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Realistically, Will Scotland get its independence?

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The welsh and Scottish need to be cut free completely as they keep banging on about wanting it.


no one is banging on about it, apart from a relatively small number representing a very minority view, who think it should happen.

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When I moved to Quebec, Canada in 1965 there was a strong sentiment among the French speaking Canadians for separating from the rest of Canada. Later on after I moved to the US the Quebeccers elected a provincial government headed by an avowed separitist, Rene Leveque and an election was held on the issue of separation which was narrowly defeated by the pro-Canadian voters.

Since then there are Quebeccers who still bang on about separating but it will never happen because when it comes down to "yes" or "no" they realize the hard reality of what independence will cost them in the long term


I suspect the Scots Nats for all their talk are very much the same

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The welsh and Scottish need to be cut free completely as they keep banging on about wanting it. I am sure they will be in a worse state than England in no time, and that is saying something.


I think the scots want independace but the welsh want to be looked after.

The welsh cannot get enough Plaid Watsit MP's to get full control after all the people in south wales don't understand the north welsh. Only 22% of the welsh speach gobbledy gook, the rest speak english.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ironically, Its the Conservative party, or the Conservative and unionist party to give it its full name, that is to blame for Scotland being on the verge of getting its independence.


Many Scots have felt dumped on by Westminster through the ages, and at the end of the day its the Tory party thats been in government more than any other, so most of the blame has to lie with them.

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I really hope Scotland does gain independence, Britain would be far better off financially, however I believe the Scottish will cling to the union for dear life. GREAT VIEW THERE!!!!!


At present the Scottish MP's can vote on issues which affect England, Wales & Northern Ireland, yet only Scottish MP's can vote on Scottish Issues, which means they can drain as much money out of everyone else in the UK.


They not only get free university places, but elderly care is free, if a person requires to be placed in a nursing or residential home they get it funded free of charge, none of this selling your house as we do in England, biggest joke of all we pay for it, second biggest joke Scottish MP's voted for the change in the UK, but opposed the same bill for Scotland:rant:


your views are a tad unfair. sorry but the elderly throughout britain should be looked after. they give everything to this country, pay taxes all there lives. should be country wide not just scotland wide. AND YOU PAY for it , that old chestnut. Everyone who is a tax payer pays for it regardless of being scottish, english, welsh etc so you PAYing for it. hmmmmm almost the same as saying to the cops we pay your wages!!!! when we actually dont!!! whole lot of BS


Aye, why not. Its got a border seperating it from England. If its people wish it to be independant why try to deny them their wishes.






Allot of us Jocks dont think it is needed to be seperated. Allot of the communities regardless of there needs etc we all pay regardless of what country we reside. I pay my taxes i live in south yorkshire so who do i pay?


Does this mean that sometime in the future I will have to show my passport to some haggis eating Scotch border guard reeking of 90 proof Glenfidditch


Maybe you specifically. Might not even grant you entry. maybe to busy trying to catch wee haggies in the field for supper with there drams


I hope it happens


England will be better off


The EU will buy Scotland as its bought Ireland.


think the whole earth would be better off with england wiped out. What has england ever done for the rest of the world. into every fight, devoting our countries resources to wars , spending our money that we all earn. making people who have worked all there days to be told the retirment age has moved. reductions on pensions. job loses . all this thanks to a corrupt english Government.


The welsh and Scottish need to be cut free completely as they keep banging on about wanting it. I am sure they will be in a worse state than England in no time, and that is saying something.
Not all.
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Does this mean that sometime in the future I will have to show my passport to some haggis eating Scotch border guard reeking of 90 proof Glenfidditch



Nowt wrong with haggis neeps and tatties, but not keen on glenfiddich, prefer laphroaig triple wood myself.





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your views are a tad unfair. sorry but the elderly throughout britain should be looked after. they give everything to this country, pay taxes all there lives. should be country wide not just scotland wide. AND YOU PAY for it , that old chestnut. Everyone who is a tax payer pays for it regardless of being scottish, english, welsh etc so you PAYing for it. hmmmmm almost the same as saying to the cops we pay your wages!!!! when we actually dont!!! whole lot of BS.



First of all please don't edit my original post; if you wish to comment on specific aspects, then may I suggest you highlight in bold then comment separately, forum rules I believe. :rant::rant:


Regarding your responses; you appear to contradict yourself somewhat, you’re saying my post is a ‘Tad Unfair’ but then agree that regarding elderly care it should be the same across the Country; I think if you read my post that’s exactly my point. And your point regarding paying; what is fair about Scottish MP’s voting to keep elderly care & university fees, free in Scotland, yet the cost of this comes out of the same financial coffers that the entire UK tax payers pay into, but in England the same services are means tested & the cost is burdened on the individual or families, yet the same MPS who opposed the changes in Scotland, voted to support the changes in the UK, now that’s not fair.



think the whole earth would be better off with england wiped out. What has england ever done for the rest of the world. into every fight, devoting our countries resources to wars , spending our money that we all earn. making people who have worked all there days to be told the retirment age has moved. reductions on pensions. job loses . all this thanks to a corrupt english Government.

Not all.


Personally I think you should keep of the whisky before you post; you start your post with contradictions, incoherency & then finish with a bitter rant about England, your comments about England being wiped out, what England has ever done, spending our money, corrupt English Govt... As I’ve said there’s plenty of Scottish MP’s in this corrupt govt, who have all contributed to whatever messes you imply; one senior Scottish MP you can blame specifically is your own Gordon Brown.:loopy:

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First of all please don't edit my original post; if you wish to comment on specific aspects, then may I suggest you highlight in bold then comment separately, forum rules I believe. :rant::rant:


Well report me then? You are ever so good with your words then report me to the powers that be.


Regarding your responses; you appear to contradict yourself somewhat, you’re saying my post is a ‘Tad Unfair’ but then agree that regarding elderly care it should be the same across the Country; I think if you read my post that’s exactly my point. And your point regarding paying; what is fair about Scottish MP’s voting to keep elderly care & university fees, free in Scotland, yet the cost of this comes out of the same financial coffers that the entire UK tax payers pay into, but in England the same services are means tested & the cost is burdened on the individual or families, yet the same MPS who opposed the changes in Scotland, voted to support the changes in the UK, now that’s not fair.



If i contradict myself he hoo!!! My view is elderly shouldn’t have to pay for any treatment whether that be homes through to prescriptions. They have paid their dues throughout their lives. As for students that’s a whole different ball game. I and about a thousand other Scots i know would happily say they need to pay for their own education. They want to learn then they need to pay. I paid for my education so they should pay their own after all quite allot of the budget seems to disappear on education. So you have my agreement up to a point.




Personally I think you should keep of the whisky before you post; you start your post with contradictions, incoherency & then finish with a bitter rant about England, your comments about England being wiped out, what England has ever done, spending our money, corrupt English Govt... As I’ve said there’s plenty of Scottish MP’s in this corrupt govt, who have all contributed to whatever messes you imply; one senior Scottish MP you can blame specifically is your own Gordon Brown.:loopy:


How I make comments is my business. When did you become an admin? Are you in charge here? Do you run the country? Then I believe freedom of speech. My rant has justification from living in England now and no doubt for the future. This place is the worst for racism/bigotry and people who hide behind words to act the big man/woman.


Scotland should be granted what they want; we have been tied to this country to long. Let Scotland make their own mistakes. Pay for our own NHS and such. I will continue to pay my taxes to whoever they go to. Oh that’s right HMRC which is UK wide so no doubt will never change. As for Gordon brown, unfortunately for him he had it hard after an even more corrupt leader Mr. Blair , The man who took the country to war backing the world’s worst crook BUSH. I don’t like brown but think he might have had a wee tad hard job.


Whatever happens between Scotland getting away from England etc nothing will ever change? Maybe in the press it will. But what if any has changed in the last 50 years. We are still being taxed on every single thing we either buy, work for! Blah blah blah.

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