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Question To the men.What is the most important quality in a woman?

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Which are all admirable qualities. Are they any different though to the qualities you'd look for in any human being? Why restrict it to men?


You are correct.

I would look for all those qualities in any person whatever their role or relationship was to me.

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However, my comment was an ironic take on the shallow nature of men... You just didn't get it as you are the female nemesis of the kind of bloke I was making fun of and as such just as narrow-minded. :D
You don't do irony very well then? I'm so glad I'm not paying you to take the creases out of my life. But I rather like the idea of being a nemesis ... never been called one of those before. *wonders if Snook actually meant that*
You need to meet my fine, eccentric mother and my equally fine, indomitable girlfriend to see just why I don't have a mother fixation. However if you spent any amount of time with me and her father you might just see why I may just be a bit of a Daddy substitute!
After all these years, dd, ya still don't get meh, do ya? :hihi:
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It was a general question.I didn't set out to define whether it was about a woman who was a boss, a woman who was a girlfriend, a woman who was a lover.

I was attempting to get some answers from some men about what qualities they look for in a woman.

Of course each man who replies will interpret that question in a different way.

If you asked me what qualities do I look for in a man, I would say



A good listener

Have good self esteem

Be determined


Hardworking or have a keen interest in something.

Those are the qualities I look for in men. Simple

Really? How about your boss? So long as your boss has good self esteem and is interested in something its irrelevant if he is a good boss? That makes no sense. You're not talking about a member of the opposite sex here you're just asking for the decent qualities that defines another generic person. Their gender or role has little to do with it.
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Really? How about your boss? So long as your boss has good self esteem and is interested in something its irrelevant if he is a good boss? That makes no sense. You're not talking about a member of the opposite sex here you're just asking for the decent qualities that defines another generic person. Their gender or role has little to do with it.


I am my own boss. I run my own business.

Why does a man assume that a woman has to have a boss.


Cant see why it makes no sense.

I started off asking the question to men.. what is the most important quality in a woman.I replied to Taxmans post when he asked why was I just talking about men and I agreed that I would look for those qualities in all people, but that is just my opinion about people generally.

The question I originally posed was to the men as am interested in the differences and also wonder if the reason a man would be attracted to a woman is about what he sees( the physical aspect) or whether her personality and her qualities of character are more important..

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