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That must qualify as one of the most infantile posts ever.

Have you ever eaten at Ryans in Nashville? If not why are you posting such ignorant offensive dribble?


'Infantile'? - You told me that you and FOUR like you ate as much as you wanted for 27 bucks!!


That works out to about three quid per head. Are you seriously expecting anyone to believe that quality does NOT go out the air conditioned window AT THOSE PRICES???


Why not just admit that your gutbucket is attuned to ingesting HUGE QUANTITIES of any old crap as long as it’s nice and CHEAP? And while you’re at it – why not admit that you don’t have a problem poisoning your family with the same filth either??


While we’re talking ‘offensive’ – you big bad world famous bass player you; how about you look back at the reply you made to a recent post of mine, which was made in good faith and was perfectly innocent and inoffensive.


Curiously, you don’t ring any bells whatsoever with me and I know just about every (decent) bass player in the Sheff region. Perhaps you’re just one of these sad fantasists that are so prolific on line.


Or is it that your air guitar has convinced you that it’s real – maybe it whispered this into your ear whilst you were making love to it one night??


Hows that for 'INFANTILE'??

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Believe it or not we have such a thing as air conditioning. Doors and windows are kept closed. Leaving doors open in summer is what snack bars and lower grade restaurants seem to do in Europe. But what the hell ! I enjoy a fly or two in my soup when I'm dining over there. The French claim they contain protein and it does add a certain je ne sais quoi to a meal.


Replying to a post I directed at your buddy is a good way of showing solidarity Harl, but you've said ABSOLUTELY nothing!


Do I REALLY have to point out to you that air con and closing doors does very little to deter flies from entering food outlets? And; (your little counter attack didn't go unnoticed Harl) we Europeans know that closing doors only traps flies inside and makes them more likely to lay eggs on the premises.


Still, 'sailor veee' as the french say, eh?

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Replying to a post I directed at your buddy is a good way of showing solidarity Harl, but you've said ABSOLUTELY nothing!


Do I REALLY have to point out to you that air con and closing doors does very little to deter flies from entering food outlets? In fact (your little counter attack didn't go unnoticed Harl) we Europeans know that closing doors only traps flies inside and makes them more likely to lay eggs on the premises.


(Still, 'sailor veee' as the french say, eh?


But don't you also have those third world electric showers still ?

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I know just how she feels. Some native american and dutch from paternal grandmother, full irish paternal grandfather. Mexican maternal grandmother, mexican/french/(spanish,waaay back) maternal grandfather.


The husband isn't nearly as bad. scots/english father, russian mother. Our poor kids. :hihi:




The odd person might get a shock now and again. Just goes to show you can't judge a book by it's cover, huh? Personally, I'm fascinated by these genealogy shows and would love to see more of them. One of my favorite ones was Henry Louis Gates African American Lives on public television. The actor Don Cheadle's ancestors were owned not by white people, but by Chickasaw indians. Native americans owning slaves might come as a surprise to some forum members. And many poor whites paid for their passage to America by working as indentured servants alongside black slaves. I especially liked Maya Angelou talking about her grandmother Annie Henderson who raised her. I could listen to Maya Angelou talk all day.


When I was growing up in California, a number of people around, many friends had a parent or grandparent born elsewhere, a snooty french neighbor who owned a bakery, a teacher (my fourth grade teacher was born in Germany and I swear if she wasn't a Nazi she should've been) and just folks who cross your path in the course of a day had this, attitude. Like, "you poor thing, what a mess rolled into one. tut tut" Even, "that's what's wrong with the Americans, they're all mixed up!" Thanks.

Like it's something I could fix? :rolleyes:


Of course being a kid what could I do but shrug. Today, I'd tell them to go to hell. Politely of course.



She's actually quite proud of her drop of Cherokee blood. You'd never guess she had any Cherokee being Scandinavian in appearance. There must be millions of third or fourth generation Americans who can claim some Native American ancestor somwehere down the line.


Many Americans seem to be able to trace their family tree back a couple of hundred years, some even to the Pilgrim Fathers.

My wife's mother traced the family back 150 years. One of them had a barbers shop in Tombstone, Arizona and was a good friend of Virgil Earp and knew Doc Holliday quite well


I cant find out anything about my family beyond my grandparents generations.

Dark lot I imagine :hihi:

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Replying to a post I directed at your buddy is a good way of showing solidarity Harl, but you've said ABSOLUTELY nothing!


Do I REALLY have to point out to you that air con and closing doors does very little to deter flies from entering food outlets? And; (your little counter attack didn't go unnoticed Harl) we Europeans know that closing doors only traps flies inside and makes them more likely to lay eggs on the premises.


Still, 'sailor veee' as the french say, eh?



Does keeping doors open work any better? :huh:. Ever toured the Latin Quarter in Paris on a hot summers day? There are quite a number of small Greek restaurants. The smell of the food was very appetizing but there were more flies landing and taking off on the fish displayed in the windows than planes at Chicago O'Hare on a busy day.

I think a side order of flies would have gone down very well with a chilled bottle of Mouton Rothschild :hihi:


On the subject of NASA it's an acknowledged historical fact that Werner von Braun and his team were responsible for getting America into space just as other captured German rocket scientists did the same for Russia


The swept wing concept of the Me262 jet fighter was another German innovation that was adopted later in the Mig 15 and the American F-86 Sabre.


I will never be guilty of not giving credit where credit is due.

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Originally Posted by Bassman62

That must qualify as one of the most infantile posts ever.

Have you ever eaten at Ryans in Nashville? If not why are you posting such ignorant offensive dribble?


And your reply was:-


'Infantile'? - You told me that you and FOUR like you ate as much as you wanted for 27 bucks!!


That works out to about three quid per head. Are you seriously expecting anyone to believe that quality does NOT go out the air conditioned window AT THOSE PRICES???


Why not just admit that your gutbucket is attuned to ingesting HUGE QUANTITIES of any old crap as long as it’s nice and CHEAP? And while you’re at it – why not admit that you don’t have a problem poisoning your family with the same filth either??


While we’re talking ‘offensive’ – you big bad world famous bass player you; how about you look back at the reply you made to a recent post of mine, which was made in good faith and was perfectly innocent and inoffensive.


Curiously, you don’t ring any bells whatsoever with me and I know just about every (decent) bass player in the Sheff region. Perhaps you’re just one of these sad fantasists that are so prolific on line.


Or is it that your air guitar has convinced you that it’s real – maybe it whispered this into your ear whilst you were making love to it one night??


Hows that for 'INFANTILE'??


My Bold= Yes I think you've surpassed yourself,:loopy: you've certainly lowered the mentality bar. Interesting to see how much lower you can get next time.



BTW Have you ever eaten at Ryans in nashville.

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Isn't Mouton Rothschild a red wine ?


Dont know much about wine. I never liked the red though. I have several bottles of White Zinfandel which has a pleasant fruity taste to it.

Another very pleasant California wine was Johannesburg Riesling but for some reason it's not on the shelves any more

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I'm saying that the achievements made by NASA have been made by using the indispensable skills of MANY countries. Is that clear enough or will you wait for mummy to explain it to you.


so what. You could say that about just about any other field of endeavour in the United States. It's one of the hallmarks of the whole place, as everyone here that has the first clue about the place agrees. Oh, and by the way, NASA employees must be American citizens.

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My Bold= Yes I think you've surpassed yourself,:loopy: you've certainly lowered the mentality bar. Interesting to see how much lower you can get next time. BTW Have you ever eaten at Ryans in nashville.


Why not just answer my post in as coherent a way as you can? (I appreciate how difficult that is).


And, I rather think that it's yourself who has 'lowered' the 'mentality bar', as you so poetically put it. But ‘Sticks and stones’ eh pal.


But aren't those avatars fun? And the way you so adeptly change fonts to bold.

It really is a good thing that you are clever enough to know how to do it.

Especially as They are the only interesting components of your post - well done.


How likely is it that I’ve been to the stinkin dive that you frequented? Not very is it? Or are you just bragging about your extensive globe trots? (I've travelled a bit myself too but happily not to the states).


Nashville is the last place I’d go to if I did visit the states. All those C and W bands with their doegies (or is it stoegies)? Runnin around everywhere - and what if I bumped into Dolly Parton? (Don’t answer that)!


No, I turned down a free trip to Chicago to help a friend to ship a 59 Cadi back to England. Though Frank’s Kinda Town would almost definitely be MY kinda town. All that soul food and class musos playing into the night in sleazy women filled bars!! MMM-M.

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