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American contribution to the world

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I have to say peanut butter is a pretty awesome invention, expecially when paired with marmite, it's an anglo-american treat.


Peanut Butter and Marmite? :gag:


Each to their own I s'pose.. :rolleyes:

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Oh yeah also peanut butter and bacon rocks.


agreed, also peanut butter and really strong chedder, toasted.


Actually, thats another contribution, the grilled cheese sandwich.


I also like "free refills" on soft drinks in restaurants, something that never caught on in tight-fisted England.

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Don't know what you're on about but with that post you come accross someone needing help.:suspect:


Can't get my breath! I drop in on S.F. expecting Anglo-American relations to be on the up and I get some half baked Neanderthal accusing me of being a smack head!!


I was just having a laugh saying how (as you are from Dronfield) you might be Def Leppards bass player (joking) and then I went into a little ditty that I thought you might find amusing.


Should have known there'd be another schmuck waiting in the wings.

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Because it's detracting from America by and large and that appears to be what the mods want. You notice that anything that detracts from muslims is locked almost immediately ... why you think that might be?[/quote.


Seems to me the mods can't win and I've had PLENTY of stick from them so don't accuse me of bum lickin.


The thread is legitimate and of interest to many; anyway lets not blow too much smoke up their yank asses!


Anyway, I'M APPALLED at the latest figures regarding Americas finest export - obesity. Yes the kids of britain are hanging around MacDonalds like a mass of unexploded bombs waiting to decimate an already overstretched health service.


And it's all America's fault. America - land of the lard ass.

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If that refers to me you are once more reverting to your tiresome habit of putting words into my mouth. I never mentioned I was an expert on heliopters and I cant say I got a thrill from riding in the Huey sitting with my ass balanced on my helmet for protection. It wasn't exactly British Airways

Premium class. You could have had my share any day


LOOK WHO'S TALKING!! The past master of the misquote.

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