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Realistically, Will Scotland get its independence?

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How I make comments is my business. When did you become an admin? Are you in charge here? Do you run the country? Then I believe freedom of speech. My rant has justification from living in England now and no doubt for the future. This place is the worst for racism/bigotry and people who hide behind words to act the big man/woman.


Scotland should be granted what they want; we have been tied to this country to long. Let Scotland make their own mistakes. Pay for our own NHS and such. I will continue to pay my taxes to whoever they go to. Oh that’s right HMRC which is UK wide so no doubt will never change. As for Gordon brown, unfortunately for him he had it hard after an even more corrupt leader Mr. Blair , The man who took the country to war backing the world’s worst crook BUSH. I don’t like brown but think he might have had a wee tad hard job.


Whatever happens between Scotland getting away from England etc nothing will ever change? Maybe in the press it will. But what if any has changed in the last 50 years. We are still being taxed on every single thing we either buy, work for! Blah blah blah.



:loopy::loopy:You sound very agitated & upset, your replies are contradicting & incoherent, I've got a vision of a large man with red hair & the flag of Scotland painted on his face, stood on Hillsborough corner, smelling of whisky shouting freedom; if you want a rational discussion then so be it, but by your replies & attitude I don't think that’s possible, so good night.:roll:

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Ironically, Its the Conservative party, or the Conservative and unionist party to give it its full name, that is to blame for Scotland being on the verge of getting its independence.


Many Scots have felt dumped on by Westminster through the ages, and at the end of the day its the Tory party thats been in government more than any other, so most of the blame has to lie with them.


That doesn't make any sense at all. There are far fewer people who want an independant Scotland who live in Scotland where people don't vote Tory, than there are in England where the majority do.

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Even with the great success of the SNP, Will the break up of the union actually happen? After all, the Conservative and Unionist Party are practically non existent north of the border.


I'm not saying that its a good or bad thing if it happens, personally I dont have a strong opinion either way, Im just wondering how realistic it is and if its likely to happen.


Also, what would it mean for England in finacial terms? would England be better or worse off?


Do you live in Scotland and if not shut up. Scotland will never vote for Independence, but the SNP has given Scotland and its people more than Westminster has.


Where in England do they build oil platforms, build wave power machines and support them.

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Scotland may become independent but the sea bed around it for 12 miles out to sea is Crown owned and I doubt that independence as a country would change that. Any oil platforms or wave and wind powered generators within those waters would still pay their dues to the Crown and this country.

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When I moved to Quebec, Canada in 1965 there was a strong sentiment among the French speaking Canadians for separating from the rest of Canada. Later on after I moved to the US the Quebeccers elected a provincial government headed by an avowed separitist, Rene Leveque and an election was held on the issue of separation which was narrowly defeated by the pro-Canadian voters.

Since then there are Quebeccers who still bang on about separating but it will never happen because when it comes down to "yes" or "no" they realize the hard reality of what independence will cost them in the long term


I suspect the Scots Nats for all their talk are very much the same



I totally agree, but I also believe that the SNP cries for independence & campaign for a referendum has been misleading the Scottish voters for a long time, the SNP know they can say anything when it comes to demanding independence because they know it won’t happen. The independence card the SNP continually play is ill thought out; it’s not a matter of changing overnight, there’s a lot of shared costs in which Scotland would suddenly be burdened with, the setting up of border control, customs, military, naval, new currency, embassies/ambassadors’, immigration, the fact that they would not be part of Europe, this in itself leads to problems on foreign workers, travel, trade links, etc etc, the list goes on & on.


I feel we should stop seeing each other as separate parts of the Union, yes respect our slightly separate histories, but in this modern world environment we need to work together as one, in places such as Afghanistan & Iraq it’s not English casualties or Irish, Welsh or Scottish, it’s British, UK soldiers from all over the Union who are watching each other’s backs as well as losing their lives. As already pointed out, whether right or wrong (I believe it to be wrong), the borders around the Scotland coastline were changed many years ago, the oil, gas & wind-generators come under English rule (crown rights),

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