? And the equipment used in Korea? If you can't see past the bias and propoganda then there is little point in discussing anything with you!

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So according to you the abilities of an aircraft are based upon its ability to fly in formation over the UK :loopy:


Well it starts with the ability to fly at all, hence the "otherwise".


But no, according to me Panthers are not bombers, which is what we were discussing.


At least last time I looked they had no wings, and weren't especially aerodynamic.


Don't mess about - a good WWII bomber aircraft:

a)could be mass produced

b)could take off without some kind of rato effort

c)had a crew of more than one.

d)could carry in excess of 2500kg of ordnance.

e)carried self defence weapons that were not "useless".



The arado was very advanced, sure, but it was also a crock.

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