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I don't know where it was invented, but whoever invented it should've received the Nobel prize. Oh boy. A work colleague of my husband moved with his family to Tucson a couple years ago. He said his kids want to come back to California because they can't take the heat there. That's when you know it's bad.


It is unblievably hot in Arizona (in the southern bit anyway) when the door opens and the heat hits you you feel like you've just walked into an oven and if the winds blowing it's like being in a giant hairdryer.


The scenery is amazing though, you never get bored of seeing Saguaro cactus.


Mind you, it's pretty hot here today, but no cactus :(

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Nashville is so diverse in it's music but you wouldn't know that, Lionel Hampton (Benny Goodman Orchestra) Orchestra playing for free on the Cumberland river stage, Rufus Thomas (Blues Star) playing on Printers Alley, in fact just about all genres of music playing.

We drove accross to Memphis and stayed just up the road from 'Gracelands' which of course we visited, we went downtown in the evening and walked down Beale Street, guess what, BB Kings place was shut but I was invited to get up and play Bass with a blues band (I declined and kicked myself later).


Went there a few years back and can honestly say I was disappointed. I kept expecting someone to say,..eyes down!, it was memorable but very tacky.

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You know Sierra before I emigrated to Canada in 1965 I thought Mounties still wore red tunics and rode horses while on regular duty.

That lumberjacks still used axes instead of chain saws

Before I came to the US that 9 out of 10 guys smoked cigars. That everyone west of the Mississippi packed a gun and wore Stetsons

That you could stroll along Hollywood Boulevard any day of the week and spot a big movie star gliding along in a Caddy convertible.

Lucky for me there was no internet back then and I did not make a damned fool of myself posting comments on my preconceived notions about places I had yet to visit.

Seems like a few who post all this anti-American stuff have already done that :hihi:


Well when I was a kid, my image of Canadian Mounties was limited to Dudly Do Right. :hihi:


Yeras ago, my father had Jack Palance ask him for the time on an elevator in San Francisco. He said he only realized after he'd gotten off who it was. That's the thing with seeing someone famous. They pop up in unexpected places and times so that you're not sure if it's really them or you realize it after the fact.

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It is unblievably hot in Arizona (in the southern bit anyway) when the door opens and the heat hits you you feel like you've just walked into an oven and if the winds blowing it's like being in a giant hairdryer.


The scenery is amazing though, you never get bored of seeing Saguaro cactus.


Mind you, it's pretty hot here today, but no cactus :(


Give me northern Arizona any day. Flagstaff, Prescott. Wouldn't mind living in either of those two places if they were within two hours drive from the ocean.

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Went there a few years back and can honestly say I was disappointed. I kept expecting someone to say,..eyes down!, it was memorable but very tacky.


So I've heard. The jungle room makes my eyes hurt. Graceland is what happens when poor country folk get some money. Still, you gotta love 'em. If Elvis wanted to spend his money on pink Cadillacs and furry carpet, god bless him. With his dough I would've hired a live-in french pastry chef. Instead he ate fried bologna sandwiches and peanut butter and bananas. :hihi:

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Well when I was a kid, my image of Canadian Mounties was limited to Dudly Do Right. :hihi:


Yeras ago, my father had Jack Palance ask him for the time on an elevator in San Francisco. He said he only realized after he'd gotten of who it was. That's the thing with seeing someone famous. They pop up in unexpected places and times so that you're not sure if it's really them or you realize it after the fact.


I've seen Glenn Ford in a store in Santa Monica buying a wok, shared an elevator with Jack Lemmon but like your father didn't realize who he was until he got off the elevator. He looked drunk though and also spoke a few brief words with Jack Nicholson at a Lakers basketball game.

Also seen Clint Eastwood and Angelina Jolie while they were filming "the Changeling"


Maybe one day I might get swiped by Lindsey Lohan or Britney Spears while driving along Mulholland Drive :hihi:

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Give me northern Arizona any day. Flagstaff, Prescott. Wouldn't mind living in either of those two places if they were within two hours drive from the ocean.


Sedona is pretty nice too.

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You visited Graceland? What did it feel like to walk on hallowed ground? :hihi:

Maybe next year I'll get to make the pilgrimage.

There is a pretty decent dispay of the King's memorabelia at Bally's in Vegas in case you ever go there.

It was a fantastic experience, we wouldn't have missed it, today some may call it a bit tacky, he certainly woulddn't live there today due to it getting too built up around it.

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Sedona is pretty nice too.


Yep! Very nice and some expensive properties. I've driven/ridden the I-40 many times across northern Arizona. I do believe that California drivers pay about 60 percent of Arizona Highway patrolmen's salaries. The speed limit is 75 MPH which is decent enough but those blue and white cars are everywhere and they appear out of nowhere. Very tricky bunch especially around roadworks. Anybody even going 10 MPH over the temporary construction site speed limit gets nabbed.

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It was a fantastic experience, we wouldn't have missed it, today some may call it a bit tacky, he certainly woulddn't live there today due to it getting too built up around it.


I've heard the area today is a bit dodgy

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