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American contribution to the world

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Once again displaying your utter ignorance, the 'W' bit was dropped long ago.

Nashville is so diverse in it's music but you wouldn't know that, Lionel Hampton (Benny Goodman Orchestra) Orchestra playing for free on the Cumberland river stage, Rufus Thomas (Blues Star) playing on Printers Alley, in fact just about all genres of music playing.


Very unlikely being the blinkered moron that you are coming accross as.

Only a fool was broadcast opinions about somewhere they then admit they've never visited.



You really are clutching at straws while you can call me names for not knowing that C+W is now just W!!

But you all are doing a fine job of diverting the thread from its original topic - anyone would think that you

and your little friends don't want to face up to the fact that America has not been quite the benefactor to the

planet and its inhabitants that you would like to think.


And I see you are very selective about what you take literally in my posts and which parts you choose to

reply to.


There's very little you could tell me about the music industry big man just because I don't brag about my musical accomplishments as you do.(Though you probably wouldn't know a bass from a cello).


As for your last little gem of utter tosh I 'broadcast opinions' about MANY places I've never visited, THE MOON

being one such place. 'You are coming across' as a totally brain-dead bozo.(note I use your own brand of

cowardice to ensure I can't be accused of actually insulting you).

I recently expressed to someone on this forum that he or she, ( don't know or care what gender) was the most unpleasant person I had ever known.I would now like to apologize to whover it is, because he no longer is. You are.

You're very brave from the anonomynity of the net,:rant:

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I prefer to believe it was done first in Europe.


This fellow is one of many: Clément Ader


doubtless you would prefer. Unfortunately for you, the facts prove you wrong. The Americans got powered flight going.

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When will you understand Buck, that I really don’t care WHAT you think of me? It’s you who insists on personalising this thing. And it might be a good idea to let Bassman answer for himself – he’s a BIG boy now, (or so he would have us believe) and is almost as good as you at dishing out the insults.


Yes – it is safe to post on S.F. isn’t it Buck? But the same anonymity protects us all – believe me, I would relish a face to face with ANY of you ANYDAY.

So here’s the crux of what I’ve been saying since I first entered this thread. (And you can fudge it and waffle on with your friends about the state of play with your rounders games (in order to bury my post) as much as you like.


Interestingly, a REAL American was on TV recently (the great Mr Michael Moore). And he did a great job of exposing some of the more despicable acts of exploitation and corporate greed that the world has EVER seen.

I can understand Buck, how it must break your heart to see the country that you love hastening the destruction of the planet in such a careless way; disregarding the basic rights of its people in such flagrant displays of insane capitalist fervour.


However, I have no sympathy whatsoever for you or anyone else who defends the vile institutions that treat people and their lives and their homes as commodities to be traded, exploited and expended at the whim of insane and unsightly greed . You, like your politicians (like politicians everywhere) work on the premise that people soon forget the criminal activities of corporations and governments.

You Buck, are as guilty as they are. For you try to hide these scandalous activities and pretend they never happened.


Mr Moore’s program, showed us a man who had worked all of his life to buy a house for his family. The great American war-cry of ‘Spread the Wealth’ had fooled him. He had succumbed to the massive advertising campaign that led him and MILLIONS of other normal hard working Americans into re-mortgaging their homes.


We all know about the ‘Sub Prime’ rip off now and how it affected world economics. But at the time, how many people knew how thieving lawyers had drawn up contracts designed to progressively jack up repayments to a point that would prove impossible for home-owners to repay? Oooo – that pesky ‘small print’ eh Buck?I know that ‘You’re alright Jack’ but many millions of your American buddies are most definitely NOT. You’ll no doubt say that they should know better eh Buck? They should READ the small print, eh Buck? They should not trust the War-Cry of the American Constitution that says ‘Spread the Wealth’ eh Buck?


Even Obama goes along with the same war-cry doesn’t he Buck? ‘Spread the Wealth’. In fact, all of the thieving presidents before him – right back to Nixon chanted the same empty lie. What they REALLY mean is – spread the wealth between the top 5% of America’s richest thieves.


And please; spare us the endless reminders of the wars you have fought – it really is unseemly.

We all know how America won the world wars – how they sent fascism packing (to a little State in good old Americy)and anyway Captain America will get us out of ANY scrape won’t he Buck?

So while Obama snuggles down into the pockets of Goldman Sachs et al and millions of your compatriots dream of the Little House on the Prairie that they once owned, don’t even think of raising an objection to those who took everything from them.


After all Buck, you’ve done your bit haven’t you? You’ve had enough of fighting and conflict eh? But what about the children Buck? What about your grand-children Buck? What about the planet Buck?

Great Britain – your firm ally and SPECIAL friend – is slowly becoming your newest state. Will you trick us too out of our homes to satisfy (if that’s possible) the abhorrent greed that personifies modern America?


You have convinced us that the entrails, lips and bum-holes of cattle taste great – I shudder to imagine what your next export to us may be. Whatever it is – we the people really wish that you would just KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES.

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When will you understand Buck, that I really don’t care WHAT you think of me? It’s you who insists on personalising this thing. And it might be a good idea to let Bassman answer for himself – he’s a BIG boy now, (or so he would have us believe) and is almost as good as you at dishing out the insults.


Yes – it is safe to post on S.F. isn’t it Buck? But the same anonymity protects us all – believe me, I would relish a face to face with ANY of you ANYDAY.

So here’s the crux of what I’ve been saying since I first entered this thread. (And you can fudge it and waffle on with your friends about the state of play with your rounders games (in order to bury my post) as much as you like.


Interestingly, a REAL American was on TV recently (the great Mr Michael Moore). And he did a great job of exposing some of the more despicable acts of exploitation and corporate greed that the world has EVER seen.

I can understand Buck, how it must break your heart to see the country that you love hastening the destruction of the planet in such a careless way; disregarding the basic rights of its people in such flagrant displays of insane capitalist fervour.


However, I have no sympathy whatsoever for you or anyone else who defends the vile institutions that treat people and their lives and their homes as commodities to be traded, exploited and expended at the whim of insane and unsightly greed . You, like your politicians (like politicians everywhere) work on the premise that people soon forget the criminal activities of corporations and governments.

You Buck, are as guilty as they are. For you try to hide these scandalous activities and pretend they never happened.


Mr Moore’s program, showed us a man who had worked all of his life to buy a house for his family. The great American war-cry of ‘Spread the Wealth’ had fooled him. He had succumbed to the massive advertising campaign that led him and MILLIONS of other normal hard working Americans into re-mortgaging their homes.


We all know about the ‘Sub Prime’ rip off now and how it affected world economics. But at the time, how many people knew how thieving lawyers had drawn up contracts designed to progressively jack up repayments to a point that would prove impossible for home-owners to repay? Oooo – that pesky ‘small print’ eh Buck?I know that ‘You’re alright Jack’ but many millions of your American buddies are most definitely NOT. You’ll no doubt say that they should know better eh Buck? They should READ the small print, eh Buck? They should not trust the War-Cry of the American Constitution that says ‘Spread the Wealth’ eh Buck?


Even Obama goes along with the same war-cry doesn’t he Buck? ‘Spread the Wealth’. In fact, all of the thieving presidents before him – right back to Nixon chanted the same empty lie. What they REALLY mean is – spread the wealth between the top 5% of America’s richest thieves.


And please; spare us the endless reminders of the wars you have fought – it really is unseemly.

We all know how America won the world wars – how they sent fascism packing (to a little State in good old Americy)and anyway Captain America will get us out of ANY scrape won’t he Buck?

So while Obama snuggles down into the pockets of Goldman Sachs et al and millions of your compatriots dream of the Little House on the Prairie that they once owned, don’t even think of raising an objection to those who took everything from them.


After all Buck, you’ve done your bit haven’t you? You’ve had enough of fighting and conflict eh? But what about the children Buck? What about your grand-children Buck? What about the planet Buck?

Great Britain – your firm ally and SPECIAL friend – is slowly becoming your newest state. Will you trick us too out of our homes to satisfy (if that’s possible) the abhorrent greed that personifies modern America?


You have convinced us that the entrails, lips and bum-holes of cattle taste great – I shudder to imagine what your next export to us may be. Whatever it is – we the people really wish that you would just KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES.



Well I dind't have to read much of your post to figure out what kind of person you are, I just just got as far as ...a REAL American ,Michael Morre :loopy:

Moore is the most dispicable, fat ugly horrid, unpatriotic person that has the nerve to call himself a True American.

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Interestingly, a REAL American was on TV recently (the great Mr Michael Moore). And he did a great job of exposing some of the more despicable acts of exploitation and corporate greed that the world has EVER seen.


it would be very interesting if Mt Moore did a film on the UK, I'm sure he'd find enough material.

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it would be very interesting if Mt Moore did a film on the UK, I'm sure he'd find enough material.



At last - someone I can agree with!


Mr Moore most likely would find PLENTY of disgusting practises to condemn here; since our country is now largely owned by American interests.

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Well I dind't have to read much of your post to figure out what kind of person you are, I just just got as far as ...a REAL American ,Michael Morre :loopy:

Moore is the most dispicable, fat ugly horrid, unpatriotic person that has the nerve to call himself a True American.


I'm sure that your credentials as a 'true American' are beyond reproach Poppins. Here's what another REAL American, Bob Dylan thinks about 'your kind' of American - ''Once upon a time you dressed so fine threw the bums a dime - didn't you''? Now you don't talk so loud, now you don't seem so proud - about havin' to be scroungin' your next meal ...'' Beware Poppins lest Uncle Sam turns his greedy eyes towards your own hovel.


You never fail to remark on the PHYSICAL appearance of those who you dislike Poppins - ever heard of psychological projection? Where you project your own faults of character and/or appearance onto others - you're not despicable fat ugly and horrid by any chance are you Poppins?

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Well I dind't have to read much of your post to figure out what kind of person you are, I just just got as far as ...a REAL American ,Michael Morre :loopy:

Moore is the most dispicable, fat ugly horrid, unpatriotic person that has the nerve to call himself a True American.

SUPERTYKE is just another 'Rebel Without A Clue' a typical underachiever.

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I'm sure that your credentials as a 'true American' are beyond reproach Poppins. Here's what another REAL American, Bob Dylan thinks about 'your kind' of American - ''Once upon a time you dressed so fine threw the bums a dime - didn't you''? Now you don't talk so loud, now you don't seem so proud - about havin' to be scroungin' your next meal ...'' Beware Poppins lest Uncle Sam turns his greedy eyes towards your own hovel.


You never fail to remark on the PHYSICAL appearance of those who you dislike Poppins - ever heard of psychological projection? Where you project your own faults of character and/or appearance onto others - you're not despicable fat ugly and horrid by any chance are you Poppins?


Speaking as an outsider, what do you think of the human race that you despise so much? (Well the western part anyway.)

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