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Casbah - announcement...


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Confusion surrounded the Casbah this week as club revellers and gig goers found the venue to be closed.


Rumours have been rife about the reasons but Soundaloud wouldn’t like to report too much into the reasons behind the closure, as we’re sure the situation is still at a delicate stage. However former promoter Hadyn popped onto the Soundaloud Forums to let everyone know what the situation was.


Any gigs that were booked at the city centre venue are 99% certain to not go ahead although gigs organised by Brainwash promotions currently have a slight chance of finding a new venue according to Hadyn.


So the horizon on one of the city’s venues looks bleak this week. More news as we have it…



from soundaloud.com

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This is from l2sb.




Posted: Nov 2 2005, 09:19 PM Reply | Edit | Quote msg






Ok, a vague explanation of happenings at the Casbah at the moment... basically, myself (Haydn, Promoter) and James (Manager) are out the door. I couldn't tell you whether it's open tonight or tomorrow, and i can't tell you what the future plans for the place are; that's for the owner to decide. Any bands who have gigs coming up in the next couple of weeks, they're 99% going to be off. I'm going to be re-arranging some gigs at other venues, but the fast approaching ones are just too soon to sort venues for them all. Outside promoters who have nights booked, you're best off ringing the venue to see what's going on, or look elsewhere; hope you can appreciate that as i don't work there any more, i can't really sort stuff there. Same applies for DJ's.


A big thanks to all bands i've had down there, and big apologies for the inconvenience this has caused to those with things coming up. I'll do my best to help people get things sorted.

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i was in the casbah when the undertones played there,around 2 years ago. the best night/gig ive ever[no kiddin] been to . was at the leadmill gig not to long ago and although i had a good nite it didnt compare to the nite i and 4 friends had at the CASBAH that gig for me was stuff of legend.dont ever venture into the city center during the week due to work but i always thought the casbah downstairs would have become a proper in your face real venue.shame realy:confused: is there anymore downstairs basement bars,i cant think of any but i could well be wrong:thumbsup:

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Hi, I've just spoken to the venue


Its true, Haydn and James have gone (for whatever reasons) and personally I wish them good luck as they're great guys for the scene


The casbah though is not closing and they are going to try and put all the gigs on still. However for whatever reason they dont have contact details for the bands. If you have a gig at the casbah coming up please ring Julia on 01142756077 as soon as possible to confirm that you are playing - do not take the p*ss and ring up to confirm dates you're not booked on as other bands will turn up/phone up and they will probably not book you again!

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