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American contribution to the world

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so what. You could say that about just about any other field of endeavour in the United States. It's one of the hallmarks of the whole place, as everyone here that has the first clue about the place agrees. Oh, and by the way, NASA employees must be American citizens.


I MOST CERTAINLY DO say that about most other 'fields of endeavour' in the states; (liked your pun there - 'endeavour' - as in shuttle - yes - ver ee good.


And when did I claim to have ANY clue re your horrid country?


Of course your illustrious government always offers citizenship to ANYBODY who has anything worthwhile to offer. Especially if they know how to make BIG BANGS!!

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Of course your illustrious government always offers citizenship to ANYBODY who has anything worthwhile to offer.


Isnt' that how it should be ?

England would be a different place now if we had applied that policy.

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Isnt' that how it should be ?

England would be a different place now if we had applied that policy.

What a "horrid" thing to say, Bulgarian:hihi: Just because you live in one of the world's cleanest and most dynamic cities, though not quite as good as Montreal of the 24 Stanley Cups.
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She's actually quite proud of her drop of Cherokee blood. You'd never guess she had any Cherokee being Scandinavian in appearance. There must be millions of third or fourth generation Americans who can claim some Native American ancestor somwehere down the line.


Many Americans seem to be able to trace their family tree back a couple of hundred years, some even to the Pilgrim Fathers.

My wife's mother traced the family back 150 years. One of them had a barbers shop in Tombstone, Arizona and was a good friend of Virgil Earp and knew Doc Holliday quite well


I cant find out anything about my family beyond my grandparents generations.

Dark lot I imagine :hihi:


Absolutely Harly. As callipo pointed out, you can never tell just from looking at a person. No one would ever guess my nordic looking son had a drop of hispanic blood. My maternal grandfather who was fair skinned, light haired and blue eyed was born in Mexico in 1904. "Your great grandfather knew Pancho Villa!" he liked to tell us. Grandpa liked to embellish. One of my cousins always teasingly answered back, "Pancho Villas dead grandpa." :D


In contrast to my grandmother who was from SoCal and was so dark her nickname growing up was "La Morenita, which means little dark skinned girl. *Sob* Now I miss them! :(


I don't really have any famous relatives, except my mother is a distant, distant cousin of Yvette Mimieux. I saw her only once. To my child's eyes she was beautiful, like an angel. My youngest sister is named after her.


My dad's Irish relations are best not mentioned. From what I know, a whole lotta fighting, drinking, working on the railroads and god knows what else in the gold fields and all over northern California. Which there must be something to genetics, because my dad's family still likes to play harder than they work. Pity they didn't work a bit more and drink a bit less, I'd be typing this from a mansion on Nob Hill!


There was a TV show recently where they were trying to locate a maternal relative of Jesse James because they needed a DNA sample. The nearset one they found was a university professor in Connecticut who was stunned to discover he was kin to a famous outlaw.

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Obama’s recent speech in the UK got me thinking about what America has actually contributed to the world. Helping Europe defeat Hitler seems to be about the only positive contribution of the United States that I can think of.



what about the internet, which was developed in the USA?!

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Nashville is the last place I’d go to if I did visit the states. All those C and W bands with their doegies (or is it stoegies)? Runnin around everywhere - and what if I bumped into Dolly Parton? (Don’t answer that)!
Once again displaying your utter ignorance, the 'W' bit was dropped long ago.

Nashville is so diverse in it's music but you wouldn't know that, Lionel Hampton (Benny Goodman Orchestra) Orchestra playing for free on the Cumberland river stage, Rufus Thomas (Blues Star) playing on Printers Alley, in fact just about all genres of music playing.

How likely is it that I’ve been to the stinkin dive that you frequented? Not very is it?

Very unlikely being the blinkered moron that you are coming accross as.

Only a fool was broadcast opinions about somewhere they then admit they've never visited.

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'Infantile'? - You told me that you and FOUR like you ate as much as you wanted for 27 bucks!!


That works out to about three quid per head. Are you seriously expecting anyone to believe that quality does NOT go out the air conditioned window AT THOSE PRICES???


Why not just admit that your gutbucket is attuned to ingesting HUGE QUANTITIES of any old crap as long as it’s nice and CHEAP? And while you’re at it – why not admit that you don’t have a problem poisoning your family with the same filth either??


Actually, SUPERTYKE. It's very likely bassman and his family got an excellent meal. I know I won't eat something just because it's cheap, I bet they don't either. Many restaurants in the US will offer excellent quality food for less than their cost just to bring in business. Some places have specials a certain day of the week like buy one meal get another one free or half price. Kids under 12 usually eat free, too. I know my children always loved one particular place for Sunday brunch because they offered kids up to three refills of sugary Jarritos soda. They got two each and that was it. And they could choose either second sodas or dessert. They usually picked dessert.


The Nevada casinos are famous for this! When the husband and I were young and poor, after a day of skiing we always ate at the casinos because where else could you get food like that for that price. They employ chefs from all over the world and I know we're not the only ones who went there just to eat. Anything to get people in and gambling!


I mostly avoid fast food places like the plague. With the exception of Jack in the Box tacos and state fair food like deep fried corn dogs, funnel cakes and kettle corn. It's only for one day. That's what I tell people when they give me that look. Uuugh. I feel sick. Maybe not funnel cakes this year. True. Some people are gluttons (it's human nature) and I'm personally embarrassed at times by our culture with it's fast food, all you can eat buffets, and pancakes as big as your head which is certainly to blame for indulging this unfortunate tendency. But there is good food out there too, you just have to be selective. I would encourage anyone who visits the US to research the region you're visiting as to where you can eat so you don't have to starve or eat trash. Yelp reviews are great, by real people.

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Nashville is so diverse in it's music but you wouldn't know that, Lionel Hampton (Benny Goodman Orchestra) Orchestra playing for free on the Cumberland river stage, Rufus Thomas (Blues Star) playing on Printers Alley, in fact just about all genres of music playing.


Heck yeah. I'm not a blues fan, but I wouldn't mind visiting Beale Street.

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