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Woodseats the nightmare continues

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Perhaps you think you can do better?


I'd be hard pressed to do any worse!!!!


The money that planners waste on schemes and projects is unbelievable. Their schemes nearly always cause congestion, queues and pollution and rarely make it much better for pedestrians.


I can only only guess what a fiasco they will make round the new Tesco near the Wicker. They have already demonstrated their madness by closing Carlisle Street to through traffic. I'm betting on at least a dozen sets of lights.

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I'd be hard pressed to do any worse!!!!


The money that planners waste on schemes and projects is unbelievable. Their schemes nearly always cause congestion, queues and pollution and rarely make it much better for pedestrians.


I can only only guess what a fiasco they will make round the new Tesco near the Wicker. They have already demonstrated their madness by closing Carlisle Street to through traffic. I'm betting on at least a dozen sets of lights.


So the queues and congestion have nothing whatsoever to do with the number of vehicles then?


And more crossings in convenient locations don't make things better for pedestrians?

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So the queues and congestion have nothing whatsoever to do with the number of vehicles then?And more crossings in convenient locations don't make things better for pedestrians?


Try bad planning, and probably warm palms.

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I went to Chesterfield today to drop off at the rail station. Can I have a rant about their stupid ill signposted one way entire town centre, that I had to wait 10 minutes in a jam near some traffic lights and the fact they were allowing some religion crazed Methodists to hold a parade? :rant:


AND it was raining!!


Then when I was coming down Meadowhead I had to wait all of three minutes because although the lights were at green there were so many idiot drivers also wanting to drive down there, they held me up, and then I had to let some people cross the road by the new Asda ... it's outrageous. Shouldn't be allowed. :rant:


And it was still RAINING!


Can't something be done to stop people walking about and crossing the road when they have perfectly good cars to drive around in ... holding busy people like us up when we have more important stuff to do? :rant:



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Try bad planning, and probably warm palms.


Same old same old. Drivers never recognise that it themselves who are causing the problem. Do you go to other cities? Have you noticed that they have congestion at peak hours too? Worked out what the common factor is yet?


I suggest if you have any proof of corruption or wrongdoing, you report it to the proper authorities. Exactly whose palm do you think has been warmed to do what and where's your evidence?

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Planner1, why do you even bother trying to reason with posters on here? You should have realised by now that they don't really want any explanations of the reality, or even mean most of what they post, they just want to rant about it, and no-one in their real lives cares enough to listen to them.


SF is the ideal place to come and moan and find likeminded people to agree with you. You can tell them 'til you're blue in the face, that everywhere you go in the world has traffic congestion, and that Woodseats has been the same for the last 20 odd years, they don't want to listen!


Give yourself a rest and let it all wash over you. It's not even your beef, after all. I personally feel that whatever anyone does in Woodseats, unless you demolish most buildings on one side of the road all the way to town, and build a six lane highway, there's always going to be a tailback somewhere.


Maybe some of these posters feel it would be a price worth paying?

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Planner1, why do you even bother trying to reason with posters on here? You should have realised by now that they don't really want any explanations of the reality, or even mean most of what they post, they just want to rant about it, and no-one in their real lives cares enough to listen to them.


SF is the ideal place to come and moan and find likeminded people to agree with you. You can tell them 'til you're blue in the face, that everywhere you go in the world has traffic congestion, and that Woodseats has been the same for the last 20 odd years, they don't want to listen!


Give yourself a rest and let it all wash over you. It's not even your beef, after all. I personally feel that whatever anyone does in Woodseats, unless you demolish most buildings on one side of the road all the way to town, and build a six lane highway, there's always going to be a tailback somewhere.


Maybe some of these posters feel it would be a price worth paying?


Because I'm a firm believer in having the debate.


When the Council isn't prepared or able to have the debate, people often get the mistaken impression that there is something to hide. That's why I always make time to discuss transport issues with people, because irrespective of whether I feel their views are right or wrong, as employees of local authorities, they are our customers and so they deserve to be heard.


Throughout the many public consultations and discussions I've taken part in, I've always found that people appreciate you taking the time to listen to them and discuss issues with them. Unfortunately, as you say, many people feel disenfranchised because they think no-one cares enough to listen.

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.. Unfortunately, as you say, many people feel disenfranchised because they think no-one cares enough to listen.
I didn't say that at all! Or if I did, it wasn't what I mean. :)


There was massive consultation about the Woodseats traffic scheme, endless meetings, plans were displayed in various public places from Tesco to the local library, the plans were redrawn several times and alterations made, iirc. A leaflet was put out asking for opinions and there was considerable take up of that.


Sadly, like most schemes, the people who have the most to say never appear until the deed is done and then usually only have criticism to offer. It's a pity that so many of these people weren't around to offer their ideas BEFORE it appeared on the ground and not after.


I have to disclaim knowledge of the Meadowhead section as that was done at a later date and I didn't have any input into that. But I don't really think that even that's as bad as people try to make out it is, especially since the alteration to make the left turn into Abbey Lane. I think there's a certain element of bandwaggon jumping by certain people who always moan, whatever it is.

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So the queues and congestion have nothing whatsoever to do with the number of vehicles then?


As I sit in a traffic jam every night from attercliffe along Savile Street as I can't take the more direct route along Carlisle Street as its been closed, I contemplate using the empty bus lane. This queue could be made to disappear with only a modicum of common sense by planners. So to answer your question, maybe the number of vehicles does cause queues. Planners just make it far worse.


In fact, everything planners do seems to cause more queues and hold ups. Is this done on purpose, or are Sheffield planners as poor at their job as they seem to be???

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