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Question To the men.What is the most important quality in a woman?

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I like my women the same way as I like my coffee... With huge boobs.
Am I drunk, or does that comment make even less sense than usual?


Some of these comments start as though the poster is almost human (like what us females are), and then they seem compelled to add an idiotic punchline and ruin the illusion, it's so sad :(

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But in your example the "relationship" is one of friendship. As I pointed out back in post 21 different relationships are based on different qualities.


What are you asking? Are you asking what is the most important quality in a woman friend, woman boss, woman lover, woman wife?


Why does there have to be a difference. A woman doesn't change her personality because she is a woman friend, woman boss, lover or wife does she?

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Yes of course, but like it or not, the physical thing will spark the initial interest.


So do you think then that women who are not (say) physically attractive will be unattractive to a man.

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Why does there have to be a difference. A woman doesn't change her personality because she is a woman friend, woman boss, lover or wife does she?


No, but what someone looks for in a friend might differ to what you they might look for in a potential partner.

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copied this from article at http://www.henrymakow.com/001189.html



Beautiful women are a dime a dozen but feminine women are rare. The world suffers the loss of feminine spiritual qualities: trust, modesty, grace, innocence, serenity, tenderness, patience and love. This is behind the male obsession with pornographic sex. Men unconsciously seek femininity and love to balance them. The restless masculine spirit seeks a calm harbor

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No, but what someone looks for in a friend might differ to what you they might look for in a potential partner.


Interesting.But I think that possibly the best relationships are ones that were formed from friendships to start off with.

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copied this from article at http://www.henrymakow.com/001189.html

Beautiful women are a dime a dozen but feminine women are rare. The world suffers the loss of feminine spiritual qualities: trust, modesty, grace, innocence, serenity, tenderness, patience and love. This is behind the male obsession with pornographic sex. Men unconsciously seek femininity and love to balance them. The restless masculine spirit seeks a calm harbor

Hasd anyone any idea at all what the above collection of unconnected words actually means?


Is it an apologia for some men needing to see porn?

Seeking to excuse men for apparently having none of the good qualities listed?

Is he saying that in the immortal words of ronthenaked, a man can overlook a women being a 'minger' if she has these qualities?

Or that by being obsessed with pornographic sex a man in unconsciously paying an homage to the feminine, weak, innocent girl-woman that he really desires?


meh, what a load of codswallop. It's the time honoured male method of fobbing women off with less than their due, taking all and trying to avoid to give anything in return, by praising them for being weak and susceptible to flattery. The 'restless masculine spirit' indeed :rolleyes::hihi:

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